July 07, 2004

Buffy and Angel TV Movies?

Whedonites may have something more to look forward to.

According to ComingSoon.net, James Marsters, who played Spike on the insanely popular Buffy:The Vampire Slayer was heard saying on "Rove Live" that four telefilms might be in the works. He says Joss Whedon, creator of both series, wants him back.

"I said, 'Joss, stop it. Three lines, fifty lines, lead role, whatever you want man, call me", he says. "I'm there for you, because frankly, you're one of the best writers I've worked with. And he said he wanted to do a Spike movie. TV movie. But it's also contingent upon other characters. He wants to do four TV movies and one of them is Spike."

With the absence of any Joss Whedon series on television anymore these TVMovies will have to do. Of course we still have Serenity, the Movie evolution of the short lived Firefly to look forward to.

There didnt seem to be enough fan support to keep Angel on the air (or there was and as usual the WB likes getting rid of good shows) but maybe the Buffyverse has enough following to get a few movies out of the networks.

On another note, Joss Whedon is now writing for the new X-Title comic Astonishing XMen. And yes, I am collecting it.

Posted by John Campea at July 7, 2004 12:05 PM


This rumors have been floating around for a while ... at one point the word was six Angel TV movies. At the time Whedon was saying he was completely burned out on the Buffy-verse and wasn't going to come back to it at all. That said, he's known for messing with the media about his future plans ... I can see the Angel ones happening as there's definitely room to continue the story but it won't be the same with Wes dead. I wouldn't hold your breath for any sort of continuation of Buffy, though, as Gellar has refused to reprise the character in any way since the show ended.

Posted by: Bubba at July 7, 2004 12:14 PM

It is possible that Whedon is going back on his anti-buffyverse comment.

He is releasing a new graphic novel style or ongoing comic book series called "Tales of the Vampire" which will take place in the Buffy continuum.

It was also rumoured that Gellar also said she wouldnt do Scooby again. She backed out of the Buffy cameo in the last few episodes of Angel over scheduling conflicts. It may still be possible to lure her to a studio for a paycheque.

She has the American remake of the Grudge and Southland Tales on her plate, with nothing announced. She isn't as "in demand" after Buffy ended.

Harrison Ford said he wouldnt do Indiana, and SLy said he woudlnt consider Rocky again. Funny how money has an effect on your stand.

Posted by: Rodney at July 7, 2004 07:41 PM

I am looking forward for an angel telemovie. I'm a big fan of both angel and buffy and would like to see a movie with both but I guess I could settle for angel instead.

Posted by: Carrie Akers at July 30, 2004 04:10 AM

I wouldn't worte Wesley off as far as the TV movies go...remember we're dealing with a show that kills its main characters all the time. Yet they keep coming back...

Posted by: Betti at August 11, 2004 04:55 AM

I wouldn't write Wesley off as far as the TV movies go...remember we're dealing with a show that kills its main characters all the time. Yet they keep coming back...

Posted by: Betti at August 11, 2004 04:56 AM

Well, most of the dead ones stay dead .... the only ones that come back are the vamps and Buffy. Wes has no real supernatural backing to support a return ... I'd love to see him come back, though. He was consistently the best character on Angel ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 11, 2004 10:06 AM

A good idea would be four TV movies. One for Spike, one for Faith, one for Eleeria (I could never spell that name) and one for either Oz, Willow, or Wesley. I'm sure he could work around being dead. And while Gunn is most likely dead, a movie about Gunn would be pretty cool.

Posted by: Jonny at September 4, 2004 03:32 PM

With an inside connection I'll say this and only with. There will be a moive, Its will have everything buffy and angel had including Angel Battling his evilside.

Posted by: John of Port Chester at September 6, 2004 05:26 PM

Wow! Could you have been any more vague?

That tells us nothing. Gellar has still held firm that she refuses to do Buffy again and Boreanaz has said he would only do it if it was a theatrical release.

If and ONLY if there was a movie, yes, it would have the same qualities that made the original series popular. That's a no-brainer.

This isnt much of an "inside scoop" You are just repeating what every fan already knows. Joss wants there to be a film, or two, or seven if he could. We will just have to see who will join him.

Posted by: Rodney at September 6, 2004 05:34 PM


je ne parle pas anglais ,mais j'adore buffy contre les vampires ( c'est comme sa qu'on apelle la série en france!) je n'est absolumen rien compris a se que vous avez écri mais je suis sur que se sont des éloge sur la série qu'es buffy pour nous
ps:a mon avi personne n'a compris ce que j'ai pu écrire j'en suis désolée (i'm sorry for my french :) )

Posted by: sab at October 26, 2004 11:56 AM

Hmmm... a french post. My french is a little iffy, so I am going to get my 7 year old to translate for me.

If anyone else wants to translate, please do.

Great to hear from you Sab.

Posted by: Rodney at October 26, 2004 12:00 PM

Buffy and Angel are the coolest! Loyal fan since Buffy Episode 1. Angel is not dead. I like Cordelia. She's hot. So is Fred. Wesley turned out to be one bad ass mofo. Thanks for all the good times.

P.S. I have all the seasons on DVD.

Posted by: Jips at January 8, 2005 09:51 PM

we at least need a book comic or not to rap it up come on conner could go to collage wit dawn see xander as a watcher have an arguement beween angel and giles have leria tested by willow an kennedy we deserve more then the end thanks for watching WHAT but charmed still on willow would annihilate those simple spell buffons at least give me a sight where i could talk about the good old days with fellow buffy and angelites

Posted by: elijah middleton at July 21, 2005 09:18 PM


Follow the URL above.

In a Serenity interview Joss talks about an Angel made for TV movie..

As follows:

Q. I think Buffyverse fans are waiting with baited breath to find out exactly how that battle in "Angel"'s finale went. Will the TV movie tell us?

A. Uh, if there's -- I believe yes. You will finally find out what happened -- who lived, who died, who lost one arm or two legs, who was supposed to be the Chosen One but went over to the Dark Side. All that stuff.

Posted by: Chris at September 26, 2005 01:14 PM