June 08, 2004

Early Spiderman 2 Review! And: It's Good! Spider-Man Spoilers Even!

See, how come no one is sneaking us into hidden areas and showing us unreleased films, huh? Why this guy? Ugh. Some people. We get to sit here writing reviews for "released" films... Nyah, nyah..Boy, it's a good thing I don't care. Nope. Not a bit. Phooey.

Anyway.. One of the lucky punks over at aintitcool.com has already seen Spiderman 2. Spider-Man 2. With or without the hyphen. Whatever.

Either way, he seems doubled over with the film. He even went ahead and didn't write the review for a few DAYS, just so he was certain he wasn't writing a "giddy" review - movie people tend to get that way, you see. He's got Tons of stuff in there... Wanna Read it? Do ya REALLY wanna read it?

If yes, Click this.
If no, enter our Hellboy Giveaway Contest. Cuz why not?

Posted by John Campea at June 8, 2004 08:14 PM


This is the only film I've REALLY been looking forward to this year. Lots of great films, but I can't wait for Spiderman 2, because everything Sam Raimi has done so far has been solid gold, in my opinion.

Except Crimewave.

Here is the perfect example of a film-maker who has done everything right. Over the course of 25 years, he has slowly and methodically built his career into one of the most powerful of Hollywood directors.

Posted by: trysop at June 12, 2004 10:33 AM

when kirsten dunst fell down in the explosion what was Tobey Maguire's reaction.

Posted by: chris at June 27, 2004 04:34 PM


Quit it.

It's been a year. Your questions are pointless and annoying.

Posted by: day-vuhl at June 27, 2004 05:33 PM

This review is hilarious!


Posted by: prettyboy at July 1, 2004 09:46 AM

I went and saw Spiderman 2 with my gf last night. Not quite as good as the first one but definatly worth the money and time spent. Not as much action as the first, but I do like how this one focus' on Spiderman's feelings about what he does and his relationship with MJ. Does anyone expect a third?

Posted by: slash_03 at July 1, 2004 01:04 PM

I went to see this movie opening night and it sucked. It all just focuses on Peter Parker's problems and he tries to get MJ to like him. The critics in the newspaper are right that this movie was boring. The trailers are just trying to rip our money off just to see this and they are wrong it's not the best superhero movie ever it sucks. I think the X-Men movies are way better than Spiderman 2. The Spiderman movies suck big time. Don't waste your money!

Posted by: Mark at July 1, 2004 11:57 PM

Not only will there be a 3rd....expect John to have brought a certain *symbiote* (sp?) life form back with him...

Posted by: Shakey at July 2, 2004 04:03 PM

The question is, are they gonna pull a certain RED symbiote on us?

Posted by: Mday at July 4, 2004 12:17 AM

No way they're gonna get that far along in the next film ... the second symbiote, I mean ... they've got these things plotted out for six films so they've got a good bit of time to get there. My bet is that #3 introduces the black symiote early on and we get the black suited Spiderman against either the Lizard or the Hobgoblin as both of them have been set up in #2. We'll get Venom in #4.

Posted by: Bubba at July 4, 2004 12:12 PM

Concerning Mark's review, what freakin' movie did you see? I saw a very human, non-cliched depiction of what is a pretty ridiculous notion, people dressed in tights and flinging around cars. It was believable, and THAT is what a good movie is supposed to do, take you into another world or reality. I thought it was way better than the first, and probably better than both X-men films because of that very same humanistic element. If you'd ever read any Spiderman comics, you'd know that he is a very cereberal character - he was the first superhero with faults, doubts and a lot of inner dialogue. You're just a dumb kid who wanted to see more explosions, no doubt. Grow up.

Posted by: Razor at July 4, 2004 01:15 PM

this movie sucked , period. its a rip off from the first one which was 10 times better ... i dont know what movie u people saw with ur A+ reviews.....

Posted by: Homer at July 4, 2004 10:39 PM

Well guy, it WAS a sequel.....

Posted by: Razor at July 5, 2004 12:27 AM

How exactly does a sequel rip-off the first part of its own story?

Wow.. You mean it was repetitive? The same movie twice in a row? Boy, don't EVER watch the Fast and the Furious franchise then.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 5, 2004 12:52 AM

One of the worse movies I have ever seen. I'll post my review for Spiderman 3 now to avoid the rush - mountain of crap.

Posted by: Shane at July 6, 2004 10:55 AM