July 07, 2004

Because What the World Needs is an Uplifting Film About Cephalopod Athletics.

ika.jpgOkay. Whilst sitting in one of Toronto's now smoke-free clubs last week enjoying the soothing sounds of Iron and Wine I got on to the topic of Japanese culture with a friend who had lived there for a couple years and offered the opinion that while I love it an awful lot of it is just really, really strange. Which is a healthy part of why I love it, really. But she seemed to take some mild offense to this. Whatever could I mean? How could I say that the Japanese are a strange people? In my defence I present to you this: The Calamari Wrestler. A Japanese film about a wrestling squid. I kid you not. Here's the website and here's the trailer. Thanks again to Hitman over at KFC.

Posted by John Campea at July 7, 2004 04:31 PM


I'll say it a million times, the radiation from those bombs we dropped is still leaking onto their brains.

Posted by: Joshua at July 8, 2004 04:50 PM

Well, I don't know about this film so much but the bombings definitely have had a massive and lasting affect on Japanese culture. Japan is literally a post-apocalyptic culture and it comes through loud and clear in a lot of their stuff ... everything from Godzilla to Akira shows the marks of the bomb ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 8, 2004 06:37 PM