June 14, 2004

Gusher No Binds Me Behind the Scene Footage Online

baobabu.jpgOkay, so I wrote a post about this yesterday and it was glorious. Full of passion and intrigue. High drama and low comedy. It was beautiful, a thing of wonder. And then, because he is a man driven by petty jealousy and rage Day-vuh deleted it. And then I had to go to work. So now it's gone. But here's the abridged version for you:

Ryuhei Kitamura released a little low budget zombie / yakuza / samurai film a few years back that made him an instant celbrity in world wide cult film circles and has since gone on to descend further and further into mediocrity with every successive film. Why? In my opinion because he's less talented than the people he worked with on Versus, who he's never been smart enough to put into significant roles since. Producer of Versus has just recently released a bizarre looking little sci-fi film called Gusher No Binds Me that looks to be chock full of delirious energy and Terry Gilliam / Jean-Pierre Jeunet style visuals. And finally there's a lovely reel of behind the scenes / premiere footage cut together with scenes from the film itself now available on the film's website here. It's the option farthest on the left on the trailers page. Check out the proper trailers while you're there, too ... good stuff ...

And yes, Day-vuh, I know I just erased your paltry explanation. I like my version better.

Posted by John Campea at June 14, 2004 07:06 AM


I like paltry.
Watch my guilt turn to ignorance.

Foxes are made of string.

Posted by: Day-vuh at June 14, 2004 10:34 PM