June 13, 2004

Reflections of Evil and its Trailer of Oddness

I don't even remember how I stumbled on this... but apparently, this film was made a couple years back. Apparently, it's very, VERY strange. Apparently, it's also very good - if you can sit through it in one step. However, I gotta say, the trailer for The Reflections of Evil is extremely wacky.

The Trailer is here.

The IMDB has the plot line written as: "Julie, who died of a PCP overdose as a teen in the early '70s, searches from beyond the ethers for her little brother, Bob, an obese watch-seller, who is dying of sucrose intolerance, in the early '90s."

While you're at it, (and I don't quite fully understand WHY celebrities are so mad about the film, because I haven't seen it) BUT, you should read some of the quotes they've recieved from celebrities after sending multiple copies of this film to their homes and agents. For example, Ellen Degeneres' Assistant is quoted as saying: "How the HELL did you get this private address!? This is a breach of security! We CANNOT have this address in the public domain!!" Ah.. good times....

Posted by John Campea at June 13, 2004 01:41 PM


Check out sexgoremutants' bit on this movie http://www.sexgoremutants.f9.co.uk/reflect.html
I must see this!

Posted by: Luke at June 14, 2004 11:57 AM

What the %$@#@ was that that I just watched?

Posted by: dmiller23462 at June 16, 2004 08:02 PM

hehehe.. yeah.. pretty messed up, huh?

Posted by: day-vuhl at June 17, 2004 02:19 AM

2:48 pm (in HI)
Okay, I'm actually kind of nervous to watch this trailer.

Feee-yucked UP! I had absolutely NO CLUE what I was watching. Well, it wasn't so bad. Definitely weird though...

Posted by: hawke at June 18, 2004 08:53 PM

OK, THIS IS THE GREATEST FILM I THINK I HAVE EVER SEEN! I was ready to go buy as many copies as I could to send to everybody I know; not only because I think everyone who loves cinema (and appreciates weirdness) should see it, but also I just want to support this kind of thing. But then I read that he gave all his copies away, thus proving the guy is an artist.

I want to give this guy money so he will make more films. He was freaking born to make films, and man oh man. Do yourself a favor and get your hands on this film. I wish I was an industry exec. But then again, the B-ness of the movie certainly adds rather than takes away.

Posted by: james at August 30, 2004 09:28 AM

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