May 07, 2004

Snow White Gone Kung Fu?

Here's another one for the so strnage it must be true file, courtesy the good folks at KFC Cinema ...

Yuen Woo Ping - the man behind the kung fu sequences in The Matrix, Crouching Tiger and Kill Bill - is prepping Golden Dragon for Disney. Yep, as you might guess it's a kung fu film. Where things get weird, however, is that it's a kung fu take on the story of Snow White. Really. I'm not kidding. No word on who will fill the Snow White role yet (Lord I'm hoping for Zhang Ziyi, but since it's a Disney film it'll probably be a western actor) but international star Chow Yun Fat (Crouching Tiger) and young Korean star Kwan Sang Soo (Volcano High. Go see this movie. The original, uncut version. Right now.) are both slated to appear. Additionally rumors have already begun to circulate that Woo Ping is aiming to groom Soo to be the next international action star.

You can read the whole story here.

Posted by John Campea at May 7, 2004 09:49 PM



Sorry it's so bizzare I can't think of anything else to say. Wonder if they'll do any more... sleeping beauty... bambi.. (see that deer kick lumberjacks to death kung-fu style... anyone remember Gary Larson's Far side anim???)

Posted by: nix at May 8, 2004 10:32 AM

I can see Kwan Sang-soo in this role. I just finished watching My Tutor Friend and he does a bit of fighting in that one too though the movie itself is a romantic comedy. But the 'I can kick your ass faster than you can blink' presence is there.
Oh, and My Tutor Friend is good. It's not great like My Sassy Girl but it did bumper business in Korea and it looks like his latest Once Upon a Time in High School: Spirit of Jeet Kune Do did pretty good too though it didn't top the Top 10 charts for as long as MTF did.
Oh, and something just to piss you all off. Tickets in South Korea go for 7000 Won. What's that on the international exchange? Oh, just over $8.00 Canadian.
And when the most expensive Korean movie ever made is Taegukgi at 12.8 million there's something definitely wrong with the North American system!!!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 14, 2004 09:55 AM

I just got Spirit of Jeet Kun Do in the mail yesterday ... haven't watched it yet ... where are you getting these Korean box office stats?

Posted by: Bubba at May 14, 2004 10:16 AM

Ah. Those brief and rare moments of levity I get when I am one up on Bubba. Can we all just bask in my glory for a second ... ... ... thank you.
Ahem. Pulled them off a web-site run by a chap Darcy Paquet who "...writes for Screen International magazine and also works as an English language editor for the Korean Film Council". Darcy pulls his b/o stats from Cine21 film magazine.
And if no one has heard about Taegukgi it's from the same director, Kang Je-gyu, who did Shiri. Shiri was a big success despite the characters repeating the plot line every 5 minutes throughout the film. Taegukgi was the first ever Korean film to sell 2 million tickets in five days. By Korean standards that's pretty impressive.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 15, 2004 08:47 AM

Watched Spirit of Jeet Kun Do last night and I can see why Woo Ping thinks he can groom this kid ... the fighting (and there's not a ton of it, really, the film's more of a memoir / romantic melodrama) is totally natural, nothing prettied up at all, no wire rigs, and the kid pulls it all off really well ...decent range as an actor, too ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 15, 2004 11:19 AM

Excellent. I know what I will be taking home with me to watch the next time I am over at Bubba's home after presenting him with the token of frothy beverages.
We can trade off. You can borrow my MTF and I'll take your SoJKD. Sounds like it's pretty much the same btn the two films. A little bit of fighting to make the guys happy, though he is sure to be rigged in MTF at least once. Meh. I can trade that off for what fighting you do see.
You wanna die?

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 16, 2004 08:25 AM

Interesting, very interesting. Though how You can reccomend the original uncut Volcano High over MTV's rendition is beyond me... *shudders*

Posted by: Luke S at May 17, 2004 09:42 PM

Can you elaborate on that? What didn't float your boat about VH?

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 18, 2004 06:30 PM