July 26, 2004

News From the Box Office: Fahrenheit an Official Blockbuster, Bourne Dominates, Catwoman Tanks Horribly.

bourne.jpgA trio of interesting news bits from the box office this week. First, and somewhat surprisingly, The Bourne Supremacy totally dominated with a weekend take over $53 million. That's almost half the total take of the first film in one weekend, which is mighty impressive for a film that received relatively little in the way of marketing. Catwoman, however received a monstrous marketing push and drew only $17 mil. When you factor in the overwhelmingly bad press Catwoman's received plus the fact that there are three highly anticipated films - The Village, The Manchurian Candidate and Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle - opening next weeked I'd be willing to put down money that Catwoman's take will drop about 70% next week and that it'll be largely out of theaters the week after which means it'll be lucky to make back the money spent on marketing, never mind what they spent actually making the stupid thing. And, finally, Fahrenheit 9/11, already by far the top grossing documentary of all time, has just become the first documentary to ever cross the $100 million mark and thus enter into official blockbuster status.

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2004 03:17 PM

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Good For All Three Of Them

Posted by: jason at July 26, 2004 03:35 PM


This one is well deserved! The movie has a tight script, intersting characters, and incredible locales. Can't wait for The Bourne Ultimatum!

I say weekend of July 30:
Bourne 38.5m
The Village 22.5m
Manchurian 18.5
I, Robot 15m
Spiderman 14m
Thunder 11.2m
White Castle 6.5m
Catwoman 3.8m


Posted by: rondog at July 29, 2004 03:35 AM

You know, Bourne will do well but I really didn't like it. I know the director wanted this shaky camera thing for whatever reason but it got real old for me, real fast. It got hard for me to focus on the action (which was hard enough to see already) b/c I kept thinking "what is he trying to do here? I can't see a thing". I semi-liked the first, and I thought this one had GREAT acting scenes (i.e. Matt and Julia Styles) but overall little story and little development make me a not happy moviegoer. And I feel a little dizzy.

Posted by: Mantiss at July 29, 2004 12:50 PM

Gotta tell you that this flick was a great story and great chararters acted out well. Great cast but... I agree, the shakey handheld camera effect was finaly distrupting. Then the action was too long for the most part. A chase is a chase and they out did Bullet, the French Connection and even Blues Brothers. Just to much action and not enough story and the ending was weak, and short. I can wait for the next episode for a long while and hope they get a new director.

Posted by: wifihead at August 1, 2004 02:33 PM

I saw this over the weekend....and while I didn't hate it.....I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.....of course....nowadays...I very rarly see a flick that I love.....the 1st Bourne was better.

Posted by: jason at August 2, 2004 10:13 AM

I actually saw the Bourne supremacy first and I did like it but once I saw the Bourne identity, I was thrilled! Matt Damon was awesome and especially that the whole movie was filmed all over Europe made it even more realistic. The only thing was that Bourne's fighting moves were too quick and you just didn't know where they were coming from but hey! the guy is a 30 million dollars assassin, right? I just can't wait for the Bourne ultimatum to come out and if not, there's the book.

Posted by: RG at September 2, 2004 06:40 PM

This movie was definetely better than the first one, but I agree with the people above that some of the camera scenes were way too shaky (especially the car chase). Overall though, the movie was very enjoyable, action-packed and Damon depicts the spy character really well. Hope the 3rd one comes out soon! :)

Posted by: Samuel at January 29, 2005 12:33 AM