June 12, 2004

Release Dates For The Brothers Grimm and Serenity!

Once I finished cursing the Weinsteins and posting that article about Infernal Affairs (see below) I spotted a couple other interesting notes on that HSX update ...

grimmset.jpgFirst, and here's another reason to give the folks at Miramax a good slap in the head, Terry Gilliam's Brother's Grimm has been pushed back to February 2005. I'm itching to see this film both because I'm an enormous fan of Gilliam and because the story casting the Grimm brothers as a couple of supernatural con men is absolutely perfect for Gilliam's peculiar sensibilities so any delay is a bad thing.

serenity.jpgSecond, and this is a very, very good thing, you are all hereby ordered to mark April 22, 2005 down on your calendars for on that day Joss Whedon's Serenity will be unleashed upon the world. Serenity is Whedon's feature based on his short lived show Firefly, which for my money is the best thing Whedon's ever been involved in. Seriously, I like Buffy a lot and though I found Angel inconsistent the good bits were mighty good and this is the man who wrote Toy Story but I still say Firefly was better than all of those. Fantastic writing, complex characters that were fully fleshed out from the moment they stepped on screen, and a great cast all make Firefly a show that should have been an enduring classic if not for a network that just had no clue how to handle the good thing that they had.

Posted by John Campea at June 12, 2004 01:36 PM