June 30, 2004

That's a Whole Lotta Lizard

godzillabox.jpgWow. If you've an extra eight hundred dollars or so lying around and a major radioactive lizard fixation the good folks at Toho Studios have got a deal for you: Every Japanese Godzilla film ever made in a handsome collector box. That's a thirty DVD set with space left in the box for collectors to add Godzilla: Final Wars when the time comes. Excessive? Oh yes, but pretty nonetheless. No word on extra features or if this set will be subtitled ...

Posted by John Campea at June 30, 2004 03:53 PM


Damn! Godzilla or 4 car payments... what am I going to do!

Posted by: Cybermike at July 1, 2004 07:17 AM

Hello there! Found some more info on Godzilla: Final Box

Set will include a space in the box for the DVD of the upcoming Godzilla: Final Wars (opens in Japan Dec, 4th...I would've thought Dec. 8th a little more appropriate), plus spiffy special feature stuff (including a replica of the Godzilla suit head!), but the net price on the thing will be just under CDN$1500 (€ 900). Oh well...big monster, big price I guess.

Posted by: Evil Genius at July 2, 2004 02:54 AM