May 02, 2004

Oh, That Wacky Dane ...

Danish director Lars Von Trier has long been known for provoking, shall we say, strong reactions from his actors. While filming Dancer in the Dark the man got into such a violent argument with Bjork that it ended with her removing the shirt from her back, cutting it into little pieces and then eating it. Whether this says more about Bjork or Von Trier is open to debate, but the fact is the man is notoriously difficult to work with ... and here's another example. Veteran character actor John C. Reilly, who previously appeared in Von Trier's Dogville, has reportedly walked off of the set of Manderlay, Von Trier's coming follow up to Dogville. The reason? Reilly was less than pleased when Von Trier had a donkey killed on set for use in the film. Sounds like Von Trier is cooking up another dose of joy and happiness ...

Posted by John Campea at May 2, 2004 06:53 AM


where did you read about bjork eating her shirt? this is very interesting to me and i'd like to read more.

Posted by: Joshua Tuscan at May 2, 2004 11:24 PM

It was really widely reported at the time ... they had a big fight over wardrobe and neither would budge. I guess Bjork figured it the shirt didn't exist she couldn't be made to wear it ... hence the eating ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 3, 2004 06:49 AM