June 29, 2004

Disney is Full of It

Okay, I'm not making political statements here, but let me get this straight:

1. Disney rejects and won't distribute Fahrenheit 9-11
- "It has nothing to do with taking sides, we just don't want to be political." [Ed Note: We all heard this - It's complete garbage, but anyway..]

2. MoveAmericaForward.org - a website set up to attack Moore's Film, makes a film of their own called "America's Heart & Soul".

3. Disney, the "politics-free" company that they are: backs them.

4. Then, Disney screens their movie for them

5. Then, Disney distributes the film nationwide on Friday.

6. And THEN, Disney says that "America's Heart and Soul":
- "has nothing to do with Fahrenheit 9/11 and there is no link at all between the two movies."

- Okay, so backing a film that was made by a company formed expressly to ATTACK Fahrenheit 9-11, has nothing to do with Fahrenheit 9-11??
S'cuse me for a sec...... AhemAhemBULLSH*TAhemAhem

Stupid, stupid. I tell ya. Bicker about politics however you like. Like whoever you want to like, but c'mon -- complete dishonesty is pretty apparent. (Iraq war)- Fortunately, this will be Disney's 482nd Box Office Bomb in a row. I'm guessing they're used to it by now.

Posted by John Campea at June 29, 2004 07:21 PM


Hey Daveo,

Have you had the chance to see 9/11 yet? I was impressed with it on saturday. More somber than and less speckled with humor than bowling for C, but I think more substantial in the sense that the inferences from facts to conclusions are more legitemate and clear.

interested in your take,

Posted by: Davej at June 29, 2004 07:51 PM

Fascinating news -- thanks for calling attention to it. I saw a commerical for this film, and it's only at the end, where the flash some URL on the screen that I realized it was a Disney project. I had NO idea about Move America Forward's involvement.

What a bunch of f'ing hypocrites.

Posted by: Filmbrain at June 29, 2004 07:59 PM

Hey dave..
all righty my take on Fahrenheit 9-11... here it is.

First off, my point of view:
"The iraq war is a war crime." Yeah, that's right. Those 10,000+ dead civilians? Yeah someone should probably account for that. That's more than 300% of the 9-11 deaths - and for a country that had nothing to do with it, I'm sure Hell is constructing a brand spankin new circle just for him.

That's my point of view, so here's the movie within that opinion.

- First and foremost, the movie had an awful lot to say. In fact, almost too much. I don't disagree with any of it, but the movie could've easily have been a 3-movie series. 1 movie for the Iraq War deception and then the Bush-BinLaden connection, the false election etcetc- not necessarily in that order.

As far as reviewing the movie goes, people need to separate movie style from their own political opinion. I'm trying to do this.

Moore presents events in a mostly chronological order starting with the election and the scandal thereof and procedes on down the line to today. But again, with so many issues to point out, it was tricky to stay on that track 100% of the time. - As a result, I felt that a few details that deserved being discussed, weren't. Like what exactly is in the Patriot Act, to name one. - In my research, according to the Patriot act, if you jay-walk across the road, you are officially a terrorist. No really. Look it up.

Mind you, the reasoning behind there being so much malicious evidence should be a case against Bush right there, but let's not get sidetracked ourselves.

I favoured the idea that for such a gravitational topic, Moore did very little "one-to-one" interviews and made 95% of the film from news reels and timelines, making the film much more matter-of-fact in the process. It was like realizing the evidence had been right in front of us the whole time, but completely kept from public view. That and we couldn't see it because of the tsunamic fear-campaign from the Bush administration. (Is tsunamic a word? It should be.)

- Now as far as the information that was presented, I think it was amazing. And very necessary. Those who have been closely following Global events - like Jon Stewart for example, won't learn too much new from the film - except for the occasional tidbit of juicy information and video clips of the Bush administration that only solidifies their lying: My favourite clip being the clip of Dubya, Condi Rice and Colin Powell in June 2001 admitting and discussing that Iraq has no capable weapons and has no military stockpiles coming from or going into the country. Amazing stuff. 5 months later: Run For Your Lives!! Garbage. Absolute garbage. -- Whoops.. there's my opinion leaking out again.

Okay, so yes:
- the facts: love 'em.
- the editing and delivery: It does the job. I enjoyed the humour. But the weight of the evidence choked the film style a wee bit.
- Cool music selection too.

And, in closing I'll say that if anyone decides to counter this little post of mine by attacking me *personally* instead of involving yourself in a civil conversation, I'll delete the post and ban the I.P. without so much as a titter.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 30, 2004 07:44 PM


You need to bathe more regularly. And get a haircut. Your overall hygiene leaves much to be desired. Your spelling is atrocious. Dumb as a sack of hammers, yep. You can never remember whether to use 'its' or 'it's'. You walk around with your hands in your pants far too often. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.

There. It needed to be done.

Posted by: Bubba at June 30, 2004 10:37 PM


Speaking of haircuts. You remember back in the day when the three of us were at the same school and Day-vuhl had awesome Twisted Sister hair? Then whenever Bailey saw him he would yell out, "Hey. No girls allowed on the guy's floor... oh, sorry Dave".

But only because you told me to.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 30, 2004 11:42 PM


You're still dreamy though.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 30, 2004 11:43 PM