June 23, 2004

Hey Look! They've Found a Way to Make Dungeons and Dragons 2 Even Worse Than the Original!

Oh man. I wouldn't have thought it possible to make a worse film than the original Dungeons and Dragons but producer Joel Silver, God bless 'im, has found a way. According to Dark Horizons Silver is in conversations to cast Paris Hilton in the lead role. Ick. In her case fifteen minutes of fame is about twenty too many ...

Posted by John Campea at June 23, 2004 09:25 PM

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*groan*....You've GOT TO BE KIDDING.....I think Paris Hilton needs a swift kick in the ass and to have her allowance taken away.....Might help her to go eat a couple pizzas too....Noone is SUPPOSED to be that skinny....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at June 24, 2004 05:16 AM