June 27, 2004

Spiderman 2 reviews looking more than promising

spiderman_2_small.jpgAs the countdown begins for the official release of Spiderman 2, early reviews are causing erections on fan boys everywhere. The good folks over at Rotten Tomatoes summarize some of the major reviews being offered and give the film an AVERAGE rating of 100%. Here are some of the highlights:

"Production values exceed those of the earlier film in creating a comic book world with design, costumes, cinematography and CG effects that deliver the 'wow' factor in spades."

"[F]aster, funnier and more entertaining than the original."
-- Richard Roeper, EBERT & ROEPER

"Crackerjack entertainment from start to finish."
-- Todd McCarthy, VARIETY

Posted by John Campea at June 27, 2004 05:12 PM


Actually, the "Average rating" (on the right next to the meter is 8.5 out of ten)

The 100% is Rotten Tomatoes' way of saying "not a single person has given a negative review."

Either, wya. it's a fricking good spot to be in.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 27, 2004 05:30 PM

does raimi do this one as well? I know I could find out by simply watching the trailer but Im lazy. forgive me. :)

Posted by: kev-dogg at June 27, 2004 10:21 PM


Posted by: day-vuhl at June 27, 2004 11:10 PM

I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I've loved all the posters for Spidey 2. Composition, lighting, subject matter all really good.
Anyone agree?

Posted by: jason at June 28, 2004 07:48 PM


EVERYTHING about Spidey 2 is good....He he he he....EVERYTHING....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at June 29, 2004 06:17 AM

it was the worst movie i have seen in a long time though the subway scene was cool...it didn't make up for anything

Posted by: godzillo69 at June 30, 2004 03:40 AM

That was the best movie ive ever seen. And for all the reviews that say theres more fight then story thier way wrong. Not to get me wrong there were good kick ass brawls between Spidey and Ock but it was comic-based movie that leaves everyone excited about #3!

Posted by: Matt at June 30, 2004 11:45 AM

Well Spiderman 2 out does the first in a "amazing" way.Character development, A villian that has more behind him than revenge, Special effects that you dont even notice(the way they are to be used in cinema) and excellent fight scene's. This movie topples all others that have come and will come through the summer months, so if you are on the fence about seeing Spiderman 2 get pushed over and take the fall, cause spidermans web will catch you. THE MUST SEE MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!

Posted by: JR at June 30, 2004 01:55 PM

I thought it was the best abnd the worst movie it was missing stuff, but the fight scenes were pretty cool

Posted by: James at June 30, 2004 04:56 PM

I liked it better than the first. The Homage to Army of darkness when doc gets his four arms was great.
I liked the lead in to spidey 3 Goblin returns at the ending as well.

Posted by: bobbothemonkey at June 30, 2004 07:24 PM

This movie sucked balls. A very bland movie with a plot that doesnt get deep by any stretch. Ock has little motive to do anything except blow up the world for the sake of blowing it up. The fight scenes were the best ive seen for a comic movie since batman returns. Also kirsten Dunst is horridly ugly and trashy looking. Raimi couldve casted way better and she was the main reason that i didnt like the movie. It was way too much love and sexuality and not enough spiderman.All in all i give it a C only because the train scene. I cant wait to see Venom.

Posted by: Basscowboy835 at June 30, 2004 08:48 PM

This was an absolutely horrible movie, don't waste your time. My kids love spiderman and both walked away saying it sucked as I did. The whole theatre was in obvious disappointment.

Posted by: Chris at June 30, 2004 09:46 PM

dude, if you didnt think this was a good movie i dunno whats wrong with you. The plot was excellent with him losing his powers and the remorse felr when he told aunt may he was responsible. there was a motive behind doc ock. it one of the best comic movies in a long time.. its comparable to the first 2 supes movies and first 2 batman movies.
this rocked and the action was nothing short of spectacular.
hope you enjoy the movie feel free to comment

Posted by: Pedro at June 30, 2004 10:37 PM

This movie was phenomenal. All the positive reviews above this one are right on! The special effects were perfect. As a matter of fact, they could teach George Lucas a thing or two. Great action, great drama, great story.

The only thing that distracted me from the movie itself was when I realized Mary Jane Watson was a super hero of her own kind: When she's chained up, her nipples totally stole the entire screen, as they were harder than I've ever seen anyone's. If it would've been 3D, the audience would've been cut to death.

Posted by: Doug at June 30, 2004 10:49 PM

That's the best post we've ever had here. Thank you.

