June 09, 2004

Viggo Mortensen to star in Cronenberg's Next Film

historyViolence_cbm.jpgOoooh ... now here's a combination that's got me feeling all tingly ... Viggo Mortensen has just signed on to star in David Cronenberg's adaptation of A History of Violence - a graphic novel from the same series as The Road to Perdition. Mortensen will play a small town man who kills a man in self defence and as a result of the publicity becomes targeted by a gang who believe he is one of their former members gone underground. I've always loved Mortensen in smaller, stranger films so I'm more than a little pleased to see him working with Cronenberg.

And speaking of Mortensen in small, strange films why the hell isn't this available on DVD anywhere yet?

Posted by John Campea at June 9, 2004 01:16 PM


For anyone who's never seen The Reflecting Skin (which is where Bubba's "this" link goes to I can't reccomend it highly enough. Haunting, intelligent and worth many viewings it is probably one of the great works on Coming of Age and would make a great double feature with a more upbeat film like My Dog Skip.

Less upbeat takes on Coming of age like Lady in White or Something Wicked This Way Comes would also make a great double feature.

Posted by: big bald dave at June 10, 2004 12:22 PM

I'm just shocked that The Reflecting Skin isn't on DVD anywhere. And I do mean ANYWHERE. I looked. A lot. In a lot of different countries. Best I could come up with was a boot ported from an old laserdisc edition. Madness. Ridley's other film (The Passion of Darkly Noon) does exist on DVD, but only panned and scanned and only in Japan or Russia. I don't get it ... so much forgettable junk gets good DVD releases but these are getting completely passed over despite being good films with recognizable stars.

If you happen to come across the VHS edition of RS do yourself a favor and check it out ... great writing and performances, beautiful cinematography, an exploding frog, self immolation, and possibly a vampire. This taps quite nicely into the darker side of a child's psyche ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 10, 2004 04:02 PM

The month that Perdition came out, I sold a copy of History of Violence on Half.com to Gunn Films. It was so pathetically obvious that on the receipt, I wrote, "It's the next Road to Perdition!"

I was hoping to see Gunn behind this announcement, but it looks like the prodco is Benderspink. So don't blame me, yo.

Posted by: dlr at June 10, 2004 05:48 PM

a quick note on Darkly Noon. there are 3 DVD versions, one in germany which i THINK is widescreen but i THINK it doesnt have english audio (i dont have this one so im not exactly positive). there is also a French DVD which is out of print, which IS widescreen and has directors audio commentary. a new DVD just came out in March in Japan. i THINK it is widescreen but i dont think there are any other extras.

Posted by: scarredgod at August 29, 2004 06:16 AM

Hi my name is marina
and I love you

Posted by: marina at September 5, 2004 05:06 PM

Hi I saw you were talking about your dog ;-)
I'm a black labrador called Sam, and im chairman of www.sempo-tahoe.com
(a search engine club for animals)

Please come see! We're having soooo much fun and we'd love it if your pets would join too!


Sam ~ Woof Woof!

Posted by: Sempo at September 25, 2004 04:03 PM

Hi I saw you were talking about your dog ;-)
I'm a black labrador called Sam, and im chairman of www.sempo-tahoe.com
(a search engine club for animals)

Please come see! We're having soooo much fun and we'd love it if your pets would join too!


Sam ~ Woof Woof!

Posted by: Sempo at September 25, 2004 04:49 PM