June 14, 2004

Hey! We Got Spammed! By Disney!

Weird ... I'm used to being spammed but I generally expect it to be of the penis-enlargement / cheap viagra / online casino variety spam, but somebody just spammed us a couple times on behalf of Disney. Including on our Michael Eisner thread. Wacky. Spam came through Atrivo Technology's servers in Pleasant Hill, CA so who knows, this might've actually been somebody connected to the company ... if I was feeling a bit more energetic I'd write the sys admins and find out exactly who the user was but I just came off a night shift and that's more energy than I care to lay out.

Posted by John Campea at June 14, 2004 07:10 AM


BlackList Plug-in Containing 1475 Banned Spammers:


Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 14, 2004 07:50 PM

When a man falls in love with a woman, like Brad probably did with Angelina, and when she is not around, he must feel like that song by Bill Withers, called "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone." Brad probably misses her, and he probablly can not stop talking about her. He is probably very, very happy just to stay up all night thinking about her. That is the way love is. If he is lucky, Angelina feels the same way. With a lot of luck, it will last. Have FUN!!!

Posted by: NEEDAJOB at April 28, 2005 01:57 PM