June 16, 2004

Taegukgi / Brotherhood Trailer and Website

I've been getting nothing but flack from this post - Let me make myself very clear before I start banning people who take it upon themselves to insult me: At the time of this post, I knew nothing about this film - I knew it dealt with the Korean War and that's all. I had no idea which Asian studio produced it - THEREFORE, although it had Korean ACTORS, I still didn't know who FUNDED THE PRODUCTION. - Mel Gibson made the Scottish "Braveheart", for example. I realize Japanese and Korean cultures are different (and seem to hate each other so very much). I didn't know who funded it. That's all. Take your politics elsewhere.

I'm sure I'll get schooled for knowing nothing about this film until today (although the name is sure ringing a bell) but this looks like a solid flick - at least on the surface so far. Out of Japan - or is it Korea - maybe I should get my facts straight - comes Taegukgi (english title: Brotherhood) -- Starring and directed by no one I'm recognizing right off the top.

Taegukgi / Brotherhood follows two brothers and their "journey" through the Korean War. And for all intents and purposes, it seems they went all out on this one. In the recreation of the Battle of Doo-Mil-Ryung - in just one scene - they needed 15,000 bullets, 3000 extras and 500 Stunt Experts. They averaged 50 injuries a DAY, and filmed the single scene over 3 weeks. -- That kids, is some serious input. I'm sure I'll have to hand it over to Bubba on this one to fill you in all all the details that have currently left me amiss. The website is nearly exhaustive on information on real-life to film events translation and is heavy in its interactive flash content. Solid epic music too.

Taegukgi / Brotherhood Trailer

Taegukgi / Brotherhood Website

Posted by John Campea at June 16, 2004 04:03 PM


It's Korean. Been getting some comparisons to Saving Private Ryan for obvious reasons. I haven't seen it yet 'cause as far as I know there isn't a subtitled version yet, but it's been getting pretty mixed reviews.

Posted by: Bubba at June 16, 2004 04:20 PM

You can find a review at Koreanfilm.com.

Posted by: Mumba at June 16, 2004 07:55 PM

Just watched the trailer from your link....Wow, that looks awesome...I'd be definitely interested in seeing that one over here.....Unfortunately in Jacksonville, I don't see that happening....Can't think of any theatre that would take "Garfield" or "Chronicles of Riddick" out to make room....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at June 16, 2004 08:00 PM

The film was a HUGE success in Korea -- did over a $100M US box office -- Korea is tiny, so that's a very large number -- and it only cost $12M to make -- it looks like a much more expensive film. I heard that something like 1 in 3 Koreans has seen the film. The director Kang
Je-gyu is being hailed as a Korean Spielberg.

The violence of the film is very VERY intense -- and it is a long movie. I am amazed at what they were able to accomplish with $12 M US...!

Another Korean blockbuster worth seeing is SILMIDO.

Posted by: Ada at June 18, 2004 08:11 PM

It's a top gross film of all time in Korean film history and is directed by Korean blockbuster maker Kang Jae Kyu whose previous film Ginkotree Bed has been distribute in the U.S.

Posted by: mang at June 19, 2004 01:47 AM

Silmido's just been announced on DVD, actually, and as is usual for a big Korean release it's a ridiculously nice set. Nobody packages their stuff better than the Koreans, absolutely nobody. They've got a dead sexy 3 disc edition of Hero coming out at the end of the month, too ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 19, 2004 07:09 AM

Let's just hope things hold together in the Korean film industry. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced recently that they are planning to dismantle the screen quota system. Currently this system legally requires the screening of domestic films in local theaters 40 percent of the time.
The U.S. of course, given their track record of foreign policy, has been pressuring the korean government to remove the quota and demand less of their involvement in the korean film industry. I guess they are just not making enough money. The quota system has been the foundation for homegrown movies, giving korean filmmakers a chance to compete against big-budget, Hollywood crapbusters.
This is a real shame if the quota does indeed dissolve. I am REALLY enjoying this current renaissance of filmmaking in Korea. I hope the local talent doesn't get squeezed out.
Let's hope that with the box office and international success of the current crop of korean movies that the ministry will change their minds. Just this week 45 representatives of filmmaker's, actor's and cultural groups declared their intention to fight the plan by the government to lower the screen quota.
And I also read something about shaved heads and marching.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 19, 2004 05:17 PM

The last two months I've bought Oldboy, Musa, Memories of Murder and I plan buying 4-5 more. Must say my eyes have been opened for the Korean movie industry. Nice to see movies not having the usual Hollywood plots.