Posted by: Bubba at June 30, 2004 11:15 PM

Ok, I saw Spider-Man 2 tonight. Here's my Movie Blog review of it: http://www.judymoodymovie.com/archives/2004/06/john_reviews_spiderman_2.html

Posted by: John Campea at June 30, 2004 11:49 PM

anyone giving this movie a negative review is a grade A idiot who needs to die

Posted by: grim at July 1, 2004 06:52 AM

One of the best movies of the year and the best comic movie of all time.

Posted by: Dan at July 1, 2004 09:08 AM

I took my children to see this movie and I was just as entertained and excited as they were. This movie is far better than the first one and the first one was pretty good. I give it an A+.

Posted by: beca at July 1, 2004 09:20 AM

I love spiderman, but this movie sucked balls. I agree that doc ock had little motive and no movie can ever quite compare with batman returns. If they want to make it better, cut the drama and stick to the comic!

Posted by: spiderman4ever98 at July 1, 2004 11:33 AM

Okay, so there I was hanging out with the pink elephants and I heard this voice come from the depths and it said something like:
"no movie can ever quite compare with batman returns."

I woke up in a flurry. Sucker freaked me half to death.

Posted by: day-vuh at July 1, 2004 11:55 AM

the movie was good. however, the cliche and somewhat cheesy scenes (like the running in the wedding dress thing) please.. and all the GASP and bad acting screams of the women when something bad happens...

Posted by: stephen at July 1, 2004 12:55 PM

I thought it was a good movies, but like the post before me, there were alot of cheesy parts that made me upset and in the beggining of the movie where he saves the kids from the truck, you can see the wire that makes him fly, i was very disappointed and the movie disapointed me but i definitly think you should go see this movie cuz it does have some awsome fight scenes and it does leave you excited for the third

Posted by: Chelsi at July 1, 2004 01:02 PM

yah man... holy *&%^!!! good movie....!!!! put it in simple words... the movie is so good... far good than what i was expectin' ...



Posted by: superdude at July 1, 2004 02:24 PM

i give this movie a 7 out of 10. for the first hour and a half they want you to feel bad for spiderman. It gets really old, really quick. It takes them way too much time to thicken the plot and then for the last 30 minutes its like they just blow the load right in your face.

Posted by: Taylor at July 1, 2004 02:43 PM

Does anyone know if it stuck to the reality of the comic book? I have never known Spiderman to reveal his face to anyone. I know that Doc Oc was the only villian to know his identity, but what was up with the train scene and all the buddies he made. Like a kid can keep a secret!

Posted by: WATTS at July 1, 2004 04:30 PM

WATTS, to answer your question... As an avid reader of the comic, I'd say it stuck to 50 years of comics about as well as you possibly can in 2 hours.

But Ock was definitely not the only villain to know Spidey's identity. There have been a few. He's also revealed it to a few children along the way who were having difficult lives...

The movie was pure PERFECTION. Sam Raimi deserves my left nut. Anyone who says that there was "too much drama and not enough of the comic book" obviously hasn't ever read the comic book. Raimi has, and it shows.

Thumbs, fingers, and toes way up.

Posted by: Lancelot at July 1, 2004 05:47 PM

After reading through the reviews posted on this site, I'm quite surprised to see so many negative comments. I saw the movie last night at a seven o'clock showing in So-Cal. The audience was a good mix of parents with young kids, teenagers, 20 and 30's and 40 somethings out on dates and even a few grandparents. At the end of the movie, the entire audience actually applauded and cheered....everyone walked out of the cinema with big smiles, clearly excited and thoroughly entertained. There were some overly dramatic moments in the story, but they are not out of sync with moments and moods taken from the comics. It's a classic story of a man who coming to terms with his own identity and asking himself why he has chosen the life he has. The fight sequences are breath-taking (but I agree with Kirsten's Dunst's nipples stealing the final scene.)...and the story is good. Any fan of the actual comics would agree that this is the best adaptation yet to make it's way to the big screen. It far surpasses the first Spiderman....Raimi will have a difficult time making a third movie top this one. Not since "The Empire Strikes Back" has a sequel been far superior in my opinion. If you did not enjoy this movie, your imagination and sense of wonder must have dried up and evaporated.

Posted by: Joshua at July 1, 2004 07:08 PM

I think spiderman was pretty good, but alot of talk. Its a good plot and has good action sequences, but still there is too much talking. Some parts of the movie I was like just shutup because spiderman(peter parker) was gay about telling Mary Jane he loved her. I liked the movie but they shouldve equaled the action with talking.

