July 05, 2004

Halle Berry as Catwoman. Trailer, Pictures and Info.

This post is a test. Please read THIS POST to find out why there is hardly anything written here.

Here is the Trailer if you really want it.
Photos n stuff are here if you really want those. Weirdo.

Posted by John Campea at July 5, 2004 01:50 AM


The catwomen movie couldn't look more ridiculous. Halley looks like a refugee from the old Batman TV show. I don't know who else is in it and I don't care. As a matter of fact I'm wasting my time writing this post.

Posted by: Alfredo at July 5, 2004 09:18 PM

ok at the risk of seeming ridiculous I saw the Catwoman trailer in front of Spidey 2 and I kind of liked it...
my god, what's wrong with me?!?!

And I'm not into Halle usually. It must be this kitten with a whip thing. It's clouding my judgement

(the trailer above is not what i saw in the theater)

Posted by: jason at July 5, 2004 09:29 PM

I'm tempted to see it, if only for the sadistic pleasure of watching several careers crash and burn right before my very eyes.

Posted by: opus at July 6, 2004 02:56 AM

Is it possible that her Oscar was a fluke or that catwoman was just a pay day? I think it is a little of both......wasn't it just a couple of years back that she had to play her role in the Buff to get a big payday? Guess that little gold statue means we get 4 to 6 more years of bad acting for big pay checks?

Posted by: Jason at July 6, 2004 03:01 PM

I don't think the Oscar was a fluke, 'cause she'd been strong in a good amount of stuff before then but man has she ever made a lot of horrible decisions since ... really, has she made a good film since Monsters Ball? I can't really think of one ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 6, 2004 04:22 PM

As far as I know, this is truth:

Halle Berry won a deserved Oscar for Monster's Ball. She was in an intense sex scene with Bill Thorton in the movie. (Possibly what made the Academy look twice, maybe? Anything "edgy" as they say...) She wasn't "playing her role in the buff".
In Swordfish, I've heard it said repeatedly that she appeared nude in that movie because she never had before and had recently taken on the Monster's Ball role and needed to warm to the idea.

As far as her film choices SINCE her Oscar winning... well.. I have no idea what's goin on there.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at July 6, 2004 04:25 PM

If I poked that movie with a stick, I would then have poo on a stick.

Posted by: David at July 7, 2004 06:19 PM

What the shit? Catwoman has a full leather suit, damn you. Yeah, Halley is great, but that bikini thing just ain't workin'.

Posted by: Joshua at July 8, 2004 04:54 PM

This parody cartoon says it all... Crapwoman!
In the litterbox!!!

Posted by: Tommy at July 9, 2004 11:16 AM

I heard that Halle tried to get out of doing Catwoman when she saw the script but she was contracted for it. Apparently she agreed to do it a couple years back before she knew all the details. When I saw the trailer for it before Spider-Man 2, I stood up and booed. Along with a bunch of other people.

Posted by: Jonstafa at July 13, 2004 03:43 AM

ANSWER:aaahhhhhhhhh......I'm a stupid man.....a hot chick in a leather suit....here is my 8 bucks....thank you----------Question: Alex.....what is "what studio executives think goes on inside of a 18-25 year old male"....YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!!!

Posted by: jason at July 13, 2004 05:50 PM

I don't believe that Halley Barry is an actress at all, she has a hot body and is super sexy and this is y she has a job... which is really really pathetic. swordfish has dumb and her nude scene was forced, gothica was pretty bad, shes good in the X-men movies because she doesn't say very much, and I dunno what else shes been in besides monsters ball (which I haven't seen) it didn't look very enteresting. I don't really know what to say besides its sad that shit movies like this can been made and end up supassing movies that are much better but without the fame.

Posted by: Tynan at July 21, 2004 09:00 PM

Okay ....enough of this HATER CONVENTION...

I wonder what any of you have accomplished in life.. A BIG FAT NOTHING!!!!

..she hot ..shes talanted and, even if she isn't shes paid ....much more than i can say for any of you...

So Build a BRIDGE and GET OVER IT !

Posted by: Holliewould at July 27, 2004 10:06 AM

Okay ....enough of this HATER CONVENTION...

I wonder what any of you have accomplished in life.. A BIG FAT NOTHING!!!!