Oldboy is a masterpiece and looking very much forward to this one.

Posted by: Flemming Kristensen at June 20, 2004 01:46 PM

This is so fantastic!!! (I watched this film in Singapore(Preview)). Korean movie has grown up rapidly so much, I'm impressed!. I also heard that there're already 12M people watched this movie in Korea.

Posted by: Sam at June 21, 2004 03:47 AM

is it bout the North n South Korean?

Posted by: LaBosh at June 22, 2004 05:17 AM

Pretty much. Taegukgi is the name of the south korean flag for those of you keeping score at home. Two brothers get conscripted into the Korean war and the eldest believes that if he gets the Medal of Honor he can get the discharge of his younger brother. It had a run of 13 weeks in S Korea and just over 11.7 million people saw it.
I've read some pretty mixed reviews as well but I am looking for a subtitled version to hit the shelves soon so I can make my own opinion.
So Kang Je-gyu [director] got some pretty big gonads after Shiri and went all out on Taegukgi. If this movie is any good I hope it won't be another five years until we see another film from him.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 22, 2004 08:32 AM

Screen Daily's review for Taegukgi is online here. Word is that it's getting a US release in September and the Korean DVD will follow soon after that.

Posted by: Bubba at June 24, 2004 09:34 AM

The person who wrote the review for Taegukgi is horrible...I'm full korean, and I was born there. It's a disgrace that u don't eve know if it's from Japan and Korea...that is truly insulting...and the US better stop pressing the korean gov...u guys are horrible

Posted by: Eun Hye at June 25, 2004 09:49 AM

Hey, I knew where it was from and added that information right after Day-vuh posted. Disgraceful? Korean films (and Japanese) get zero press and distribution over here. We're doing pretty well just to know it exists. I know it was a big deal in Korea but it's not even on the radar in North America. And we're Canadian, by the way. Confusing Canadians for Americans is every bit as insulting as confusing Koreans and Japanese. Just as easy to do, too.

Posted by: Bubba at June 25, 2004 10:59 AM

Wondering where your posts went? I direct you here.

Posted by: Bubba at July 6, 2004 08:30 AM

i agree with eun hye!!
the person who wrote this review should
Actually, you know what buddy, I'm editing out almost all of your comment because of your harsh attitude. Go count to ten and come back later.
by the way i'm full korean too

Posted by: -.-;; at July 6, 2004 08:24 PM

No shit you're Korean, I figured it out when you started flying off the handle.

Damn people, I was commenting, at the TIME, that I didn't know where this FILM was PRODUCED!!!! I knew it was about the Korean War, but I had no idea WHO MADE THE FILM!! Geez!!

Mel Gibson is American-born Australian -- but he made Braveheart -- which is Scottish lore.

I didn't know Where the film was from.
Calm Down. Damn.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at July 6, 2004 09:43 PM

If you want to buy any products about Taegukgi, such as calander, T-shirt...welcome to visit this website:
they are welcome oversea order.

Posted by: fung at July 8, 2004 04:46 AM

If you want to buy any products about Taegukgi, such as calander, T-shirt...welcome to visit this website:
they are welcome oversea order.

Posted by: fung at July 8, 2004 04:46 AM

Hi, I am from Taiwan. I saw this movie and I cried, too. It's a great war epci.

Posted by: chien-wei at July 10, 2004 05:29 AM

I am an American studying in Taiwan this Summer, and I saw this movie twice here. Not only is this an incredible movie, but it also sends a message in response to (what many say is) the major generation gap in Korea between the older and younger generations, and how each regards the legacy of the Korean war, as well as the aftermath that is the current situation in Korea today.
The older and younger generations are represented by the older brother and younger brother in the film. Also, even though the movie did not show any of the U.N. American forces that fought as allies with the South Koreans (which is the reason they are still in the country today helping guard the DMZ), ultimately is perhaps a good thing for the sake of clarity on a number of different levels.
I was also pretty impressed with the portrayal of the Chinese entering the war to save the North, and how it ruined all the South's efforts just when their total victory was at hand to end the war and unify the country.
I think with current events in the world now, I hope that people continue taking this movie seriously because it has a deep meaning. Understanding history is important to understand the present. I have also seen that this movie is scheduled to release in the U.S. on September 17 on limited released - I hope in the United States, people will see how special this film is and support it on opening weekend, so it can run longer and get the credit it deserves as an extremely well-made motion picture. Also, hopefully it will open the doors in the U.S. for more Korean movies to follow.

