June 08, 2004

Hey Look! The Donnie Darko Director's Cut Trailer

I really don't need to tell you why this movie was, is and will be a good thing to see, right? No? Good.

Yummy Trailer.

Oh, and as a side note, I realize I should be taken aback as to the "coolness" of the Donnie Darko Webpage, but frankly, I just find it piss annoying.

Oh, the passwords are breathe, smurf and sparrow by the way. Did I just ruin it? whoopsie.

Posted by John Campea at June 8, 2004 12:18 AM


Over here, the page doesn't stay with beeing annoying. It's totally invisible.

Does it say anything about a DVD release date?

Posted by: Björn Lindström at June 8, 2004 12:38 AM

That's a great question.. I'll look into that...
Information on the website though, is rather hard to get to... hence why I find it annoying...

As far as seeing something goes, you may need to update your browser's Flash plug-in.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 8, 2004 12:42 AM

The director's cut is definitely coming to DVD, but not until they're done with the theatrical run ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 8, 2004 09:18 AM

Donnie Darko is one of my favourite films and to hear that the director's cut is being released i thought i would have to check it out. It's defently being released in UK late summertime. Kelly thinks the UK has really shone to Donnie Darko and thinks it will have a large profit over there. GD LUK 2 IM!

Posted by: Komic Genius at June 10, 2004 03:21 PM