Posted by: juan at July 1, 2004 10:06 PM

Dude this movie was great. I think the people with the crappy reviews are doin it to just fool around cause they really couldn't back up talk with example.
The comics were followed as closely as possible while at the same time taking in mind those who wanted to see the movie and never followed the comics. It was a movie made for everyone not just fans of the comic. I have a few years of the spiderman comics from old to new and I thought both movies were great.
Part 2 was by far the best given they didn't have to introduce spiderman again. And for those who thought the fight scenes were corny in part one its cause they were tryin to show a difference in powers which had shown a difference in techniques. Ock didn't have powers so they didn't need to contrast the two since it would naturally happen.
I could easily write pages to contradict everything (that i can remember) that was said to trash the movie but I wont. You dorks who didn't like it can forget about spreading the word cause the movies gonna be a hit anyways

Posted by: Ardy at July 2, 2004 01:12 AM

Great movie..as for the people who say stupid things about the movie "sucking" I dont really see how it could've sucked if with every scene people were either jumping, laughing, or cheering in the theatre I was in. Secondly, all movies are going to have their plots and times of no action and for those who dont know...there's some comic relief in the movie as well when it comes to peter losing his powers and trying to live a normal life, mary jane running to peter's house and etc (they're SUPPOSED to be that cheesy for a laugh). All and all the movie was great and alot better than part one..which was only an introduction for that matter.
And in my opinion...the third installment should have alot more fight scenes for those who seem to not like storylines lol since the third one should deal more with revenge...cant wait.

Posted by: Chriiis at July 2, 2004 01:50 AM

For anyone thinking it was too much lovey dovey and not enough spiderman, you've obviously never read the comic books...and anyone who thinks it was too much fight and not deep enough, again you obviously didn't catch the ode's that spiderman calls to shakespeare and the duality of man. And how one person can hold the weight of a million people on his shoulders and have no one to turn to for council. Spiderman is one of the world's most amazingly psychologicly detailed characters. He falls in the class of Hamlet, and so do the villains of the spidy universe. And if anyone ever hates on Raimi, well I guess you just don't understand...he's a friggin genious...amazing movie, story, effects, fighting EVERYTHING!

Posted by: Joshua at July 2, 2004 02:09 AM

Movie gets 5 stars out of 5 stars from me.

Been a fan of Spidey for 40 some years, movie did 'everything' right! I mean 'everything' too.

Who wouldn't love to have Spidy's powers, movie showed how tortured a soul Peter is for having this gift, this wonderful curse, he struggles, he loses, he loves deeply, he fights, because he's truly a good person inside. He suffers, like all of us.

MJ, shes the one that always makes him the strongest, his love for her amplifys his super power! I LOVED that sceen where that giant steel wall is falling going to crush MJ, then Spidy screams in horror and catchs the wall and holds it off her, even while having a moving conversation with her at the same time:

Spidy- : "This thing is a little heavy..."


No it's not Spidy, it ain't heavy, cause your the man! YOUR my hero thats for sure. Grin.

And I wanna be you.

This movie is going to set all kinds of records, not to mention all kinds of standards for action movies for years and years to come!

BIG thumbs up!!!!

Posted by: AdmiralOne at July 2, 2004 11:18 AM

If anyone believes that this is a "horrible" movie you obviously don't have the intelligence and apathy to appreciate such a well put together story line. Sure, they talk alot, but that builds determination and anger to defeat the villian and gives an emotional response from the audience.

I loved the movie and I will definately see it again. My recommendation? - see this movie ASAP.

Posted by: Simon at July 2, 2004 04:03 PM

ms. dunst is sexier and more luscious than before. it makes the movie more enticing and worthwhile.

Posted by: jek at July 2, 2004 05:01 PM

ms. dunst is sexier and more luscious than before. it makes the movie more enticing and worthwhile.

Posted by: jek at July 2, 2004 05:01 PM

the movie was great, the fight scenes were great, a couple of things i dont get, spiderman loosing his powers was kind of stupid we didnt really get any information as to why, even if it is supposed to set up the next movie i still dont get it, too much love, only 3 decent fight scenes, i will agree the action in this series is definitly the strong point and the fights are put together magnificently, hopefully #3 will be more in depth

Posted by: mike at July 2, 2004 07:14 PM

I was very dissapointed with spiderman 2. There was deffinitely ENTIRELY 2 much lovey dovey garbage and cheesey humor. It was almost like they made it to appeal to more people "women", and went away from the true beauty of the comic.
Spiderman did not show his face to anyone that soon in the series, not mary jane, doc oc, any one.
Even though the one fight scene in the subway was entertaining. This movie was much worse then the first one.
Stick to the comic book, no reason to change what doesnt need fixed!!!!
rate 4 out of 10!!!

