July 18, 2004

A Brief, But Very Sweet, Interview With Robert Rodriguez About Sin City

sincity.gifThe good folks at Aint It Cool have just posted a short, but tantalizing, with Robert Rodriguez about his soon to release adaptation of Frank Miller's Sin City. I have very high hopes for this film and everything I read just keeps pushing them a little higher .. check it out here. Interesting little tidbit in there that I hadn't realized is that production has already wrapped. That man works fast ... it seems like just a few weeks ago that we were posting casting news. The quick wrap raises the intriguing possibility of this turning up at the Toronto Film Festival, which I've got on the brain at the moment. Sure, there'll be post-work to do but there shouldn't be anything too time intensive and with a month and a half to go I don't see why it wouldn't be done on time with the pace Rodriguez maintains. How sweet would that be?

Posted by John Campea at July 18, 2004 05:27 PM


can't wait.. must.. see.. movie.. aaaaahhh!!!

It's hard to imagine marv's story from the first sin city and that yellow bastard and the big fat kill fitting into one film but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Posted by: the_Clar at July 19, 2004 09:10 AM

i can't look forward to this movie. i must be pessimistic so i don't get extremely pissed off when they screw it up. i respect robert rodriguez, and i would love to see him make this a great movie, but until he does i'm just gonna keep telling myself it sucks so i'm not too disappointed if it actually does.

Posted by: tracy at July 19, 2004 10:18 AM

How come Robert Rodriquez is so respected in the indie film community? He made one semi-interesting film (his first) then has spent the next decade making commercial dreck.

Posted by: Brion at July 19, 2004 02:31 PM

i think he's a good filmmaker when left to his own devices, but when the corporations and marketing directors get in on it, just like with any good director, they can turn a really good think horribly sour. he's definitely not my favorite director, but i have enjoyed more than one of his films, which is much more than i can say for most.

Posted by: tracy at July 19, 2004 04:38 PM

I'm not a raving Rodriguez fan, but he's definitely got some serious chops and he's getting enough clout to generally be left alone and do things his way now. I'm excited about this largely because of the fantastic cast and how incredibly involved Frank Miller has been, right down to Miller directing one of the stories himself. Rodriguez bringing Tarantino in to film one of them doesn't hurt either.

Posted by: Bubba at July 19, 2004 08:55 PM