June 27, 2004

Little Britain = Absurd Comic Genius

littlebritain.jpgOh my. Thanks to a recommendation from Edgar Wright (have you read our interview with him yet? you should. here it is.) and a couple of fine British lads who post here regularly I recently went on a little quest for a BBC comedy show called Little Britain. Turns out the first season doesn't come out on DVD until October, but thanks to the wonders of the inter-web I managed to secure myself a good viewing copy. Oh my. Absolutely demented genius.

Little Britain is the brain child of two comic performers - Matt Lucas and David Walliams - who have set out to create a sort of absurdist educational film about the diversity of Britain and its residents. The duo plays upwards of fifteen characters between them rapidly jumping from character to character, region to region throughout the UK, gradually telling more and more of the stories of these utterly bizarre people. The approach reminded me somewhat of the League of Gentlemen, though without all the nods to classic horror films and not tied into one specific location as the League is, which is not surprising considering the League's Mark Gatiss is involved behind the scenes.

So what've we got? A motivational weight loss group gone wrong, the world's least convincing transvestite, a mental hospital, child-acting obsessed parents, a washed out actor reliving his glory years, a man caring for his supposedly crippled friend ... the characters just go on and on and they're all amazing. Upping the ante even further are a hilarious recurrent part for Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from Buffy) as the British Prime Minister dealing with a smitten aide and a wildly unhinged narration provided by the Dr. Who of my youth, Tom Baker. He's the one with the long scarf. I have no idea what Baker's current profile in the UK is like but his performance here is ten times as surreal as any of William Shatner's pieces of self parody. Check this show out if you're at all able ... the DVD releases October 11th in the UK.

Posted by John Campea at June 27, 2004 05:32 PM


Matt Lucas and David Walliams are great. Though the original radio show is far supirior in my opinion.. You can download it through soulseek. I think the laughter track goes a long way to putting me off the TV show.

Posted by: Luke at June 28, 2004 06:27 PM

*The radio show does have a laughter track, but I always find it far more invasive in television.

Posted by: Luke at June 28, 2004 06:29 PM

Yeah, I was pretty surprised it had a laugh track at all. There's no way it was shot in studio, so it to have been added in post-production, which seems like a pretty strange decision ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 29, 2004 06:59 AM

Little Britain is partially filmed in front of an audience and all of the location sketches are shown to an audience.

The sketches done 'live' include the Sebastian and Prime Minister sketches, the 'only gay in the village' sketches and the Scottish hotel owner.

It always bothers me when people use the phrase 'canned laughter' as its very rarely the case.

Anyhow - the show rocks.

Posted by: the word at July 11, 2004 10:10 AM

Good to know, thanks.

Posted by: Bubba at July 11, 2004 10:55 AM

the little brittain DVD is the most funniest DVD i have got . I watch it nearly every night and end up in stiches .

Posted by: Ross at January 12, 2005 11:25 AM

Does anyone know the character name of the scottish hotel owner? I know someone remarkably similar to the character (strangly enough) and want to christen him with a new nickname!!!

Posted by: Hazel at January 25, 2005 11:46 AM

Which one is Matt Lucas and Which one is David Williams? The taller one with the dark beady little eyes is the hottest guy I've seen on TV in ages, or ever. Do you think he would be interested in shagging a blonde thirty-something single Australian girl???

Posted by: Susan Downing at February 9, 2005 05:40 AM

Ross the scottish Character is called Angus McKoonehy

Posted by: Dave at June 24, 2005 05:07 PM