May 18, 2004

Ocean's 12 Teaser Trailer and the Frustrations Thereof.

As opposed to the post below, this is something I really HATE. I really liked Ocean's 11, I thought it was well done. Didn't make me wet my object of passion known as my pants or anything, but I had fun watching it. So with Ocean's 12 up and coming, I'm kinda keen on seeing it. Same full cast, they still have trippy cool music - all is well so far...

Then they released the Teaser Trailer. Now, I understand that Teasers are just supposed to... well... tease, but this is stupid. The Ocean's 12 teaser/trailer is easily something a 12 year old with a knowledge of how to use Flash could've made in about 20 minutes. The music is still cool, but that's it. Tease me with a cool setup, or someone doing those "I'm too hip" motions with an eyebrow or something. If someone paid more than 50 bucks for this Teaser Trailer, they got ripped off.

Click the link up there or click this to watch what happens when a teaser editor suddenly remembers he has to present a teaser to executives in 25 minutes.

Posted by John Campea at May 18, 2004 09:25 PM


Yeah but the teaser for the Ocean's Eleven was pretty much the same thing. There will be more. Don't fret oh flaxen haired one!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 19, 2004 06:20 PM

nah, that took design.

No 12 year old would be able to do that ;D


Posted by: Bryan at May 19, 2004 11:33 PM

I absolutely disagree.

I thought it was stylish and accomplished its task. Simple doesn't always means easier... took alot of throught to put that together.

And in this day and age where everything is revealed in its teasers/trailers... going to see the flick, I had no clue as to major plot elements. Which was a refeshing change.

Posted by: Jaemeel at January 31, 2005 11:47 AM