July 21, 2004

Reviews For the Manchurian Candidate and The Bourne Supremacy. Both Are Looking Good.

bourne.jpgScreen Daily has just run reviews for both The Manchurian Candiate and The Bourne Supremacy and both are very positive. If you've been on the prowl for an intelligent thriller or action flick this summer, it looks like this is going to be a good week ... The Candidate review is here and the Bourne review is here.

Posted by John Campea at July 21, 2004 01:09 PM

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Nice to hear for Denzel. He is in need of a few blockbuster box offices; although, The Village will probably take the #1 spot and watch out for the suprise hit of the summer Harold and Kumar.

I loved The Bourne Identity and was hoping the second one would be as good.

Posted by: Bombadil at July 21, 2004 01:14 PM

Am I the only person who wasn't crazy about The Bourne Identity? It was stylish and Matt Damon did his usual great job, but it also seemed kinda flat and fake. That great little scene with Clive Owen seemed to show what the movie could have been, but really wasn't.

Posted by: Jeff at July 21, 2004 02:03 PM

I enjoyed the 1st Bourne...except for the last 15 minutes.....but that was more to do with the great job they did the 1st 1 hour and half....just thought it let up a little....but I am excited to see this one. I wish I lived a littel closer to all these advance screenings you guys get to see....I would love to be asked my opinion...I have many. But my old lady doesn't want to hear em....so I guess rich movie makers wouldn't either

Posted by: jason at July 22, 2004 12:14 PM

just got back from seein� Bourne. Make sure you sit further back than i did. If Blair witch made u hurl this one might give you the dry heaves.
It's basiacally one really long chase. Yes� the whole flick, it�s divided into several small chases that lead to the mutha of all chase chases.
I did like the fact that it seemed filmed in the actual locations they were in. Moscow is definitely real and India looks a whole lot like India.
The story line has less to it. Bourne is still trying to figure out who he is, and despite all the totally predictable �action movie� subplots, I still enjoyed it. IT had a non-polished feel. This made it seem a tad bit more real and not holywooded out.

I had free tickets, but id say its worth the $

Posted by: stinkyfinga at July 23, 2004 11:42 PM

So, after a solid twelve hours of moving furniture today I went and caught Bourne with KungFuGuy. Great flick. Best spy film I've seen in ages ... this thing is lean, not an ounce of anything unnecessary on it and a LOT of film makers could learn from that. Excellent pacing, tight script, good performances all 'round. I'm sure the filming style on the fight sequences will irk some people but I really liked it, I thought it caught the mood perfectly and they gave you just enough between the visuals and the sound that you always knew exactly what was going on. The sounds cues were perfect and it's really not often that people would notice that. Worth the hype, good film.

Posted by: Bubba at July 25, 2004 01:26 AM

i hate to be ... s-l-o-w, but i didn't get the ending of the remake of the manchurian candidate. it makes me want to see it again, just for the ending, because clearly i missed something. can someone post, or email me so it doesn't spoil it for everyone?

Posted by: sjthomas at August 1, 2004 06:34 PM

i didn't understand the ending of the manchurian candidate either. is marco not brainwashed anymore? why did he shoot the other guy and his mother?

Posted by: cheng at August 20, 2004 01:11 PM

Manchurian candidate 2004... ending... someone please help... Is it just me or is something very wrong? It's a good movie except for the stupid ending that seems to contradict itself and the rest of the movie. Any help for us "s-l-o-w" people would be appreciated.

Posted by: rjameson at September 4, 2004 11:57 PM

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