May 20, 2004

SHI MIAN MAI FU (House of Flying Daggers) not Picked up by Miramax! Yaay!

We're getting lots of hits from people looking for the Teaser or the Trailer -- here they are:
The Japanese Teaser (Windows Media) and The Trailer (the trailer is in Japanese - I haven't found an english trailer yet)

I highly doubt it was even a question if Miramax had a snowball's chance in Hell that they'd have the opportunity to THINK about bidding for the North American rights to this after the mess they concocted with the release for Hero - director Yimou Zhang's other kick ass film.

However, I just felt like I needed to celebrate that Miramax doesn't have a film that seems to be more than worthy of a North American shot. Isn't that Wonderful? Yes, yes it is. It turns out that Sony Pictures Classics has picked up "Shi..." Good for them - let's see how well they handle it. [Say that sentence like 'Dark Helmet'] The title is still a question - The English title of "House of Flying Daggers" apparently, is only what it's being referred as, and isn't the actual title. Bubba made a post a while back saying the teaser trailer was listed under the title "Lovers" (check the "House of..." link) So who knows what it's called. So has a link to a forum where people are coming up with their own suggestions if you can think of something better.

Posted by John Campea at May 20, 2004 12:31 PM


I posted this weeks ago. Dink. Soon I shall be back in Toronto where I shall insult you personally.

Posted by: Bubba at May 20, 2004 02:49 PM

Hey, now now..
I saw the 'sony pictures Classics' article on Monkeypeaches yesterday.. they identified comlumbia a few weeks ago too.

don't be hatin.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at May 20, 2004 03:23 PM

Columbia and Sony are the same company. Dink.

Posted by: Bubba at May 21, 2004 11:14 AM


Gotta love me, I'm the baby.

Posted by: big bald dave at May 21, 2004 11:16 AM

thanks for the post - haddn't see this on here yet

Sony and Columbia are not the same company

Posted by: Anonymous Coward at May 21, 2004 02:36 PM

all chit chat aside about genetalia guys the Toronto Star had an article in today's edition and their reviewer said that SHI MIAN MAI FU, Lovers, Ambush from 10 sides, or whatever it will be called has the best ever Bamboo fight scene. Insert giggling like a little school girl.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 22, 2004 12:27 AM

When l heard the kids talk about the chinese film , l felt a bit strange, l wonder one day l should have a film which make me proud .However , l haven't yet,Why ? All chinese are stupid? No, there must be some reason.Who can tell me?

Posted by: fuck usa at May 22, 2004 03:02 AM

Er ... hate to break it to you anonymous, but yes they are. Check out anything that Columbia's put out in the past 10 years or so. When the Columbia splash screen comes up it says right at the bottom "A Sony Pictures Company" or some such thing ... Sony bought out Columbia Tri-Star ages ago. There are really only four or five major media companies in the world controlling a good 80 or 90 percent of the product out there ... they have multiple names and divisions to allow for specialty branding and to keep the monopolization a little less obvious ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 22, 2004 12:39 PM

Can someone tell me more about how Miramax messed up with the distribution of Hero? Was Hero meant to have a big cinema release in the West (USA, UK etc) and hasn't?, or has the cinema release just been delayed? Anyone know?

Posted by: alie at May 30, 2004 12:38 PM

As for Miramax and Hero pick something bad they could've done and they've pretty much done it ...

Initially they promised to chip $20 mil into production costs to secure rights and apparently have yet to pay up on the vast majority of that. One of the promises they made to get Yimou to sign was that it would get a broad release and be pushed for the Oscars. The year Hero came out in Asia Miramax opted to push a different foreign film for the best foreign Oscar and neglected Hero so thoroughly that the Asian production house had to arrange a US screening for it themselves so that it would qualify for the Oscars at all. Hero got the foreign nomination, the film Miramax was pushing didn't. By this point Miramax had already been sitting on Hero for about a year and people figured they'd ride the free press from the Oscar nom and release it then, but they didn't. Instead they've sat on it for another year and a half over that time setting and breaking four or five different release dates. The only reason they're releasing it now is that when they pushed Kill Bill Volume 2 back it fell onto one of the Hero release dates and when it got bumped again Tarantino started to get some heat from asian film fans and went after the Weinsteins to hurry up and release the thing. So now it's finally supposed to release in August but it's being billed as 'Quentin Tarantino Presents Jet Li in Hero'despite the fact that Tarantino had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the production of the film (at least with the Tarantino Presents Iron Monkey he oversaw the re-edit / re-master), there are four other highly recognizable Asian stars in the film who are being completely ignored, and the actual director is well known and loved in art house circles and is also being ignored.

The overall treatment the film got was so bad that Zhang Yimou (the director) said aaaaaaaaages ago that he would never work with Miramax again and has been openly encouraging other asian film makers to stay away. Same basic story with Steven Chow after Miramax's mis-handling of Shaolin Soccer ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 30, 2004 01:53 PM