May 24, 2004

Shrek Rules the Box Office

shrek.jpgWow. I expected Shrek 2 would take the top spot at the box office but not like this ... and judging from the quotes I've seen from Dreamworks execs today they're all pretty stunned too. The big green guy opened with $106 million over the weekend, $127 mil if you start counting from the Wednesday opening, giving it the second highest opening ever (behind only Spider Man) and by far the largest opening ever for an animated film.

The other really interesting box office news comes at the bottom of the top ten ... Super Size Me managed to crack the box office list despite playing on a measly 148 screens. Pretty impressive.

Posted by John Campea at May 24, 2004 11:04 AM


Part pop culture explosion, part banking on how much we love the characters Shrek 2 really is the first great movie of a promising summer. Riddick doesn't look bad. Spiderman will rule the earth and Harry Potter is becoming a poster boy for great adaptations in film.

There are so many really great laughs and so much genuine warmth in Shrek 2 that I predict wide scale copycatting by other studios.

Warner Brothers will produce a horrible film called DrekWoman.

Universal will announce plans to buy the franchise and attempt to turn the big green guy into a monster hunting ogre with a mysterious past- or they'll announce Shrek vs. Hulk.

Paramount will ressurect the defunct Tomb raider series to take advantage of the much gossipped about Angelina Jolie/Shrek romance (hey they're both virtual).

Lastly New Line will cast Shrek as Bilbo Baggins in their illegal reworking of the Hobbit.

Big Bald People rule

Posted by: big bald dave at May 24, 2004 08:26 PM

Variety just announced that Universal has greenlit two more Shrek films ... No word if the Hulk will appear, though. I'd pay to see that.

Posted by: Bubba at May 25, 2004 04:34 PM