June 09, 2004

International Trailer for House of Flying Daggers Online!

daggers.jpgI'll lay money that this isn't the final trailer that Sony runs in North America but thanks to Monkey Peaches and Opus I've just come across what's being billed as an international trailer for Zhang Yimou's House of Flying Daggers. It's available only in Real Player format and is narrated by a mildly irritating Mr. Movie Voice clone but it's got some stunning visuals that I hadn't seen anywhere yet ... click here for the goodness.

Posted by John Campea at June 9, 2004 01:04 PM


Yo yo! Great site - but link is dead :( Tanks! Wick

Posted by: Wicked at June 9, 2004 02:08 PM

I'm rather unimpressed with the trailer itself. Sure you can find some rather stunning visuals in there but it doesn't sell the movie well at all. In fact this seems more like a Chinese trailer rather than an international trailer (probably internation because of the voice-over) and Chinese trailers are almost never good.

Still looking forward to seeing it and hopefully the North American trailer is better than this one AND the North American Hero trialer which screwed what the story actually was beyond comprehension.

Posted by: Chirstopher at June 9, 2004 02:24 PM

Wicked - the link works fine. It's real format only so if you don't have the player, you're out of luck ...

Christopher ... I'm with you in that I think this is actually a Chinese trailer. I like the Japanese one a lot better, personally ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 9, 2004 05:41 PM

there was a great trailer at the Reuter's UK site--see if you can still access it. a lot better & longer than all others i've seen.
Actually, these clips was part of the confer of the cast & Zhang yimou in Cannes.
itshowed a bit if the Echo dance at the peony Pavilion 7 the wuxia opening fight between ZZ & Andy Lau.
And a bit more of the bamboo fight in the Japtrailer.

All I can is--Matrix, move over--this is truly wonderful stuff. Use one's imagination & visualise it on the big screen.
No wonder --it caused a huge applause in Cannes after each battle & a 20 min
standing ovation.
factoid:ZY used the same special effects company that was used for the Matrix.

Posted by: eva at June 11, 2004 11:55 PM

more factoid:
The actors were specially trained to use authentic weapons as Zhang Yimou wanted no body doubles.
Everything is the real deal.
Andy Lau was trained by a Master for 3 mos prior to principal photography,same for Takashei & ZZ.

The actors were injured using real weapons--so the blood seen is not 'fake'.
Andy Lau was wounded in his forehead.And blood poured from it.
how about that for authenticity???

Posted by: alexa at June 12, 2004 12:20 AM

The movie isnt that impressive. Not as fantastic as I expected. Especially the part when ZZY can wake up 3 times when she is actually stabbed by a dragger right into the heart (if i'm not wrong).

Posted by: dada at July 27, 2004 03:28 AM

the ending is cool,,, she loves both the man,,,, as she did not kill andy lau,,, and opt to protect takeshi,,,, cool,,,

some parts of the movie is absurd...
makes u wanna be a tang dynasty "bamboo" commandoes... lol... too many cg...

but still story wise,,, it rocks,,, kung fu,,,

Posted by: tingjoochian at August 2, 2004 04:44 AM

TIS MOVIE IS THE BEST! Its so touching..i love it alot...and its also very sad.....emotional movie...my tears drop when watching it...if i have the money, i would watch it a few more times...and there is some parts tat are funny...very funny indeed......I hope tat Takeshiro can act in more of the movies too! He is so handsome and cute....Love you!

Posted by: Joyce at August 5, 2004 02:42 AM

Okay. Can everyone who has seen this movie do the rest of us a huge freakin' favor?


Some of us still have to wait to see this film and we don't want it ruined. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please don't give away any more of the movie. We're glad you liked it. Really we are, but we want some surprises for ourselves.

If you can hold off for just a couple more months so we here in north america can see it that would be just swell.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 5, 2004 05:37 PM

I can't wait to see the movie. I could probably get the dvd before the movie is release in north america but I hate chinese/english subtitle mix. I think hollywood does a better job with their version of the english subtitle. At least it's not white, doesn't include chinese and doesn't moves like a bullet.

Posted by: Cy Thirakul at August 27, 2004 05:16 PM

Great trailer!

Posted by: scrane at January 2, 2005 07:46 PM