..shes hot ..shes talanted and, even if she isn't shes PAID ....much more than i can say for any of you...

So Build a BRIDGE and GET OVER IT !

Posted by: Holliewould at July 27, 2004 10:07 AM

....ah..posts like that one makes the earth go 'round..... Noting attractiveness first and appreciating her paycheck the most - My Hero.

The movie still sucks though.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 27, 2004 11:47 AM

Holliewould does have a point though. Having NO talent and being "hot" will make you RICH! Look at what it's done for Britney Spears and J-Lo. But the movie STILL sucks!

Posted by: D_rock at July 29, 2004 06:59 PM

It could have been an ok movie.. If there was a better script, Michelle Pfeiffers costume and Christina Ricci as catwoman.

Now there�s a movie Ild like to see.

Posted by: Jojje at July 30, 2004 07:31 PM

too great for words !!!

Posted by: kelly at December 29, 2004 07:21 PM

you know what, Halle's movies are great!!! All of you guys are just jeolous of her because she is beautiful, and talented. Can any of you act? NO!
SO all of you guys just shut up and get over bein jeolous. You guys are so PATHETIC! You all need lives!!! You guys are such HATERS! BIGTIME!!! You guys are sick!!! Make sure you guys have talent before you say anything because HALLE DOES have talent!!! And Tynan..HER NAME IS HALLE BERRY you idiot!!!

Posted by: pkstara at January 18, 2005 10:06 PM

sorry for callin you an idiot tynan...but all of yall just pissed me off!!!!

Posted by: pkstara at January 18, 2005 10:09 PM

catwoman is one of the best movies i ever saw. i mean what more do you want, Halle Berry could act PERIOD!!! I can't wait to see part two.

Is their even going to be a part two? I wonder!

Posted by: Bitchy girl at January 31, 2005 07:09 PM

i think that movie was cool halle barrys hot but im only 10 so buy for now.

Posted by: donavon mcarthur at February 19, 2005 08:53 AM

You want to know what I think about her... I THINK I HATE HER AND SHE CAN KISS MY ASS

Posted by: Jasen Stevenson at February 23, 2005 01:43 PM

I know somebody named Vorneal Lipsey, and he carries a Catwoman game everywhere he goes, he definitely does not deserve her But I still think she sucks balls!!!!

Posted by: Jasen Stevenson at February 23, 2005 01:50 PM

Maybe she just wanted to do something fun for a change. How many actors get the chance to play a character like catwoman. Just because she's an accademy award winner everyone expects her to do all profound rolls and quit having fun as an actor. And yes, she was contraced into doing it before the final script was ready. But who cares she got to dress up and crack a whip. What girl would'nt love that.

Posted by: Hope at February 26, 2005 11:41 PM

I love the Catwoman movie and I watch it all the time I can't get enough of it I mean the suit is cool and the Copeira Kicking Style realy makes her seem like a cat and the suit is cool I love it except for one bit.. THe part where sharon Stone falls of the building I mean it just looks like a paper doll. Face it is a cool movie

Posted by: Jonathan Ware at April 4, 2005 04:06 AM

Well it isn't the best film but its still good.
That suit she wears is so cool and mmakes her look like shes not nice to fool with.
Her style is good but she could improve
Good work Halle Berry and i dont think your acting was that bad

Posted by: Scott at April 4, 2005 04:07 AM

i Hate it

Posted by: Poop at April 4, 2005 04:09 AM

hi, hi,
i would like to say that i love that movie but van helsing is better.

Posted by: kelsey mcgowan at April 4, 2005 11:09 PM

This is to that Jonathan kid who thinks its such a good movie.
"I love catwoman and i watch it with my geeky friends after playschool ends"
what a geek!
Ps. That movie stinks.

Posted by: David at April 5, 2005 02:10 AM

i kinda liked tha movie it wasnt the best tho

Posted by: meron at August 20, 2005 03:20 AM

my god!!i love catwoman so much!!i WISH i was like her!!!i luv u halle berry!!!!

p/s:why dont u make another catwoman movie called catwoman 2???it will be exititing ☻.luv ya♥!! ♥Lina♥

Posted by: Lina at November 15, 2005 08:30 AM