May 21, 2004

THX 1138

I am shamed to think that I have never seen this movie.

I intend to resolve this. George Lucas' first feature film is coming back to theatres to promote the DVD Release.

In 1971, a visionary filmmaker named George Lucas created a chillingly prescient look at a disturbing future world as his feature film debut. Years ahead of its time, THX 1138 has since attracted a strong following, with its cutting edge visual and sound experience, and provocative and resounding messages.

"We wanted to make a different kind of film, and I hope when audiences see it today, they will find it to be as intriguing as we envisioned," says Lucas. The film stars Robert Duvall, and is produced by Francis Ford Coppola and his revolutionary American Zoetrope studios.

This fall, this debut film will return as THX 1138: The George Lucas Director's Cut. It will come to theaters as a special limited engagement, and then to DVD.

More at Coming Soon!

Posted by John Campea at May 21, 2004 02:20 PM


It is a great film... but unfortunately, Lucas has seen fit to go back to the original and muck it up with new digital effects. Which just sucks. When I saw this film (on VHS), I was absolutely amazed to see a Lucas film that actually had vision and imagination, as opposed to a gajillion dollar effects budget and not much else. I couldn't believe the George Lucas that makes bloated, effects-filled films today was the same one that made this sleek and intriguing film.

Posted by: opus at May 21, 2004 04:51 PM

I didn't see any news of him adding new special effects to this film. The DVD is reported to have new interviews and featurettes about the making of the film and the filmmaking era that it was in as well as Lucas' college short film that this feature is based on.

No extra enhancements were mentioned at all.

Posted by: Rodney at May 21, 2004 06:14 PM

I remember seeing this on the boob tube once. Very cool. Suddenly THX1138 became my movie snob ace in the hole. It will definitely find a home in my 'wall of dvds' come the fall. thanks for the heads up Rodney.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 22, 2004 12:24 AM

This came from "There are a few snippets of extra footage throughout the movie, but the main differences in the new version--in addition to digital video and audio restoration--are digitally enhanced backgrounds, cityscapes and crowds of people. Those enhancements add a greater scope and scale than Lucas could generate with the limited budget and technology of 33 years ago, said Jim Ward, VP marketing and distribution at Lucasfilm."

Posted by: opus at May 22, 2004 12:36 AM

Adding some background to previously unfinished scenes, or importing a pile of extras that he couldnt afford the first time around, is not a bad thing.

Those type of enhancements in the Special Editions of Starwars were the appreciated additions. Its the "who shot first" and the "Anakin gets to be a young ghost now" things that people are upset with.

Posted by: Rodney at May 22, 2004 12:44 PM

The "enhancements" to Star Wars were not appreciated by me. The CGI additions looked pasty and out of place next to the model shots of Star Wars. I also don't like the CGI Jabba.

I own a set of Star Wars LaserDiscs and there is no reason for me to buy the DVDs coming out until a version comes out with the original scenes, effects, etc.

The same story for THX-1138.

Spielberg got it right when he shipped E.T. on DVD -- both versions were included: "classic" and updated. Now everyone is happy.

Posted by: Eric van Bezooijen at May 25, 2004 02:00 PM

You should really check out the new official THX 1138 website here:

I hear the webmaster is a genius.

Posted by: Ghent at May 25, 2004 10:38 PM

The only good movie Lucas ever directed.

Posted by: cal godot at May 26, 2004 02:47 PM

Yesssss!!!!!!!!! Oh man,finally the powers that be have given one of my favorites the respect it deserves.It`s about time......isn`t it?
Star Wars was never as interesting to me as THX 1138 and I have taken some crap for this supposed insane thinking.And,they`re even going to release it at the theaters for a short run?Hey George - from the bottom of my heart,thank you.

Posted by: Couz at June 6, 2004 08:50 AM

nice site i really like your information

Posted by: satellite tv at July 23, 2004 04:13 PM

nice site i like your stuff

Posted by: mesothelioma at July 24, 2004 03:50 PM

I just saw the new version of THX-1138 an the Magnolia theater in Dallas. I have to say that the film remains as impressive as when I last saw it 12 years ago. With one or two minor exceptions, I felt that the new digital effects served the film well. Lucas did not follow the same path he went down with the Star Wars films, the digital addtions were not an attempt to alter the story or add scenes and information to the film. Simply, put the new effects seemed to be put in place only to add to the scope and feel of the film - which they did fairly well. Again unlike Star Wars, I was not left feeling that anything of the original film had been lost.

Posted by: jjs1138 at September 10, 2004 03:37 PM

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw THX-1138
sitting on the shelf of the DVD section.
I remember seeing this for the first time
when I was about 14 yrs old (1974) It really
was the best sci-fi flick I had ever seen.
Really creepy... because it was possible.
I also remember asking friends if they had ever seen THX-1138..just to get vacant stares
and maybe a "What the hell are you talking about"
In fact I even began to wonder if I was the only person who knew it existed. Now I am 45 yrs old
and its back bigger and better. I think its
message is more relevant in the digital age
than back when computers were for sending men
to the moon...not millions sitting in every home.
I do hope they release a version of the org.
film for those of us who want a copy.
What an awesome movie !!

Posted by: marcchamp at October 10, 2004 11:13 PM

I've wanted to see this for a long time and I finally did tonight. Um, it's not very good. The first half hour is really interesting, but once it becomes a tedious montage of chase scenes... forget it. Too bad.

I notice the widely quoted press materials call it "chillingly prescient." That would imply that Lucas had successfully predicted the future. Er, no. The Lucasfilm folks need to hire PR flacks who don't use words they don't understand!

Posted by: john at November 28, 2004 01:42 AM

Haven't seen this yet, but saw a clip a little while ago on TV, probably the end tunnel chase scene, looked amazing. Where can I get a copy? I haven't seen it out in the shops...?!
George Lucas appears somewhat afraid of doing anything new in case it falls short of, or seems out of step with his 'legacy' as he calls it. He wants to be remembered in centuries to come apparantly, which I think is why he fusses over the films of his that the world already know and love. It's a shame, because he may end up ruining that legacy, which - let's face it - was about overcoming extremely low budgets to create stylish and innovative concepts that not only made an impact, but raised the bar considerably in terms of visual styling and touching on that 'movie majic' cinematic experience...the kind that stays with you for nearly thirty far.

Posted by: Terra-Sahn at April 24, 2005 06:10 PM