June 12, 2004

Two Big New Projects for Genndy Tartakovsky

genndy.jpgIf you don't already know who Genndy Tartakovsky is you will soon. The creator of Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack, Tartakovsky was the man tapped by Lucasfilm to create those very cool Clone Wars shorts that have been playing on the Cartoon Network. Well, those have played out well enough that Tartakovsky has been brought on to create a new batch of longer Clone Wars toons and it has also just been announced that he will be helming the live action / CGI feature film adaptation of Astroboy. I've never been a huge Astroboy fan but it could turn out to be a winner in the right hands and I think Tartakovsky is probably the right guy to do it ...

Posted by John Campea at June 12, 2004 02:09 PM

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God I loved those Clone Wars shorts. They're were just awesome. I love Dexter's Laboratory and Samurai Jack. And now to have even longer Clone Wars shows? Just wicked. Has anyone picked up word if there will ever be a DVD release of the first 20 shorts?
I know I watched a lot of astroboy when I was younger. It came on after Robotech most times. Why no one has ever attempted a live action Robotech is beyond me though. Well, let's see what happend with the live action Evengelion. Maybe that will spur someone on to green light Robotech.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 13, 2004 12:02 PM

I haven't heard anything specific about a Clone Wars DVD but I'd be willing to bet it happens right around the time Episode 3 releases ... no way Lucasfilm will pass up a marketing opportunity like that ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 13, 2004 12:30 PM

Mr. Tartakovsky seems really suited to make his debut on a live-action AstroBoy film, from the looks of everything else he's worked on.

Has anyone been catching the NEW AstroBoy show on Cartoon Network? Saturdays @ 8:00pm est! It is awesome - great animation, vibrant color, super-detailed effects & shadows!

I agree that Clone Wars will make it to DVD before SWIII - with seasons I, II & III. Can't wait!

And yes, Samurai Jack does indeed rock the block.

Posted by: trysop at June 13, 2004 11:18 PM

Sorry to disagree, but Tartakovsky should not do live action. He is at the top of my animation list for a very good reason, and that's his talent for cartoons, which has nothing to do with live action and which he should continue to nurture. I the doomsayer predicts that whatever the box-office results of Astroboy live-action will be, the movie will be sh*t, like 99% of Hollywood adaptations of comics. Disney really went downhill when he started live-action, let's hope Tartakovksy won't end up just another run-of-the-mill FX-and-nothing-else Hollywood director.

Posted by: Kriton at June 14, 2004 02:08 AM

Kriton - I gotta disagree ... plenty of animators have gone on to be fantastic live action directors. Terry Gilliam and Jean Pierre Jeunet both leap to mind in North America. Mamoru Oshii in Japan. Animation teaches people to be very detail oriented and animation directors pretty much always cook up VERY distinctive looks for their live action stuff and plot it out very well. As far as I know Disney never directed any live action stuff, he just produced it ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 14, 2004 06:49 AM

Bubba, you're right about Disney, but my point was about wasting one's talent, and didn't he do that with the live action movies he produced?

I wouldn't put Gilliam and Jeunet (what has he done in animation? has anybody seen it?) in the same league as Tartakovsky as far as animation is concerned.

I liked Avalon by Oshii, but couldn't deal with the whole Red Spectacles or whatever it's called series of movies.

I was thinking about live action adaptations of animated / comics content. That's what really bothers me. I know, I know, nothing new there either, but whyowhy do Astroboy in live action?

And like I said, when you love Tartakovksy and animation as I do, you feel it's too bad he'd put aside some skills just to do live action. As there's nothing in live action you can't do in animation, why bother when you're a great animator? for the glory? the money? the thrills? just to do something else? I'd be very interested in G.T.'s motivations.

Whatever the result, something will be lost in live action Astroboy. Maybe we could call it the magic of abstraction.

Posted by: Kriton at June 14, 2004 12:30 PM

Jeunet did some animated shorts with Marc Caro early in their careers ... I've never been able to track them down, but it's not for lack of trying.

I'm with you as far as why do Astroboy live action in the first place ... it's got the potential to descend into sickly Bicentennial Man territory as far as I'm concerned, but of you're gonna do it anyway it should be an animator that does it. That way the director will at least understand the importance of what he's mucking about with ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 14, 2004 01:55 PM

SEEN "SAMURIA JACK","DEXTER'S LAB" and more cartoons you've made. And I want some tips on how to create my own cartoon. I'm 9 years old and my name is Atabay.

Posted by: Atabay S. at June 27, 2004 10:33 PM

I think Tartakovsky just try out which things could look good on screen, before he'll do the Samurai Jack live action. Ok, SJ-fans shut up.:)))

Posted by: darnette at July 1, 2004 02:42 PM

Ya hey Tartavosky is the shit in animation, but Live-action eh, I dunno bout all that. He should stick to his roots but it appears as though he's losing them to hollywood and he's turning into their "puppet". I hope he sticks w/ his sweet talent and talent he has plenty.

Posted by: Hanna-BarberaGuy at August 8, 2004 03:52 AM

Oh ya and also, samuauri Jack and Dexter's Lab and the clone wars shorts were just as traditional animaiton should be directed/drawn I think the only thing that shoulda been changed was for the clonewars shorts, since they were only like 3 min. long, was to make them w/ hand drawn' and hand painted cells. YA, HURRAY FOR CELS.

Posted by: Hanna-BarberaGuy at August 8, 2004 03:56 AM


Posted by: KEVIN at August 26, 2004 07:33 AM

I think Donnie Yen would be an excellent choose to play the live version of Samurai Jack. Because He's a a great martial artist (Probably better than Jackie Chan & Jet Li) & he speaks good english (Definitely better than Jackie Chan & Jet Li). He did go to boston for High School. And last he does look a lot like Samurai Jack, (Anyone seen Hero ?)

Posted by: Gravesxz at October 21, 2004 12:37 PM

The problem with most forms of serial entertainment these days is that things get abandoned for greener pastures by the artists & writers. I'm totally disappointed in the way that excuse for an 'ending' for Samurai Jack aired on CN, and i know most other SJ fans are upset as well. That show exceeded all boundaries of typical cartoon entertainment, and it was better than 99% of *anything* on TV, animated or otherwise.
There are action toys for sale, t-shirts, a DVD, cells - mountians of ways to profit from the success of SJ. Yet you - not to mention CN - owe it to the loyal fans of SJ that if you are not interested in signing up for anymore seasons of the show, you should at least provide us with a proper ending to the series. And I'm not talking about a live action movie. I'm talking about an animated ending to an animated show. Apparently it's been cancelled - though you folks are still selling toys for it - so what does anyone have to lose by you giving us a 1-2 hour animated movie to tie things up?
Tartakovsky, you're a brillaint animator. So how about doing something different from other entertainment moguls these days... like finishing the amazing project that you started?

Posted by: Yezra at December 30, 2004 04:44 PM

The Jack needs to be back on TV

Posted by: RainCat at January 10, 2005 03:33 PM

Yeah you need to put jack back on tv and make more episodes too, at least a proper ending

Posted by: terrell at August 12, 2005 10:59 PM

I agree... Samurai Jack needs an ending... It would be amazing...

Posted by: Keith at August 22, 2005 04:03 PM