July 25, 2004

Idle Speculation and Baseless Rumor

filmfest.jpgHey kids ... here's a scrap of information to stir the program - rumor pot for the Toronto Film fest ... our good friend Nick just went to a volunteer recruitment session for the Festival where the made a very specific request for volunteers who can translate Thai. Now, I went to the very first one of these session at the beginning of the month and, while they did go through their generic translator request as they always do, there were no specific requests for any particular language group. Obvious conclusion: sometime between when I went to the session and when Nick went to the session they've added a Thai film, or at least a Thai directed film, and are planning to have the director in attendance to do a Q&A; session at the screening. Born to Fight, anyone? Garuda and The Bodyguard are both strong possibilites as well, as are the new Pang films since the Pang Brothers have a decently long relationship with the festival, and there was a Thai drama that was very well received at Cannes this year that may be coming over, but Born To Fight just jumped to the top of my list of films that I expect to see at Midnight Madness ...

Posted by John Campea at July 25, 2004 12:38 PM

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hopefully they don't stumble upon this and think were some kind of moles or something. i'm wetting myself to see Born to Fight. That guy on the motorcylce. gasp.

Posted by: nick at July 25, 2004 02:26 PM