July 23, 2004

Bruce Greenwood

greenwood.jpgYou know those guys that you see on tons of movies, but you just don't know who they are because they're never the lead guy? Yeah? Well Bruce Greenwood is one of those, and a damn good one too.

I first really noticed him as the evil husband in Double Jeopardy with Ashley Judd. He was just so slick in the role, and personally I thought he made the flick work. Even more impressive was his performance in Kevin Costner's Thirteen Days where he portrayed John F. Kenedy during the Cuban missile crisis. I thought it was a brilliant film (and I know most people disagree with me on that) and Greenwood carried the whole stinking picture on his back. Right now you can catch him as the world richest man in I, Robot.

I'd really like to see him get some solid lead roles, but the reality is it'll never happen. He's probably just a bit too old to pull off the "Leading Man" thing. But who cares. He's got a great career going and apparently more work than you can shake a stick at. Keep goin Bruce.

Posted by John Campea at July 23, 2004 11:51 AM


Believe it or not, Bruce Greenwood recently appeared in a romantic comedy in a leading role! The film is called The Republic of Love, and it played at last year's Toronto International Film Festival.

Shameless plug: Here's a link to my review of the film.


Posted by: David Nusair at July 23, 2004 01:06 PM

Yea....I really feel bad for him......$500,000 to 1,000,000 per movie role,go to the greatest parties,get laid by pluging in my lastest DVD movie featuring him,ect.....life sucks for the guy who is too old.....if it gets too bad, he can work with me for $40,000 per year....wah....wah...wah

Posted by: jason at July 23, 2004 01:48 PM

Holy crap! you got 40 grand? my T4 had four digits on it.... starting with a 5.....

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 23, 2004 02:51 PM