June 28, 2004

Election Day in Canada

canadaflag.jpgEven though this isn't a movie related topic, being a Canadian based website I thought I would be remiss if I didn't (don't vote Conservative) at least mention the fact that (vote NDP or Liberal) today is Election Day in Canada.

I suppose by some definitions (don't vote Conservative) some would consider us a part of "the media", and as such, I remain (don't vote Conservative) a fair and unbiased observer of the "goings on" of the world around us and do not wish in anyway (don't vote Conservative) to influence the election one way or the other.

So if you're Canadian, get out there today (vote NDP or Liberal) and exercise the rights that so many people fought and died for. And no matter who you vote for, (don't vote Conservative) do so with a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Now back to (don't vote Conservative) the movie nonsense (don't vote Conservative).

Posted by John Campea at June 28, 2004 08:14 AM


Meh. The Liberals are no better ... the fact that they're even being taken seriously as an option given their record over the past ten years is a pretty sad comment on the state of Canadian politics ...

You know they don't even check your ID if you go in with a voter registration card? Pretty surprising ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 28, 2004 10:51 AM

Well, while the Liberals have made some significant botches over their tenure of the country, they’ve done some decent stuff too. The way Martin handled the debt was excellent, and I was VERY proud of the way our government handled the whole Iraq situation with the Americans. Liberals have made some BIG mistakes, but I think Harper would have REALLY screwed the pouch. Maybe it’s time
to give the NDP a shot?

Posted by: John Campea at June 28, 2004 11:10 AM

Politicians are all, in the main, corrupt ego maniacs so dont vote at all! What would happen if everyone did refuse to vote?! Now thats an interesting thought (well I think so!).

Posted by: David Terry at June 28, 2004 11:32 AM

Yes, I would love to see a minority NDP government take over. Majority governments are bad in my view. But with Jack Layton and the NDP at the helm, the Conservatives' crazy antics would be kiboshed and the Liberals wouldn't get away with being 'Conservatives-lite'.
Don't worry, John, about being biased. First, this site is clearly not a legitimate member of the media. Look at the people who run it. Second, the real media have hardly been unbiased, focusing more on the latest polls and then ignoring the NDP because they are ten points behind the Liberals and Conservatives. Wacky.

Posted by: Bart Wang at June 28, 2004 11:35 AM

I'm throwing my two cents into the NDP lot. Although the conservatives platform of increased spending and massive tax cuts SOUNDS good.....I perhaps would still like at least one nurse on duty at the ER next time I'm in trouble. Some tuition freezes and an active plan to get larger corporations to actually PAY taxes would be a nice bonus as well. :)


Posted by: Layton's Crotch is huge at June 28, 2004 06:13 PM

I'm throwing my two cents into the NDP lot. Although the conservatives platform of increased spending and massive tax cuts SOUNDS good.....I perhaps would still like at least one nurse on duty at the ER next time I'm in trouble. Some tuition freezes and an active plan to get larger corporations to actually PAY taxes would be a nice bonus as well. :)


Posted by: Layton's Crotch is huge at June 28, 2004 06:15 PM

typical liberal rhetoric. nobody that supports the liberals can say why you shouldn't vote conservative. they're just "scary" and too many people (ontario) are to stupid (ontario) to look at the platforms and judge for themselves. this government has wasted billions of our tax dollars and the retards east of ontario turn a blind eye to it and give them a free pass.

the libs have had years to fix the country and all we are left with is a history of wasted $ (gun registry, sponsorship scandal etc.) and not taking a stand on any issues at all because if you attempt to do anything you might offend someone.

as for the ndp's, go live in saskatchewan for 10 minutes and see how impractical socialism is. the ndp's platform sounds great but is so unrealistic isn't not even funny. layton is absolutely crazy. this wacko won't stop until every canadian has their own mri machine in their basement. it's the end of june and i'm still working for the government and won't actually take home any money for myself for a few days yet, and this guy wants more of my money. good luck buddy.

Posted by: boldtman at June 29, 2004 11:57 PM

Why do people in Ontario hate the Conservatives? 2 words... MIKE HARRIS. Oh, his policies and finance stragegies all LOOKED good on paper, enough to get elected with three straight majorities in Ontario... but then it all caught up with us. His "platforms" crippled us, putting Ontario so far in debt (and kept it a secret) that even the new Liberal government that finally bounced the Conservatives out was SHOCKED. The conservatives closed hospitals, closed schools, fired teachers, cut esential services, ALL WHILE AT THE SAME TIME driving the provincial debt to record highs and cutting corporate taxes (which by the way didn't cause any significant up swing in industry spending or investment in the 11 years the Conservatives were in power.

Stephen Harper said that the Harris governments in Ontario were a "model" for a federal government... NO THANK YOU.

Not to mention, and I know this opens up a whole new can of worms, but if Harper had been in power when the whole Iraq thing went down he would have jumped right in bed with Bush to participate in the single greatest lie and atrocity a western power has ever committed... NO THANK YOU.

Don't forget... until earlier this year, people in Ontario have given the Conservatives the provincial government for 11 years... so don't assume we don't know what they're all about.

Posted by: John at June 30, 2004 07:58 AM

The hospitals thing can't be blamed on the provincial conservatives, actually. They dramatically upped provincial health care spending but just couldn't cover what the feds cut out of their health spending. Everything else rides on Harris, but the health problem was purely created by Paul Martin in his days as finance minister as he laid out budget after budget in which the feds flat out refused to honor their commitments to health care funding ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 30, 2004 12:17 PM

Funny how our political parties don't leave many options other than a belief in providence.

Posted by: Jimbo at July 1, 2004 01:45 AM