June 16, 2004

Early Errol Morris Films to Be Released on DVD Before the End of the Year!

errolmorris.jpgWell, ask and thou shalt receive, I suppose ... following a little exchange on one of our feedback threads wondering why Errol Morris' early films hadn't been released on DVD to capitalize on the press with his Oscar win I fired off an email to his production company to see what I could turn up ... here's what they had to say:

"Look for Errol's earlier films to come out on dvd between Nov 2004 and
Jan 2005. MGM is the distributor. First Person should be out around the
same time."

Now there are no specific dates for specific titles in there but the feature films currently unavailable are Vernon Florida, Gates of Heaven, A Brief History of Time and The Thin Blue Line. First Person is a television show that Morris did for two seasons on the Bravo channel in the US. Morris is pretty easily my favorite documentary film maker, so this is pretty good news ... keep watching this space for more specifics just as soon as we can weasel them out of MGM.

Posted by John Campea at June 16, 2004 08:24 PM


Morris said at Roger Ebert's Overlooked Film Festival in April that he expected the older films to be released on DVD late this year. (I'm certain he mentioned Gates of Heaven [which was being screened] and Vernon Florida.)

Posted by: Culture Snob at June 17, 2004 09:30 AM

And I was the audience member who asked him that very question.

Posted by: big bald dave at June 17, 2004 11:42 AM

And I was the first to applaud when you did.

Posted by: Culture Snob at June 17, 2004 12:16 PM

i heard you applaud... and I said to myself. I wonder who that is...at least I'm ninety percent sure it was you... could you email me some applause for comparison...

Posted by: big bald dave at June 19, 2004 02:19 PM

Where can i buy or rent a copy of the Thin Blue Line? I am based in London.

Posted by: Tiggy Ridley at July 27, 2004 11:38 AM

F - 9/11, Outfoxed, The Fog of War, it's good to see documentaries take on more serious issues, and, it's reaching the public. The documentaries at this link are pretty good too:


Posted by: Aries at October 4, 2004 07:52 PM

you may find this article in sigla magazine on documentaries of interest: http://www.siglamag.com/arts/0410/CinemaDocumentaries.php

Posted by: fmk at October 11, 2004 03:07 PM

WHEN!!! I am ready now. I want Gates of Heaven on DVD. I don't even really care if they add any extra features.
It can be one of the $5.50 DVDs at Walmart for all I care. I just a nicer quality copy that what I have on VHS. The Tape is getting worn out and I don't want to pay the collectors prices on another copy. If anyone knows how to contact Mr. Morris, I would love to beg and plead with him to get the process going.
I know that I am not the only one - I have seen it on a number of sites 10 most wanted DVDs.

Posted by: DrFabio at October 29, 2004 03:10 PM

Ah yes. I work in a small independent video store and MGM included a little flier for this set along some "indie" release last October. I have had both of our distributors try to get an actual date out of them and they have been pointedly unresponsive. Bottom line is: this stuff is definitely coming but (at least from what I've seen of the studios), the dates quoted above "don meen nutin". So keep the faith but don't hold your breath.


Posted by: Esteban at January 25, 2005 09:49 AM