Posted by: jerald at July 2, 2004 11:31 PM

Spidey 2 has caught Manila by storm. I am a 43 year old mother and was as thrilled as all the kids who were in the same theatre to watch it.
Peter's character teaches us to shun all self interests for teh gretaer good of all.
I just want to say I enjyed it immensely. For me, it deserves a perfect 10!

Posted by: Jonn from Manila at July 3, 2004 06:10 AM

Spidey 2 has caught Manila by storm. I am a 43 year old mother and was as thrilled as all the kids who were in the same theatre to watch it.
Peter's character teaches us to shun all self interests for the greater good of all.
I just want to say I enjoyed it immensely. For me, it deserves a perfect 10!

Posted by: Jonn from Manila at July 3, 2004 06:11 AM

I did not like this movie at all. Ive never talked this much during a movie in my life. I was more entertained by the dialoge between my friend and I, than the one going on in the movie. This was by far the cheesiest comic book made movie....movie I have ever seen(if that makes any sense). However, I am excited for the sequel to this because I love the Hob gobblin. If the producers want to prevent this spiderman series from making a punlge off of the cliff they need to stick more to the book and less to the love antics.

Posted by: Nate at July 3, 2004 05:43 PM

Okay Nate, I'm not gonna pick at opinions.. However I am disturbed by one thing:

"Ive never talked this much during a movie in my life."

Implying that you talk during other movies? Tsk Tsk. I wrote an article for you a while ago.. You can Read it by clicking here.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 3, 2004 06:44 PM

Well for the person who wonders why spidey lost his powers it was pretty obvious to me. Identity crisis, internal conflict regarding who he really was and who he really wanted to be... same reason we have all lost our powers (subtle hint). That became really obvious when Oc took Mary Jane and all hell broke loose.

For those who were board with the dialog and lovey dovey stuff all I can say is spiderman has always been a multi-dimentional character, heart based and "deeper" than many other comic book characters. If you were board with the development and depth of the plot it may be a statement as to how shallow, superficial and addicted to constant adrenallian stimulation you are.

Good job Rhumi. I will see it again and buy it when it comes out. Keep em coming!

Posted by: Mark at July 4, 2004 04:17 AM

I watched the first movie and although I liked it I did not not expect the sequel to be way - much better than the firat movie. I was literally dumstruck that the director could produce something as good as spiderman 2. The only thing I don't get is the fusion-energy thingy and how easily that danger was abated.

Posted by: Nols at July 4, 2004 04:29 AM

I liked it, not the best movie I've seen but it sure was entertaining.

The only thing I didn't understand was, spoiler:
[why he lost his powers and why they came back. was it because he was outraged at MJ being taken away?]

And I could've sworn I never heard Switchfoot's "Meant To Live" played any time in the movie. Unless it was played in the credits.
The train scene was excellent.

Posted by: larc3ny at July 4, 2004 05:49 AM

Yeah ... there was some remarkably bad science in this one. Yeah, yeah, suspension of disbelief and all that, but still ... dropping a small sun into a river wouldn't stop the fusion reaction. The thing would be so hot that it'd never come into contact with any water at all - it would all evaporate well before the thing got to it - and if anything the hydrogen in the water molecules would provide more fuel for the reaction. As far as the loss of powers goes ... that was supposed to be a psycho-somatic reaction to Peter resisting being Spiderman. As long as he was conflicted about himself his body rejected the powers. Things came back once he settled back into wanting them ... interesting idea and I bought it as far as the web shooters malfunctioning but the vision and strength regressing I didn't buy so much ... but that's just the former scholarship student in me talking ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 4, 2004 12:19 PM

i've been waiting 2 see this movie ever since i saw the first... which i thought was great. All i can say is this movie was everything and MORE then what i expected. I wouldn't change anything about this movie, i give it a 10. I don't know if they will be able to match this one in the 3rd though?

Posted by: tino at July 4, 2004 09:10 PM

o and another thing for those people who say their was 2 much talk and stuff. You would have to appreciate the movie from the 1st to enjoy the storylines that take place in the 2nd. Else of course yeah the movies gonna suck.

