June 16, 2004

Good Move! Vin Diesel turns down 'xXx 2: State of the Union'.

Would ya look at that, there appears to be some script discrimination going on - isn't that great? Apparently, upon being presented with a second script (the first script was trashed), Vin Diesel opted out of the second movie of the triple X series. He says he liked the first script (which is too bad), but he says this new one "Wasn't right." and "It didn't feel like XXX to me."

I'm not too sure what XXX is supposed to feel like, but from most opinions, that feeling rhymes with: "Completely Sucks."

Either way, with Vin Diesel out of the motion picture, XXX 2 is bound to make a lot less in box office receipts. Today, the gods are smiling.
(For the record, I kinda like Vin Diesel, he's just been in a glorious amount of bad movies.)

Whoops, Forgot to add the ARTICLE in USA Today about it.

Posted by John Campea at June 16, 2004 01:31 PM


I was drug into XXX with a buddy and his girlfriend at the time...Horrible....*shake head*....Horrible.....

As we were leaving some punk 14 year old kid said "He is so gonna kick James Bond's ass".....

Those damn, unappreciative kids....*sigh*....Where is George Lazenby when you need him? He he he he....Just kidding....

Vin Diesel is a meathead and a horrid actor....Now, I wouldn't say that to his face (he'd pound me into little pieces) but he is definitely the go-to guy for drunken testosterone-laced guy get-togethers and that's about it...

Posted by: dmiller23462 at June 16, 2004 02:51 PM

Oh yes I totally agree while those "drunken testosterone-laced guy get-togethers" are mandatory from time to time, it's too bad the ones he has been in have Suuucked.

Well, I'd add to the list "being the voice of a big metal robot" He did well with that too.

Posted by: Day-vuh at June 16, 2004 03:27 PM

i think vin diesel has a lot of potential as far as picking better scripts goes, but i do like the guy. i liked him better back in the day when he wasnt such an icon, i have to admit he really sold himself in XXX.
But i have been a sci-fi fan ever since i can remember and i was intrigued a little by vin diesels choice of role for pitch black.
I really dont think he has to go all "hollywood" just to be appreciated.
havent seen the chronicles of riddick yet but i will eventually watch it with my daddy who first got me into watching the outer limits and the x-files.
enough rambling from me...ya...soo...i'm still typing..."hi, its lumberg calling, ya..just wanted to let u know that we did start at nine and it isnt a half day or anything, so if u could just get to work asap that'd be great, mmmmk?" done and done

Posted by: marla singer at June 17, 2004 02:18 AM

Being that I liked the Transporter I had to keep out of the later discussion, but I will jump at the chance to trash that movie. It had some of the worst lines I have ever heard.

By the way I heard that Ice Cube has signed for the second one. Any truth to that?

Posted by: Bombadil at June 17, 2004 08:56 AM

And yes, there is truth to the Ice Cube thing. His character name is Darius Stone. Sounds like a bad-ass name. - We'll see how that turns out..

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 17, 2004 09:03 AM

o.k. soooo vin is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of you who don't like his movies. To bad i say keep up the good work
and just so you know "XXX" 2 needs vin d.

Posted by: yolanda at December 10, 2004 12:00 PM

ok so let me understand some think Vin Diesel would turn down xxx 2 State of the Union but he would be in a disney film called The Pacifier (2005) whats up with him

Posted by: xsamx1987 at December 23, 2004 01:26 AM

xxx is not xxx with out vin diesel he is so sexy.
i would love him to come and requ me.

Posted by: barbara at April 19, 2005 01:22 PM

Vin Diesel is not a bad actor. He just hasn't gotten any good scripts. His time will come. I like Ice Cube and all But XXX 2 is going to bomb

Posted by: jo-mamma at April 24, 2005 05:16 PM

listen i think vin is awsome all the guys that think vin sucks need to calm them selves down beacuse it isnt right that some people can come in here and talk shit but wont go and back it up so who ever is talking shot in here i bet that they wont do shit jimmy for president yall peace out

Posted by: jj at April 25, 2005 08:12 PM

I think vin diesel is an extremely talented actor. His choice in film hasn't really been that bad. I mean if you think about it, over half the movies he's been in his character role is the bad ass bad guy you absoulutley love to see, so when he did the pacifer i think it was a good move cause he was changing it up a bit, throwing something different out there for his fans. He played a bad ass " GOOD GUY" that you love, and we got to see the softer side of vin. So now he keeps us guess, what will be next, wanting more and isn't that the point? he was just proving how versitale he can be in his talent. VIN I SAY MAD PROPS TO YOU!!! AND KEEP ON DOIN YOUR THANG BOy!!!

Posted by: Bree at May 13, 2005 03:24 AM

You all are raceist little pukes

Posted by: Alex Rider at September 30, 2005 11:26 AM