Posted by: Terry at July 14, 2004 11:13 PM

The movie was awesome! I cried so much in the cinema today, as did my companions, it was that sad. The relationship the family members had was amazing... Not something you'd expect from the individualistic us of today. Enjoy the movie, guys!

Posted by: J at July 15, 2004 09:59 AM

E movie is amazing... n i really like e plot too. E love that the two brothers shared in e movie is amazing! After watching e movie i can't help but think that if e chinese didn't enter e korean war, korea won't have been divided into North n South. E war won't drag that long n less people would die in e war. Many families were separated even till now, 54years later. N North Koreans r suffering many hardship under e communists that make me think that if e whole korea is not divided n totally under e democratic rule of S korea, life will be much better for e N Koreans. Anyway e show made me v interested in e culture n history of Korea even though i am Singaporean Chinese...

Posted by: Josh at July 15, 2004 11:43 AM

I am a Singaporean and watched this movie over the weekend with some friends. It was truly a touching film, well produced with an amazing story-line which is very meaningful. The actors are also very serious with this piece of art. My pal sitting next to me sobbed and was still teary after leaving the cinema. She was dismay at the way the war turned out and how it changed the character of the elder brother from an innocent and wholesome man to.... Anyway, for those who has yet to seen this, please do not missed it.

Posted by: eLmo at July 19, 2004 02:10 AM

Wat really touches me the most is the fabulous acting of the male leads Won Bin & Jang Donggun. Despite them being top idols in Korea, even in Southeast Asia, their performance has proven that they have more than looks to reach into the hearts of people. I'm a Singaporean girl, and I'm certainly most proud of my idol Won Bin! He's definitely not just a pretty boy, ok? :)

Posted by: snowy fellow at July 20, 2004 06:54 AM

Great Show, must be one of the best war movies this decade.
Pretty amazed how much i was glued to my seat and forgetting the call of nature.
Its not just the acting, but the little bit of brothers' love, a little bit of history.
5 of 5 movie, definately worth every single cent spent on this show.
A Show Not to Be Missed

Posted by: Se7enskys at July 20, 2004 04:50 PM

Great Show, must be one of the best war movies this decade.
Pretty amazed how much i was glued to my seat and forgetting the call of nature.
Its not just the acting, but the little bit of brothers' love, a little bit of history.
5 of 5 movie, definately worth every single cent spent on this show.
A Show Not to Be Missed

Posted by: Se7enskys at July 20, 2004 04:50 PM

People compare this film to Saving Private Ryan and that it is just an attempt to imitate the mega million film.
Well, one thing i should tell you is that i do agree that the director was influeced by Saving Private Ryan in special effects and the way to visually present TaeGukgi in the screen. However, Saving P. Ryan, although touching did not even come close to move my hart the way Taeguki did. I have watched this film about a month ago. The images of the film would linger in my head for over a week non-stop. Even now while writing this comment, i am feeling the tears bubbling up around my eyes. The irony is that it is the man thing,I would do anything for the honor, loyalty to my blood, in this case, for my brother who is the only hope for the family, the one who can go to college and succeed(this is something very traditionaly korean) that makes us men cry. A macho movie that makes men cry. I have not seen a movie that touched me this much since "Wall Street". I used to be a wall street trader.; )

Posted by: Mark at July 20, 2004 05:52 PM

Hi, I am from Singapore, the show opened over here on 15th july. yeah man. This is really one great movie that I enjoyed. Expected it to be something like Saving Private Ryan before I watch it. But I guess other than some of the style of the filming of the battle scenes. It is really quite different. Both movies were great. I am always a sucker for war movies completed with such fantastic storylines. Especially as a soldier (ns) before, It was easy to relate to how the guys in those trenches must have felt. 2 thumbs up! (although the infinite loop of the trailer showing at the train station is killing my eyes..). I wonder does such brotherly love exists in modern day?

Posted by: colin at July 20, 2004 11:54 PM

Brotherhood is a represntation of Asian's sophtistication in movie making. Though the war scenes are similar to Saving Private Ryan, the storyline is different. The emotions brought on by the actors touched many. ( I caught this movie on a saturday when almost the whole cinema was full and I could hear weeping sounds every now and then. ) An outstanding movie indeed.

