June 29, 2004

Blade Trinity Trailer Online

bladetrinity.jpgThe title says it all really ... here it is. I've enjoyed the first two Blade films but never because of Snipes' performances. He's solid but unspectacular in them. So the big questions for me are how are the villains in this one and how are the new actors, particularly Ryan Reynolds who I have a really hard time picturing doing something like this. The villain question doesn't get answered at all. We don't even get a peek or a hint at what the villain is. Reynolds, however, is a different story ... he's only in the teaser briefly but I've seen a longer stretch of footage as well and he's surprisingly convincing. Who knew? From a bad sitcom to Van Wilder to this ...

Posted by John Campea at June 29, 2004 12:39 PM


Well, he'll even last longer than Donnie Yen did... sigh...

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 29, 2004 06:54 PM

...double sigh... But get this kids. I've read a couples pieces that say that Reynolds steals this movie from everyone else.
And then there's Triple H [shudder].

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 29, 2004 07:43 PM

One nice thing about Snipes is not having to see the back of a stunt double's head for every fight scene. Interesting stuff about Reynolds...always been slightly amused by his stuff even though Van Wilder was a bit over the top for my taste. I like seeing someone go against their genre.

Posted by: Hap Moorii at July 2, 2004 05:01 PM

I think they have done a great job with this particular franchise. But they did mess up on Donny Yen- he got out his patented triplle side jmp kick and that was it..

Posted by: Velocity at July 6, 2004 05:30 PM

I think they have done a great job with this particular franchise. But they did mess up on Donny Yen- he got out his patented triple side jump kick and that was it..

Posted by: Velocity at July 6, 2004 05:30 PM

I think this is going to be great stuff, can't wait to see Reynolds in this flick, I have to agree with Hap Moorii on the genre comment. But there is one thing you guys said I'm not sure about, who the fuck is Donny Yen?

Posted by: ()verl)ose at July 14, 2004 08:26 PM

who the f##k is Donnie Yen? WHO THE F##K IS DONNIE YEN?!!? Oh dear lord. People!!! We need to gather around 'overdose' [clever] and lay hands on him.
Donnie Yen is one of the best martial artists that you have never heard of. I am so close to spitting right now!!! He is Won Fei Hung in Iron Monkey, only one of the best martial art movies EVER! And you should be so lucky to see him in Hero in the ever so brief role of the asassin Sky.
Unfortunately, he's never gotten the same exposure that Jackie or Jet have gotten over here. But that just means that he hasn't made the same dumb-ass movies that they have of late.
Hope still exists that Donnie may someday get the recognition he deserves.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at July 14, 2004 10:31 PM

Or to put it in a context you're more likely to understand, Yen was the action choreographer on Blade 2 (except for Snipes' parts, 'cause he doesn't take direction well ...) and trained all the principal people. He was also the Asian guy in the gang of vamps that Blade teamed up with. He filled a similar role in Highlander Endgame, and was the asian villain in Shanghai Knights. Like KungFuGuy says, Yen kicks all sorts of ass. Fantastic martial artist and also a pretty respectable actor ... he's pretty much been squelched in north america thanks to a wretchedly bad contract he signed with Miramax. The man needs a better agent ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 15, 2004 06:36 AM

oh yeeeeeah... context. erm. ahem. yes. that would have been a good place to start.
But if you want to see Donnie at his finest I know that Bubba wouldn't disagree with Iron Monkey or Hero. But we do have to begin domestically. Right. Must remember that not everyone else goes outside North America for their movie kicks.
Miram-Axe sucks nuts.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at July 15, 2004 08:02 AM

Hmmm...Interesting commentary; to spoil your fun guys...the villian in this movie (so i heard) is supposed to be none other than: Dracula. That is right gents (& ladies) the man himself. Now as for the guy who has no inkling of who Donnie Yen is...i shall simply say that you need to either 1: get out more.
2: should no longer be allowed to watch any type of television or movie program...ever.
Not sure which...perhaps both. In either case, to correct "KungFuGuy" Donnie Yen was Wong Kei Ying in Iron Monkey; Fei Hung's father...the young child was Wong Fei Hung and the child was a girl actually...the only girl every to play Fei Hung in over 90 films. Yes Donnie is a superb martial artist as well as actor, but please be correct when quoting the parts he has played. I am glad to see others who enjoy Donnie's acting and martial prowess, continued blessings to you all!

Posted by: Hagakure at August 30, 2004 06:23 PM

donny?... he has a more real fighting style. 'street fighter' so people seem to believe donny will kick jets ass. i dont think so. chances are jet will win because... his skills surpass donnys. physicaly and mentaly. i mean if jet was to realy fight he woudnt do all those fancy stuff he does. but i still think donny is way cool. a little consieted. or extremly cocky. makes him kinda gay

but jackie chan? jackie is a weirldo. he doesnt even have real fighting skills. hes a gymnast turn into kung pow

oh yeah... BLADE sucks like hell. just like MATRIX!!! i hate it so much that so many things are copying matrix style. even METAL GEAR has lost it self in that dumb pausing crap shit. check out metal gear twin snake trailer. over 20 min i think. 80 MB

Posted by: eyes at September 7, 2004 02:10 AM

the movie was really fantastic. characters did great. they portrayed their role so nice. the setting is also ice. everything is great.

Posted by: lea preglo at January 12, 2005 01:37 AM

the movie was really fantastic. characters did great. they portrayed their role so nice. the setting is also ice. everything is great.

the fighting scene is good.

Posted by: lea preglo at January 12, 2005 01:38 AM