June 09, 2004

Mel Gibson Suing Regal Entertainment

Well, Jesus never struck me as the litigious sort but Mel Gibson seems to be ... Gibson's Icon Productions is suing theater chain Regal Entertainment for upwards of forty million saying that Regal promised to pay out a "studio" share rather than an "indie" share of the boxoffice take. Basically what that means is that Regal paid out roughly 20% less than Icon says they were due. Anybody remember when the big question was whether The Passion would end up bankrupting Mel? Those days are long past ...

Posted by John Campea at June 9, 2004 01:52 PM


Greetings, in the Lord Jesus Christ. I just turned 19, when I saw The Passion I burst into tears. It was very emotional, and gut wrenching to see my Lord hung onto a tree. I was writing a movie at the time, and I felt God tell me to finish it, according to his will, while watching it. It was already supposed to be Christian, but God spoke to me and helped me to finish it. Mel Gibson has always been my so-called "idol" in acting. I was trying to film my movie on a independent basis, however last night Sept. 6th, 2004 I had just finished watching Conspiracy theory and went to take a shower and while doing so I felt a calm sprit say find him. I am not mature as a Christian at all, but I know that I was put here for a purpose and that was to make movies for the revival coming, on top of that I have a great calling for kids and orphans and I know through this business I can help millions be feed and housed in a physical and spiritual way. I only hope I can even briefly talk to Mel. Mel thank you for standing up and making a difference and paving the way for me. I hope to meet you some day, hopefully by Gods grace soon. Thank you for listening to me and have a good and Godly day.

Posted by: Steven Tocher at September 14, 2004 11:44 AM

Greetings, in the Lord Jesus Christ. I just turned 19, when I saw The Passion I burst into tears. It was very emotional, and gut wrenching to see my Lord hung onto a tree. I was writing a movie at the time, and I felt God tell me to finish it, according to his will, while watching it. It was already supposed to be Christian, but God spoke to me and helped me to finish it. Mel Gibson has always been my so-called "idol" in acting. I was trying to film my movie on a independent basis, however last night Sept. 6th, 2004 I had just finished watching Conspiracy theory and went to take a shower and while doing so I felt a calm sprit say find him. I am not mature as a Christian at all, but I know that I was put here for a purpose and that was to make movies for the revival coming, on top of that I have a great calling for kids and orphans and I know through this business I can help millions be feed and housed in a physical and spiritual way. I only hope I can even briefly talk to Mel. Mel thank you for standing up and making a difference and paving the way for me. I hope to meet you some day, hopefully by Gods grace soon. Thank you for listening to me and have a good and Godly day.

Posted by: Steven Tocher at September 14, 2004 11:45 AM