Posted by: L'homme Singapourien at July 22, 2004 02:36 AM

eun-hee,this movie isnt from korea and japan , this is from korea and korea exported this movie to japan :P

Posted by: didi at July 24, 2004 02:12 AM

awww sorry my mistake :( i wanted say its just from korea

Posted by: didi at July 24, 2004 02:13 AM

I'm a singaporean here. I myself is a korean craz-fan. Naturally, knowing much more about this Korean war thing through Social Studies lessons. Is truly a terrific show to watch. It really assemble much emotion and very well detail of description about war. The discriminate of this show should not be appeal at all in the first place. It really knowledge us. A terrific show I can only say.

Posted by: someone at July 24, 2004 07:52 AM

I think this show is seriously different from other war movies i've watched. Other movies tend to have a "hero" country which supposedly liberates and saves the world kinda stuff, but this movie brought out the reality of war itself - how it affects man and how man can chage in times of war. Whats outstanding is also the fact that they also showed the ugly side of the "supposed good country" (ie the South Koreans). Many a time, one country will invariably be portayed as an infinite axis of evil for eg the Germans. The war movies evoke such strong emotions that you'd prob be cursing at the Germans or in this case the Commies, but hey sometimes the soldiers on the other side are fighting not by their own choice. Dunno if any of you caught my drift, oh well just a 2 cents worth from my little analysis of this show.
Of course, the "brotherhood" projected in this movie was truly touching. 5 stars for this great show - not to be missed!

Posted by: XpLaNe at July 24, 2004 12:21 PM


Posted by: hee at July 24, 2004 01:04 PM

Great movie. Never been a big fan of Korean movies except movies like Musa and Natural City, but always been a great fan of war movies, and it has been some time since there was any really good one. Hope to get it on DVD soon. Anyone know what will be the diff between the Korean and US one?

Posted by: ipporek at July 25, 2004 11:13 PM

Yea!!!This movie is great and i have watch this movie thrice manybe goin four time....It really similar to saving private ryan but the whole movie war effect is great and i really like it...During i watch the endin part of the show,i look bhidn or front and found out tat alot of people cryin even my gal frenz too cuz too touchin man juz like saving private ryan...5* to the movie...

Posted by: thomas at July 26, 2004 06:05 AM

I'm Singaporean and the humanities department in our school decided to bring the seniors to the movie. We were expected to reflect on it after the show,but what most of us did not expect was that the movie made such a tremendous impact on us, that we did not need reminding twice. Even a week after the show, people were raving about it. It really brought out the harshness of war, in your face, and really, we find that in war, no one stands to gain.
The last bit of the movie, where Jin-seok kneeled in front of his brother (from what i feel, reverted back to his 18 year old self)and told him that he had waited for his return for 50 years, was when the whole theatre lost it. People were sobbing - uncontrollably, i might add - It was that powerful.
Taegukgi is an absolutely amazing film. I'm saving up now to watch it a second time!! =)

Posted by: roswell at July 27, 2004 10:24 AM

I went to see this film when it came out in Japan last month (luckily, I was able to attend the Japan premiere in Tokyo, which the actors and director attended)
The actors were so kind and polite!! I totally cried watching the film too. I don't remember being so touched by watching a war movie..

Although this film is a war movie, it's also about family.. about an older brother and his younger brother.

I'm Japanese, but grew up in the US, my best friend is Korean/American, and I have many Korean/American friends too, so Korea has always been an interesting country/culture to me.

I really didn't know much about Korea itself, but watching this film made me think a lot.

The two main characters played by Jang Dong-gun and Wonbin were great.
I've seen both actors other works on tv dramas/films, but can notice how much they've grown as actors from their works before this film.

If you haven't seen this film, I assure you won't regret watching it!! :-)


Posted by: Luna at July 30, 2004 07:54 AM

I do not like to go to the cinema to watch a film.Howevery, because of Brotherhood,I went to cinema to watch it-- my first time!

Posted by: Eileen at August 1, 2004 12:24 AM

Wasn't Boa (korean & jap top singer) theme song in the movie...

Posted by: Boa at August 1, 2004 02:53 AM

Wasn't Boa (korean & jap top singer) theme song in the movie...

