May 09, 2004

Some Details, With a Healthy Dose of Confusion, on X Men 3 is reporting that the third X Men film has received the official green light and is currently slated to begin filming in June 2005, aiming for a May 2006 release. It looks as though Bryan Singer will be returning to direct despite earlier word that he would be stepping into a writer / producer role only with someone else assuming the helm. Beyond that things get fuzzy ...

Producer Lauren Shuler Donner says she's "pretty sure" that Wolverine will return - though the talk of a Wolverine spin off film may change those plans - that she's hoping to include Gambit and Beast on the mutant roster, that Storm will need to have a much larger part if they're to entice Halle Berry to return, and that they're planning to follow through with the Dark Phoenix storyline that was set up in X2 though Bryan Singer was earlier quoted as saying he didn't expect to touch any of the Dark Phoenix material until at least the fourth film.

Hey, guess what? They greenlit this thing before writing a word of it. Can you tell?

On an unrelated but very relevant note the Star's Peter Howell just wrote this excellent article outlining how the blockbuster phenomenon has resulted in increased pressure on studios to generate marketing franchises rather than just worrying about making films. It's a good read.

Posted by John Campea at May 9, 2004 04:59 PM


I predict that Jackman will turn down the role in favour of a Wolverine movie, and that will open the door for Gambit. This will please all the fanboys.

Fans cried for Gambit, but the smartass, mysterious toughguy role was already being filled by Wolverine. Peronality-wise the two characters were already too close.

Now with Jackman hesitating to sign, they may toss him and bring in Gambit. (with my luck played by VanDamme)

Time will tell.

Posted by: Rodney at May 10, 2004 03:55 AM

i hope gambit is not played by vandamme i have never likead a vandamme movie and probably never will i hope gambit and wolverine are both in it i also hope they have more jubille they've only had a little blip of her in 1 deleted scene :(

Posted by: erjuestji at May 12, 2004 06:08 PM

I look forward to a third installment, I loved 1 & 2. It'd be a shame if Wolverine wasn't in it, but at the same time; a solo Wolverine movie would be welcome. Gambit sure as hell better be in it though! I dont need to be teased with his name being displayed in X2, only to have him not turn up. Just hope that the casting is as spot on as Wolverine. And Beast is more than welcome aswell.

It'll be interesting to see the Phoenix story play out, and Im happy that Singer is going to be in the directors chair.

erjuestji - I found it so wierd that I knew it was Jubllie at the very end of X2, in the classroom. The cut-scene only confirmed it. I'd expect to see her in a third X-Men movie.

Posted by: Luke S at May 17, 2004 09:36 PM

I hope dr. gray is alive in x-men 3 because i always watch xmen cartoons and dr. gray never die... the full cast of character in xmen 3 will be great but it is very frustrating to view if one mutant die...

Posted by: anna a at May 18, 2004 09:14 PM

While I agree both X-movies were decent, they weren't that good. Jean Grey should not have been out there alone. Storm is the weather witch and Bobby could have stopped the deluge all by himself. I cannot believe Stan Lee is allowing these great characters to be misused. Only Nightcrawler was true to the comic charcter! By the way, The Phoenix was born in outer space, not in Canada.

Posted by: Glenn Mesa at January 3, 2005 02:58 PM

does anyone have any idea whos gonna play Gambit im dying to now..... I liked Both the X-mens so far but if the #rd one has Gambit in it i would probly like that one the best!!!!!!!

Posted by: lyssa at January 11, 2005 06:35 PM