Posted by: tino at July 4, 2004 09:13 PM

This one goes out to Bubba...ha...ha...ha. How in the bloody hell would you know that about a fusion reaction of that sort? It only exists in the movie...and your petty assumptions.

Posted by: Simon at July 5, 2004 05:32 PM

Anybody who says this movie "sucked" is obviously a low-rent white-trash moron who thinks pro-wrestling is "cool".

Please show just a "little" intelligence when posting a movie review?

Or is that too much for a hub-cab, skoal wielding moron to comprehend?

Posted by: Irish Jim at July 5, 2004 07:35 PM

I've got to chime in here. I've just been reviewing the posts on what has easily been one of themovieblogs hottest posts in recent memory. Other than that crap going on at the PotC2 thread.
Now here's what I got to say. I can appreciate everyone's devotion to the comic book. I have a number of McFarlane Spider-Man comics sitting in a box in my parent's house over in Vancouver so I know the draw and allure of a Spider-Man comic.
But here's the thing. All you guys and gals harping on the movie because it may or may not be true to the comic book really need to settle down.
If someone can give me an example of when a film adaptation was true to it's literary source, word for word, and didn't mess about with the structure or omit anything I would like to know. For example, I love Tom Clancy novels but the movies that have come out are nothing compared to them. One can say that Michael Chricton novels are written to be adapted into a movie but the end product is still different from the source material. Folks are whining about the latest Harry Potter movie. What'd you expect?!? How many pages is that book? You simply can't cover all the events that a book covers, in novella or comic form.
Please. Appreciate Spider-Man for what is. Not what is isn't. Sam Raimi has done an awesome job with this fanchise so far. And he has brought a product that can please both fans of the comics and folks who know nothing about the Spider-Man universe. It's a big universe and I will shake the hand of the man that can cram it all into 2 1/2 hours. But for now I will anticipate what the next four Spider-Man movies bring in the years to come.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at July 5, 2004 10:48 PM

Simon, maybe you should read a book rather than watch Spiderman 2 again!

Bubba is correct. Water molecule is very stable and you need a lot of energy to break up each molecule. However the heat generated from a fusion process (approx 15 million C) is more than enough to break water into H2/O. The hydrogen nuclei would then fuse together to sustain the fusion process. The water would act as a fuel.

Posted by: CokeBear at July 6, 2004 06:17 AM


How do I know? Because back in the day I was a scholarship science student at the school that's considered Canada's equivalent of MIT. While there I worked in an organic synthesis lab and also put time in at a bio-chem lab in Ottawa. I ended up transferring to a different school and doing a degree in religious studies instead but I'm willing to bet that I understand basic physics a hell of a lot better than you do.

Experiments into fusion reactions have been under way for a good twenty years or so and we've been able to sustain fusion for at least a decade based purely on the fact that I know we could do it back when I was still a science student. Problem is it requires more energy to start, maintain and control the reaction than what it produces, which makes it useless as an energy source.

It would have taken a good thirty seconds or so of web research for you to learn this so tell me again who's assumptions are petty?

Posted by: Bubba at July 6, 2004 06:53 AM

Chris & Jessica -- whatever... same person,

As you can see, both of "your" posts are gone. Mostly because you didn't obey the Rules.
Which Rule? This One.

Is says that typing out multiple names and leaving multiple posts pretending to be other people who agree with your opinion, is immature and stupid. Besides, we administrators can see what you're doing.

If you want to post again, if you're on dial-up, you'll need to hang up and reconnect, and if you're on cable, you'll have to contact your ISP and ask for another I.P. Because your current I.P. of has been banned.


Posted by: Day-vuhl at July 6, 2004 04:19 PM

I like that rule.

Posted by: Bubba at July 6, 2004 04:23 PM

what the hell do you mean cut the drama and stick to the comic you idiots dont know about the comic in the first place to make such stupid comments.

spiderman 2 a must see.

Posted by: PETER PARKERS BOY at July 7, 2004 04:46 AM

I don't get MJ's expression at the very end of the movie. Any opinions?

Posted by: Zack at July 7, 2004 10:06 AM

What a piece of crap this movie was!!! From nothing but overly loud crash scenes to close ups of Tobey with eyes full of tears...that's all this junk was. I loved the first one but this one stunk! Do yourself a favor and skip it. Not even worth seeing on DVD.

Posted by: Brian Anderson at July 7, 2004 02:43 PM

Whoever thinks this movie was good is a total retard. This was the worst movie i've seen in a long while. I cannot believe that people actually liked it....you people must be slow and mentally challanged. I can't even begin to start trashing this movie because is just that bad!

