June 08, 2004

Trying to Locate Movie Trailer Music?

I posted about this a LONG time ago, but they have since moved servers (again), so why not?

I can admit that when a trailer comes out that I love, I'll automatically love whatever music is playing behind it - I'm sure that's a High Fidelity category, but who cares. And usually, typing in "[Movie-Name] Trailer Music", into Google doesn't do very much...

Well, the Soundtrax Trailer Forum is for you. It's a bunch of people just like you, researching away and letting everyone else know the name of whatever song it is you're trying to identify. If you're simply DYING to Downlo...er....uhh.. BUY that song you have stuck in your head, but don't know what it is, Go ask some people. Off you go.

You have ONE WEEK left to get your caption entered in our HELLBOY GIVEAWAY CONTEST

Posted by John Campea at June 8, 2004 01:12 AM


I need the names of the songs on the You Got Served.

Posted by: Jalen at July 15, 2004 10:44 AM

You do? wow, that's neat.

My suggestions would be:

- look 'em up under "soundtrack listings" here:

- Next, stop listening to hip-hop.

- Furthur, I'd recommend not watching films that, according to this, are ranked in the bottom 5 worst movies ever made.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 15, 2004 10:58 AM

Wow, Day-vuh....You're on a roll today....

Just finished reading all of the wonderful, insightful, movie-oriented posts on the DOWNLOAD Spiderman Part Deuce post.

Very nice stuff....Unfortunate to know that there are folks out there interested in wasting their lives by posting anonymously on websites attempting to get a "rise" out of people...

Too bad there's not an idiot filter for internet access....You could put it alongside your proxy settings....He he he he....Something tells me that internet traffic would come to a screeching halt though....We don't want that....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at July 15, 2004 02:41 PM

Hey trailer music lovers,
I found this site a long time ago in my multiple searchs.

it has this amazing archive of almost every trailer music ever done. Enjoy.

Posted by: Ahmed at December 3, 2004 10:38 PM

Help. I am trying to download the music from War of the Worlds. So Far I have Gothic Power, With great Power, Liberty Shield and Final Omen (Main theme of War, mostly used in trailers). I am finding for Subterfuge 2 by Immediate Music, Song from TVSpot 10, Psychopath by Brand X, Rats Nest by Brand X.

Posted by: Swinger at September 29, 2005 06:32 AM

I'm trying to find the song that is played near the end of the Shakespeare in Love trailer. It is light piano music and sounded pretty good. Does anyone know the name of the song and the artist?? I would appreciate the help. Thank you, Sanket

Posted by: Sanket at October 24, 2005 10:48 PM