June 10, 2004

Husband Being an Idiot? Check Out Alexandra's Project

Alexandra's Project is a heavy, psychological piece of work spewed straight out of our favourite end of the earth, Australia. I'll guess it was released there late last year and has taken a few months to work its way into my backyard. Going into the theatre, I knew nothing about this film. I had forgotten I had seen a trailer for it a few weeks earlier and thought that it looked quite good. And in many ways, it really is. In a few other ways, I had problems with it, but we'll cover both, shall we?

Let's skip the "development" and get right to it. A wife has reached the end of her rope with her husband's ignorance and sexually selfish and insulting habits. -And while he blindly goes about his day assuming (and pretending) that everything is just fine, the wife is left at home to comtemplate.. and plan.. and organize...and plan some more. And what this wife has planned for her husband, besides being totally Wacked Out, is actually fairly simple: Wait till he leaves for work then pack, dismantle, move out and lock up the house leaving nothing but a working TV and an accompanying video tape (that she makes after he leaves) in the living room - which he essentially will have no option but to watch (because he's locked in, you see - I realize it's hard to get locked INTO a house, but this detail is covered, no worries. Get it? No Worries??? Australia?? Shutup.....) Anyway, once the video tape starts, the psychological torture begins.

Let me just say that Helen Buday was handed one huge, thick, massive, juicy role and she did one bang up job with it. Easily the most notable thing about the production, hands down. She did so well, I'm tempted to assume that she must be slightly mad in real life in order to be so wildly angry and yet so precise with where she aims her madness. She performs roughly 90% of her entire role in front of a camcorder that is played again for her husband. During this tape, she swings from maddening to suicidal to obsessed to enraged in a constant slow-swinging pendulum of emotion. Very intense stuff. As a result, the husband, "Steve" is dragged through a video of half-truths and lies and the only thing he can do is sit and watch as she tears his mind to pieces and rips his heart out. I couldn't imagine a director handing me a script and saying "Sit there. Create Psychological terror. Go."

Almost all of the video is performed with Helen in the buff. Not a Hollywood naked, but a naked that has weathered a relationship that has driven her to the brink. She has lost her "shape" and her "image" has dissolved. Her exposed self propels many of her demons that she has against her husband. She's completely exposed and has nothing to hide. And... wow.. let me tell you, what a crazy role to play. Bravo.

Area of concern is simply this: Okay, yes.. the husband was an inconsiderate prick. He was using her emotionally and intimately and wasn't as unconditionally caring as husbands should be. However, the torture that Steve experiences is revenge that only the most haneous of sins would warrant. I spent much of the film wondering "What the HELL did this guy DO to this poor woman to deserve this???" and it finally came... the big reason... are you ready? Skip to the end of the post if you don't want to know.. but here it is: "She wasn't happy".

Oh, I'm sorry. Not happy? Well welcome to real life. The things that we were told Steve did would warrant running from the house in the middle of the night and leaving him forever, but this endless and accurate hellish psychological abuse was beyond over the top. Okay sure, I can't expect you to tolerate not being respected as much as you'd hoped, but lady - and maybe I'm being old fashioned here, but fill in the blank: "richer or poorer, for better or for _____". yeah that's right. That stupid vow you swore to? Yeah that one. Was your marriage horrible? Yeah? Was it the worst it has ever been? Yeah? REally? Well, welcome to "worse" and you commited to it. The lack of "justice" really turned the antagonist tables for me. By the end of the film, I felt quite bad for Steve. And I believe that was the point: In the closing scene, we are shown Steve, in the house, alone - who can only pleasure himself - as this wracked shell of a human is all that's left. I'm shocked the director didn't make Steve more evil than they made him out to be. Make no mistake, Steve is still a complete moron, but this was mind torture to the nth degree and I never saw sufficient reason for it.

However, either way - what we're left with is one dark journey through the mind of one REALLY pissed off housewife. It's quite amazing - because you're dragged through it all the same. Your loyalty swings between Steve and Alexandra like Pamela Anderson is to Tommy Lee. Intense, dark, twisted, messed up and startlingly well performed stuff.

Cool accents too.

Posted by John Campea at June 10, 2004 12:23 AM


First, never heard of this movie which is weird because I am a HUGE cinema buff. Especially foreign and independant and double if they make you think (see my shattered glass post) but like all kinds. I was so intrigued by this trailer you posted that I cannot read another word on your review. MUST MUST find movie to see. Will read your post after. (And maybe I will regret I didn't read it before!) I'll be back!

Posted by: Juicy Vignettist at June 10, 2004 02:27 PM


Hey there.. Okay, by the looks of your site, I'm assuming that you live in Chicago - in which case the only reference I can find in your city about "Alexandra's Project is: 1) It played in last year's Film Festival and 2) It's public release date is October 29th, 2004. - I don't know why it's so far away, but there you have it.

Big Bald Dave, who leaves comments wealthy in wisdom around here is a friend of ours who lives in your fair city. You can reach him through his webpage www.imaginedat.net if you'd like more accurate info about when and if the movie is playing..

Have fun...

Posted by: day-vuh at June 11, 2004 02:50 AM

Actually it appeared here in Australia in May 2003, so it's definitely taken its time to make its way chez vous. Your reaction is not too dissimilar to mine; I thought it was a film of quite amazing power but the bitterness of the whole thing made it hard to actually like the film.

Posted by: James Russell at June 11, 2004 03:01 AM

Hmmm.. this sounds pretty interesting. This actually sounds a bit to me like Audition from Takashi Miike, in terms of very general theme.

The way I ended up thinking about Audition was as a dark fable, and that might be the way to think of this movie as well. Maybe he doesn't deserve quite what he gets, but there are some dark forces and dark minds out there in the world, and you never know what might happen.

It is like if you cut someone off in traffic. It is a bad thing to do in general, but there's always this small small chance the person you cut off is insane and on the edge and that they'll shoot you at the next traffic light..

Posted by: Shawn Fumo at June 13, 2004 06:39 AM

Hey boys! Thanks for that info. I checked back and you guys have such a huge and wonderful... wealth of information that I couldn't find my original post to see any updates. I tried to find it on Netflix but no luck and the late release date in the US explains it. Will put that date in my calendar. Again, love your site, great info.

Posted by: Juicy Vignettist at June 25, 2004 01:53 AM