A little girl about the size of a grown arm cannot lift a grown man in a burning building. Yeah that was in there.

This movie sucked ass....i want my money back.

Posted by: davezobrist at July 7, 2004 05:22 PM

Spider-man 2 was one of the best movies i have ever seen. I thought i had seen it all in part1 but Raimi never seems to disappoint his audience as spidey2 lives up to every bit of my expectation(or maybe surpasses it). I just know that part 3 will be Raimi's best work to date. 10/10!!!!! p.s for those idoits who did not enjoy this movie...well..go suck dog balls!!!!

Posted by: Alvin at July 8, 2004 05:40 PM

Well to all the nay sayers in here that didn't like the movie all I can say is look at the numbers and weep!

180 Million bucks in it's opening weekend.

Can you say record setting juggernaught???

NO movie has done what this movie has done....


They are already working on number 3!!!

Bet we'll see a lot more movies then that too!


Posted by: AdmiralOne at July 8, 2004 05:56 PM

XD great movie, there are a few movies that made me feel like this one did, and it doenst have to be the best movie ever, is the way is told, is how it entertained us, when i was leaving the theater, i felt( as i think the other people also did) really, really amused by it, , for me, the movie is a circle; its perfect, it has everything, it made us laugh, it made us shiver, i really recommend it ^^ ... awesome 8)

Posted by: -=Sho=- at July 8, 2004 06:32 PM

OK i dont want to insult anybody but seriously do you think the ticket sales were made by people who saw the movie and wanted to see it again or if the people thought it would be good and went to see it. Give me a break, the movie was pretty good but all that talk ruined it. I dont really care for talk, i'd rather see more action sequences better ex:Lord of The Rings: Return of The King, now that was a great movie.

Posted by: juan at July 11, 2004 05:21 PM


Posted by: SOUTH AFRICAN SPIDYFAN at July 11, 2004 06:58 PM

All in all I thought that this movie was one of the best superhero movies of all time......but it did have a few plot flaws. For example, when spiderman loses his powers its total crap. When he was bitten by the radioactive spider it was a physical and chemical change that occured on physiological level. Just because he didn't want to be spiderman anymore wouldn't change his physical makeup. He may have wanted not to take on the role of spiderman anymore, but his powers would remain. Not to metion, its not like he didn't want to have his powers anymore, in the movie they failed him at times when he definately wanted and needed to use them. I think it is a weak argument to say that he lost them because of his inner termoil. I don't think the movie explained the reasons why his powers failed him. In the first film his powers appeared without a consious effort to use them, (like his eyesight being cured) these were not concious decisions by peter parker to have these powers they were discovered.

Posted by: Dude_love at July 19, 2004 05:17 PM

Um they is way late I know but still.

Number 1 DNA is a map of what one can become under certain circumstances. Which is why all babies(generally of the same race) look so similar when they are born. It's cause changes dont kick in til after time passes. Its why some peoples hair or eye color will change at a certain age. With that said stress can affect your "powers" if that was an implemented affect "written" in your DNA. Just like for some people stress causes wrinkles or a loss of hair.

BUT... I dont think in spidermans case that should happen so I am gonna refrain from thinkin that this was the true cause I think it's a mask to the real problem which will hopefully show up in part 3.

Number 2 those movie makers are smart in terms of how to make money, and Id put my money on Part 3 having two villans cause I mean obviously they know having ANOTHER goblin face off alone would be lame and unappealing to the general non comic fan based audience... SO with that said they are gonna put another one in to make it even harder on parker.

Those are My thoughts and once again to those who didn't like it cause it didn't follow the comics. You're a DOPE and a DORK cause no one ever said they'd have to follow comics so closely. And to that guy who said SpiderMan had never shown off his powers so early in the series, PLEASE SHUT UP. Number one he did show his face to certain people in there times of need. Number two you idiot they would lose money if they moved as slowly as the comics did cause that would just take too long and be too boring for regular movie goers to sit through. Number three how the hell do you know how much time had passed between the first movie and now. At MOST we can say MAYBE 4 years since he's still in college. MAYBE cause it depends on what degree hes goin for too.

Now I dont know if anyones gonna read that but hell I just had to post it.

Posted by: ardy at August 3, 2004 05:52 PM

Saw Spiderman2 tonight.


Almost left the theater in disgust. Not only was it alternatingly annoyingly loud or tediouslly slow, but it absolutely trashed everything that was great about spiderman/peter parker.