Posted by: Boa at August 1, 2004 02:54 AM

BoA did sing the Japanese version theme song 'We' for this film.
She attended the Japan premiere also.

I heard that the director & main casts will be in Los Angeles end of this week (8/5, 6th?), to attend the premiere that's going to be held in LA :)
Good luck to those who might be able to see them!!

Posted by: Luna at August 1, 2004 11:19 AM

the ending theme song for taeguki is We by BoA! =D i LUV BoA! i'm a huge fan of hers! shes still my No.1!

Posted by: Yunie at August 4, 2004 05:48 AM

You lucky bastards in LA and NY - Taegukgi will be released in those cities on Sept. 10 with English subtitles.

No word on any Canadian dates. Mind you I was so full of rage at LA and NY that I coudln't bear to look for the info and be further disappointed. Bastards!!!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 5, 2004 10:32 PM

taegukgi dusn mean BROTHERHOOD...it means FLAG

Posted by: jiyoon at September 15, 2004 07:38 PM

The BEST movie I have seen in years (and I don't
usually like war movies)!!! Couldn't help thinking about the movie for days...It was
real, it was powerful, and delivered its anti-
war message effectively. And yes, you will cry
not just for the two brothers but for all those
who have and are suffering from the devastations of all wars.

Posted by: cwhi at September 19, 2004 11:07 PM

I've watched d movie twice. I'm not a fan of war-genre movie but this is a very good one. In my hometown(not korea), those 2 actors quite well-known and that contribute to the acceptance of the movie. However, their acting ways are more mature and more meaningful than those series we watched here. d movie really potrayed them in diff view/angle n expose more on how a true actor they are.

Posted by: anna at September 27, 2004 04:01 AM

I've watched d movie twice. I'm not a fan of war-genre movie but this is a very good one. In my hometown(not korea), those 2 actors quite well-known and that contribute to the acceptance of the movie. However, their acting ways are more mature and more meaningful than those series we watched here. d movie really potrayed them in diff view/angle n expose more on how a true actor they are.

Posted by: anna at September 27, 2004 04:56 AM

i'm korean.
i watched this movie who is very left wing.
Communist think that US attacked N.Korea.
And Also US prevent the Unification of Korea.
So he hates this movie.....holy cow.

Posted by: inn at September 29, 2004 12:58 AM

i watch this movie i cry

Posted by: benny at October 2, 2004 12:00 PM

You can get Taegukgi with English subs here:


If you live in the US, it's free shipping, hooray! Shopped around and the price is pretty competitive.

Posted by: HAROOx81 at October 7, 2004 06:46 PM

Hey, was just browsing for Korean movies and stumbled across this site-I've been wanting to catch this film by the way...Seems you've been taking some heat from some incredibly vocal folks. Yeah you should def. get your facts straight if you're going to introduce a movie-but you were very upfront about not knowing too much about it, and that sure beats the hell out of pretending you knew stuff about it. And yeah, there's incredibly limited info on this in the US and Canada. Some Koreans can get overly sensitive about little things like that...but that's not the majority. Sorry for all those folks.

Posted by: Anon at October 20, 2004 05:03 PM

Its kinda funny when one says this movie is Japanese when the name of the movie is the
name of korean flag, though there is no way
foreigners would know. And it actually is

Posted by: ton at November 1, 2004 07:33 PM

This has yet to be the best Korean movie I've seen. If anyone is interested in buying an copy of this movie please email me at the given email address. My copy comes with english subtitle.

Posted by: andrew at November 6, 2004 01:26 PM

This has yet to be the best Korean movie I've seen. If anyone is interested in buying an copy of this movie please email me at the given email address. My copy comes with english subtitle.

Posted by: andrew at November 6, 2004 01:29 PM

It's "flak" not "flack".

Taeguki is just a typical emotional Korean drama thinly disguised as a war film.

It's demise comes from serious lack of two elements that plagues most of Korean movies. Story and Editing.

It's hardly a war genre film.

Posted by: James Chung at November 14, 2004 04:42 AM

The only reason I want this video is because of BoA's song...i was wondering if the song "We" is actually featured in the movie....

Posted by: BoA ROcks! at February 21, 2005 10:05 PM

this is honestly the best war movie I've ever seen I cried so many times and all the people in the theatre were cring like hell as well.
honestly don't miss this movie!
it is so emotional and touching and ultra!

go taegukgi!!!

Posted by: movie maniac at April 25, 2005 03:44 AM