July 03, 2004

House of Flying Daggers Website Online!

daggers.jpgThe English website for the House of Flying Daggers has gone online. It still looks to be under construction - no functioning trailer on there yet - but there's plenty to check out including a detailed synopsis, lengthy bios on the entire cast and crew and a healthy stack of high res wallpapers. Check it out here.

Posted by John Campea at July 3, 2004 04:06 PM


Hey man you gotta a better link for that movie...

And do you have any news on the release date for Hero?

PS..The link you provide is a dead end and i have a blazing fast connection so do say its my pc....

I will hunt for another trailer link and give it to you if i find one.....

Posted by: RougeME at July 5, 2004 08:05 PM


found one but it was shitty as hell but i guess that will have to do for now!!! Besides if i see that Zhang Ziyi one more time i might buy a plane ticket to the Orient in with an unquenchable obsession for that woman!!! Goodness she is a babe!!!

Posted by: RougeME at July 5, 2004 08:20 PM

The link I provided there is fine. For the website. Like I said right in the post there is no trailer currently on the site so the lack of one shouldn't really come as a surprise. We do have several other threads running on this film, though, pointing to all of the different trailers available online. Just do a search in the ol' search box above.

Posted by: Bubba at July 6, 2004 11:08 PM

First time i tried the link it did not work at all for me too!!! But i tried it today and it works but you are right about one thing. That website is still under construction and it looks so amatuerish...The pictures are in good details and they gave me one of my bright ideas that will make some one rich one of these days!!!!

They reminded me of the potrait like beauty in HERO and i came to thinking, what if i started a website called www.moviepictures.com that prints life size pictures or potraits right out of any scene in a movie and fedex them to people or make calenders out of them!!! That would be neat especially for a movie like Hero or Last Samurai
(may be City of God for those who can stand that kind of Squalor art)

Posted by: KungNUT at July 7, 2004 02:15 PM

I know this movie is going to be released with english overdubs because I HATE subtitles with a passion.

Posted by: Asad Guervara at July 16, 2004 04:57 PM

It's coming out subtitled. Which is the only way a foreign language film should EVER be viewed.

Posted by: Bubba at July 17, 2004 06:58 AM

On top that, knowing something is going to be presented a certain way simply because you HATE the other way is rather silly.

Over-dubbing = silly and dumb. It's distracting. It removes the original actor's tone, pitch and effort in the film. I want to watch one actor at a time, not have a different actor talk over that actor.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at July 17, 2004 09:29 AM

this is totally stupid and terrfying! it spoils the internet! i can't stand it! takeshi sucks big time!! this house of the flying daggers stabs anyone who watches it.

Posted by: nidpris at August 10, 2004 11:27 PM

cool fx.. but what's a crap story.. wha't all sex ogsm screen ... shame on ..shame on


Posted by: Ninji at November 5, 2004 09:20 AM

Top Notch Film.. Defo the better of the Martial Arts movies thats come out over last decade...
Beautiful cinematography..Fighting style not a complete farse & great story (helps if you the romantic type).. 8/10

In contrast Crouching Tiger.. 4/10.. Hero 5/10

Posted by: Archy at December 28, 2004 09:01 PM