Who wrote this crap?!? I've read spiderman since I was a kid, and I've never seen such blatant character assassination and writing gaffes for a pre-established story! Peter was never that selfish, he would have never turned his back on someone being assaulted, Aunt May would have been far more understanding (the guy had a gun for petes sake! and peter is supposed to be a normal guy), and to casually thrown in the revealing of peters identity and having MJ nearly married so early in the franchise with no disregard to how it actually happened in the books is just criminal.

Add to that the complete discarding of spidermans mid-combat humour and the continual pounding into our heads of Spideys down in the dumps hard luck, and I nearly walked out.

Please tell me how Doc Oc was convinced to suddenly change sides again? Tell me how that made sense at all? I was all prepared and looking forward to some MJ/oc's wife comparison to pull his mind back from the edge, but apparently all it took was shock therapy! BS.

I'm surprised this movie got such good reviews. It was horrible imo. I'd give anything just to hear MJ say 'tiger'. Not to mention have her actually be true to her strong character. *sigh*

There was just wayyyyy too many liberties taken with the story and characters for me to enjoy it. And I'm not the only one to think it sucked;



Posted by: Geoff at August 21, 2004 10:59 AM

Well Geoff, perhaps you should have read longer.

This entire movie is based on the events in Spiderman #50 where Parker is in fact that selfish. He sees how being Spiderman is destroying his own life and vows to hang up his tights. Which included a few moments where he had to resist his hero side and walk away from tragic moments he could prevent. This is what the struggle was all about. He eventually realized that he HAD to be Spiderman.

In case you forgot. With great power comes grat responsibility.

And in case you hadnt WATCHED the movie. Doc Ock's "arms" had a mind of their own which would over ride the users will if not for the restriction chip... WHICH WAS DAMAGED!

Octavius fought against the arms wills to turn back to the side of good in the last moments.

And MJ DID say Tiger. Didnt you bother to stay til the end?

For someone who claims to have read the comics, you REALLY dont have any clue what Parker is all about.

The comic has always been more about Parker than Spiderman. He is the most "real" hero on the shelf, and this is illustrated by the REAL man underneath.

Sorry if this movie wasn't Matrix enough or comical enough for you. That's not what Spiderman is about. Go read your comics again.

This movie rocked.

And in case you thought a review from "ed the sock" was going to back up your story? He hates everything. Thats the point of Ed the Sock.

And the Killermovies guy didnt agree with you. He just felt the movie didnt live up to its hype, which is unattainable anyways.


Posted by: Rodney at August 21, 2004 11:34 AM

Ok, ok I watched the movie on sky last night for free! And well i got a little board with it, i've never followed the comic books but i have watched like all of the cartoon versions shown over the years on that wonderful thing called tele! And well let me say that i found the movie generally pleasing but i belive that they were covering too much in just 2 hours! Like his power loss was never looked into like it was in the cartoons, and where the hell has the neogenic recombinator gone too? As thats the source for quite a few of the villans in the cartoons, granted the Doc was not created by it but still its a valid part of the spidy world.

So yeh it was good, nice action a bit drawn out on certain plot areas but yeh overall a film to see.

Posted by: Craig at September 8, 2005 08:11 AM

This movie sucked butt. Who thought it would be a good idea to have him show, like, a hundred people on a train his identity? Doc Ok isn't really evil, he's mind controlled(sic), and spidey is too busy pissing and moaning to give a crap. This movie is NOT funny, just awkward. Makes you want to have pity on spidey. HES A #$?!&! SUPERHERO! raimi sux.

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 16, 2005 10:15 PM

*slaps Brian across the face*

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 16, 2005 10:49 PM

Hey, I love spiderman, but what raimi did was just criminal. I think i just don't like "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" playing in the middle of an action movie. Did anyone notice that he spider-sensed the car crashing BEFORE he got his powers back?!!?!? I've become a batman fan because of batman begins. That movie gets the anti hero formula down right!

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 21, 2005 04:57 PM

Here are some people who got it right-davezobrits, Geoff,jerald, and spiderman4ever98. Here's some people who can suck it-lizardfreak12 for slapping me in the face, Alvin for telling me to suck dog balls, and Irish Jim for calling me a redneck(pthththththth!!!!)

