July 26, 2004

New TV Spots for The Village Online!

village.jpgFour new TV spots for M. Night Shyamalan's The Village have just turned up online. These exist in a couple different formats, but I'm only going to give you the Quicktime ones because that's just the kind of guy I am.

Spot One: large small
Spot Two: large small
Spot Three: large small
Spot Four: large small

Shyamalan seems be turning into something of a "love or hate" director, and personally I love him. His scripts are tight, he draws great performances out of his casts, he trusts his audience is intelligent enough to keep up without having every point rammed down their throats and I firmly believe that his films would've already won numerous cinematography, editing and other technical awards if not for the fact that they're all such unrepentant genre films. I'm looking forward to this one a lot ...

Posted by John Campea at July 26, 2004 04:04 PM


He is my problem....this film has a big "Suck" factor about it.....can't put my finger on it put it's got this suck factor learking in the shadows.....plus I get this feeling that the twist ending will be something "not creatures" but more like a prank or experment on the villagers??

Posted by: jason at July 26, 2004 07:36 PM

Cant wait!...well actually i can becuase i'm not an obsessed freak... maybe i am with the name marla singer... but only smart people would notice that.

Posted by: Marla Singer at July 26, 2004 10:50 PM

Yea...but your only crazy at 1st glance....it's after we know you the 2nd time that we figure out that your not nouts....we are.....love Brad.

Posted by: jason at July 27, 2004 08:45 AM

I just saw "The Village"...HATED it! That movie really sucked! It was not scary at all...which is what the trailer implied. As I exited the theater, people were standing in line for the next showing. They asked if it was scary. I said "God no...it's a love story!". You could see the disappointment on the guys' faces! I hope this movie fails miserably at the box office.

Posted by: Dino at July 31, 2004 12:36 AM

i saw the pre screening down in seattle. when we first came there. they had everyone show there ids we dident know why tell we got in to the theater. they said everyone in the theater just agread by haveing there names one the paper we couldent give away the ending or be sooode. baicly i sawl it AND IT REALY REALY RREEAALLYY FUCKING SUCKED it was the first time i sawl everyone booo at the ending of the movie. just a HEADS up if me and my friend dident get the tickets for free we would of ask for are money BACK. if u see the movie your going to beeee soooo disapointed its unbleaveable. im not going to get into specks because im a lazy teen. BUT HEED MY WARNING THE MOVIE FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Damion at August 1, 2004 12:48 AM

I agree, it sucked. The previews and reviews are so misleading! I wanted to see blood, guts, and gore!!! It was just a joke, just another way to get money. I would've tried to get my money back but there was already a huge line of pissed off movie-goers so I didn't even bother. I'll be sure to warn others not to see it.

Posted by: PissedOffViewer at August 1, 2004 01:03 AM

So are you saying the movie sucked or that the marketing did? Big difference. It's a very well made film ... whether it's what you expected or not is an entirely different issue. And why one earth did you expect gore from a Shyamalan film? He's never gone there and likely never will ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 1, 2004 01:13 AM

I just saw it to and I think you guys summed it up with the phrase "fucking sucked." I thought it was a lot of boring dialog for one. Secondly I felt the movie never really went anywhere. I was really anticipating seeing this movie. Its nothing like his other movies. I really liked signs ....left a lot to your imagination but this movie had none of that. I hope M Night learns a lesson from this.

Posted by: FishPharm at August 1, 2004 01:27 AM

it was SO Terrible

Posted by: Raul at August 1, 2004 02:13 AM

That movie was fucking horrible there was not 1 part of the previews that was in the movie! it was a completley different story u would think the creature things would be alive and terrorizing the city but now there wasnt even any of the creatutres it was a rip off the previews were made just to get u to go.,the real movie is about some fucking blind girl walking thru the woods to get medicin DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

Posted by: the village at August 1, 2004 03:26 PM

I agree that the movie sucked, but I can't find any post that agrees to the same reason I hate it. I felt lied to because of the tombstone at the beginning. You know it has significance, from the way it is shot, but I don't see the point of the date being 1890-1897 for the village. The time period did not need to be manipulated for anyone in the village...it could be 2004 and it would make no difference to them. Only to the viewers...just to apply a "twist."

Posted by: Austin Wood at August 1, 2004 06:36 PM

I have a dimple on my ass that is more scary then this movie!!
FUCKING MOVIE SUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Eric at August 1, 2004 09:59 PM

well, i have to say it wasnt "the scariest movie this year" but it was an inspiring story and it would be alot better to read than to watch, the tomb stone was confusing in the begining but i got it after a while. i think also the whole village was alittle like a cult or something, maybe that was suppose to be the scary issue??
i would give it a 2 out of 5

Posted by: angelina at August 1, 2004 10:06 PM

OMG this movie sucked.!!!!! It was so predictable. For christ Sake the wedding was held ina steal+glass green house! I don't think settlers had the matterial to and technology to make that! the monster in the woods is a sonic the hedgehog halloween costume. And the chicks didn't even show their tits!!!!

