July 02, 2004

Okay, New Rule ...

Right boys and girls ... I've mentioned this from time to time on individual threads but here it is in great big letters where you can all see it:

Posting multiple times with multiple names to create false conversations and the general impression that a whole lot of people agree with your every opinion is not, I repeat NOT, clever. It is childish and immature. And, considering that we admins can see what IP you're posting from, it fools nobody. Doing this will not win people over to your point of view. What it will do is get your posts deleted and your IP banned from accessing the site. Got it? Now play nice.

Posted by John Campea at July 2, 2004 04:00 PM


Some guy from Dayton Ohio thought he would try and convince us that he had 3.6 million dollars.

-- Then, through really, REALLY bad grammar, he tried to convince us that we were doing something wrong.. I think.... I think he thinks we're threatening people.. or something.. either way, he's using a home cable hook up. So his I.P. was easy to ban.

You know what? Screw it, this is what he wrote...

"well not when you got 3.6 million dollars and nothing but time and computer sales and needs on your hands , so if you'd like to keep your site and not go bankrupt bubba or whoever ' you'd like to be called then id advise you to quit threatening people ,oh yah and by the way iwonder what film directors would say if i gave them a call and let them know you posing and false advertising their films in ways i know your not nor am i capable of doing ,so in short before you get ahead of your self think ,yet again what you say before you say it, have a nice day or night where-ever you are"

See? doesn't make much sense, does it?

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 9, 2004 12:04 AM

...Whoa.. then he went on to post another comment just before I banned him pretending to be bubba -- he had much angst against homosexuals in his remark as well.. Not too sure why - maybe it's because the I.P. of was frustrating him somehow.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at July 9, 2004 12:29 AM

Wow. That's the best post ever. Wonder if that's the same guy that sent me hate mail today. It didn't make much sense, either ...

Learn from this man, people. Basic literacy is, in fact, a requirement if you're going to try and insult somebody on the internet. It's a language based medium, you see, and if you can't write a coherent sentence you're wasting your time.

Posted by: Bubba at July 9, 2004 01:03 AM

I think receiving hate mail is a rite of passage for any good website. I say frame that sucker.

Posted by: day-vuh at July 9, 2004 01:08 AM