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 21, 2005 05:14 PM

"what raimi did was criminal"........???? He has brought Spider-Man to life, and he did a good job doing it. You must like to eat shit and look at ugly chicks, because you have bad taste Brian.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 21, 2005 09:01 PM

Dude, lizardfart, were you just a casual movie fan? Every true hardcore fan of spiderman should hate this movie. There are so many flaws. Ok, what if someone put "Raindrops Keep Falling On my Head" at the climax of the Matrix? It would freakin' suck! I was a huge fan of spidey, and still am(this movie dosen't count.)They deviated way too far from the comics. To the guy who was talking about Spiderman #50 or whatever, I don't care. I want action. If I want realism, I can look at my boring self in the mirror. Sure spidey is a somewhat realistic hero, but not to this extent. I like the fact that spidey can rebound from these troubles with wit and charm, popping out catchy one-liners. Where was that in this movie? No where. Raimi didn't bring spidey to life, he brought peter parker to life. He's a dork. Maybe it's just Maguire's acting, but if I'm not mistaken, pete became much more outgoing and, well cool after he became spidey, not become even more dorky. When a movie makes me pity the HERO(look up hero in the dictionary), it sucks.

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 22, 2005 05:16 PM

"Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head" well.....Brian....would you please make a list of everything wrong with this film, and I will make a list of everything good about it. I know you dont have to if you dont want to, but because I love this movie so much its hard for me to see anything wrong with it, and since you hate the film so much, its hard for you to see anything good with it......

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 22, 2005 06:19 PM

Cheesy humor(not witty)-example:"This is heavy"
Decapitation of MJ's personality-example: Kirsten Dunce..er Dunst
No mid-fight quips-example: there arent any
Too much crappy dialogue-example:"Kiss me"
Straying from the comics-example: revealing his identity, having MJ nearly married, making doc ock die, making his powers disappear for no reason(don't get all psychological. Peter's not a telepath, and the reason for his powers disappearing in the comics was mutations)
Essentially, we have a hero who doesn't want to be a hero vs. a villain who isn't really bad. I admit it deserved it's Oscars, but those were for technical acheivement such as SFX. That cannot make up for raimi throwing a javelin through the spidey franchise. Speaking of raimi, i hear he's coming out with a new movie. It's called "Watch a Desk Clerk Smash His Head Into A Copier For Two Hours" Should be his best one yet.

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 22, 2005 09:03 PM

Spider-Man was demasked in the comics by Doc Ock, his powers did disappear in the comics when he got sick and yes, also from mutation later on, its a deeper sickness because he is locking love inside of him which is confusing him and making focusing damn near impossible. Going back to the losing his powers thing, in the next movie he better not have them damn cartridge web shooters...ugh...i hated that in the later comics that came out.

The first movie left fans wanting more and wanting to see the story of other characters like Harry and MJ get deeper and more interesting. So the anticipation alone is what helped make this movie really great! Peter struggling in everyday life, its fun see a young hero struggle and fail as a regular human, and watching him sacrifice his dreams for the benefit of mankind. There is great moral in this movie and it really shines through. Peter being selfish and giving up being Spider-Man as seen in the comics, he still has some growing up to do before he becomes the wise-cracking responsible web slinger we know from the comics....I hope that hes more mature as a hero and as Peter Parker in the 3rd.

The fighting scenes were kick ass and original, and the story line of Doc Ock really helped Spider-Man mature by the end. What really keeps me interested is the characters in the story, Harry, Peter, MJ. The Daily Bugle characters such as J. Jonah Jameson, Betty Brant, Robbie, they through in an element that makes the movie fun. Harry's story is also a great element and keeps greater interest alongside everything else that is going on. There are just so many fun things that go on around the story and it makes for a great movie.

The CGI and dialouge between Peter and MJ did suck and would pull me out of the movie for a little bit which was a bummer, but other than that the whole movie was great and made me have a smile on my face everyday for the whole summer when it came out in theatres.

Now i'm sure Raimi sees these minor mistakes and will totally wow us with the 3rd movie.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 22, 2005 09:54 PM

Well, you drive a pretty hard argument, lizardfreak. i still miss the witty humor, though. And they jammed too much stuff in this movie. I think a major part of the reason I dislike this movie is just the way maguire acts-he sounds so...wimpy. The first movie was awesome. Great storyline, but they didn't overplay the negatives of spidey's life. Sure, I wanted more, but not so much lovy-dovey stuff. Maybe I just watch too much Spike TV, but this movie is for chicks. i'm stickin' to my opinions, and I will not be swayed. Let's agree to disagree.

Posted by: Brian Plyler at September 23, 2005 04:44 PM