B movie gets a 1 out of 10

Posted by: Movie King at August 1, 2004 11:22 PM

I love the part when the guy walked into the room and began shooting his load all of the midgets. They loved it too, and I don't think they were acting.


Posted by: Mike at August 2, 2004 02:01 PM

Yeah I aslo agree this movie was horrible. Basically because the previews were so misleading. Fucking gay movie.

Posted by: [email protected] at August 2, 2004 02:13 PM


If this isn't the worst movie of the year, then I hope Hollywood falls off into the ocean. i didn't really watch the previews, I think I saw one trailer. I did expect it to at least make me jump, and that didn't even happen. People were like, dude it was a surprise. You're an idiot, you could have surprised me by splicing the movie with hotshots at some point in the middle, and at least I would have been laughing for legitimate reasons. The only scary thing is some kid a few rows down was choking on popcorn or junior mints, and no one was doing anything about it. The twist, well I won't even write more about it. Do not see this movie. IT SUCKED

Posted by: josh at August 2, 2004 09:49 PM

Really, really dispointed. All I got out of it was there wer no monsters in the woods and "The Village" was in another time period. The best suspense in the entire movie was when Miss Walker tricks the "Monster" (who,by the way, happens to be the village "Idiot" into falling to his death. And that wasn't too suspensfull either. Just a love story between sexy, mysterious guy and a blind girl. Shame, shame on you M. Night Shyamala. Tsk, tsk tsk !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Annette at August 3, 2004 11:56 PM

i was very disappointed in this movie, money wasted, i expected it to be scary it wasnt. M. Night Shyamala played his worst card by deceiving the public into thinking this was the years scariest movie; it was just a bunch of people running away from crime wanting to be off to themselves. This movie was a total bust and i hope that people will not pay to see it.

Posted by: beverly at August 6, 2004 09:29 PM

If you're angry about the marketing being misleading, be angry at the studio not the director. Once the director turns their cut of the film in it's pretty much out of their hands as the marketing direction is handled entirely by the studios. If you poke around a bit there's no shortage of stories of directors being angry about the way studios presented and marketed their films.

Posted by: Bubba at August 7, 2004 06:47 AM

Nah man, it didnt sucks. I dont think you guys understand what a good movie is.

Posted by: Brandy at August 28, 2004 08:37 AM


Posted by: DBOYJA at September 3, 2004 10:29 PM


Posted by: DBOYJA at September 3, 2004 10:30 PM

Sorry bro, we just talk about movies here, we don't make them (most of us anyway). If you want to be an actor you should start by doing some plays in school. Good luck.

Posted by: Mantiss at September 4, 2004 01:51 AM

Alright, see...here's the problem with Night. He sucks. He really, REALLY sucks, and I'll be glad to tell you why. Note-ever since he started putting his name in his movies (ie M. Night Shyamalan's Signs, etc.) they really sucked. Sixth Sense? Good movie, same with Unbreakable. Was his name in those? No. He stuck with what he was good at and didn't pull any of the bullshit he pulls now. I recently saw an interview with him, and he says something like "well no I start putting my name in my movies because I really would like ot be like Speilerg and Burton." No, Night, you'll never be like Speilberg. Speilberg is a fucking genious. Let's go over Signs and The Village, since they both have very similar problems. They are both majorly hyped up to be some super scary movie with an evil twisted ending. You never actually see what is that is causing all of the problems (aliens, monsters) in the trailers...that's because they are ridicilously stupid. I knew even before I was told that the monsters in The Village were going to be really stupid looking..and look, even worse, they aren't even monsters. Big fuckin whoop. Look at Signs! The aliens come, they have nothing. Oh my god, they're so scary! They can jump forty frickin feet in the air but they can't kick down a barn door! Be scared! They look very unoriginal, they have no weapons, nothing at all. But Night pumps it up like it's the end of the world or something. At the end, the alien holding his daughter is the stupidest thing ever. The aliens are NO DIFFERENT THAN ROBBERS ROBBING YOUR HOUSE! Oh look, he has a knife! Even as the really big scary music is going on, Night is telling you BE SCARED! BE SCARED! But you can't, because, if you're smart, you see the stupidity. Water hurts them. ....
Please, please please do not give Night your money, he doesn't deserve it. What M. Night Shyamalan fears the rest of the world does not. He's never going to be like Spielberg, so he should stop thinking he's hot shit and putting his name in his movies. They suck. End.

Posted by: Glasyalabolas at September 12, 2004 02:36 AM