May 15, 2004

Most Pointless Lawsuit Ever.

stallone.jpgIt is to laugh ... Sylvester Stallone is suing MGM films. And why? For blocking his attempts to make Rocky 6 and - get this - a Rocky Broadway musical. Apparently he just can't understand why the film company would do such a thing. Here's a hint Sly ... take a look at your resume and ask yourself these two questions:

1) When was the last time I was in a film that made money?
2) When was the last time I was in a film that didn't go direct to video?

I mean, seriously ... a Rocky musical?

Posted by John Campea at May 15, 2004 11:11 AM


Ok, ok, so the musical idea is stupid. But Rocky VI? That's genius! The Rocky films are an institution! If there's any chance of rehabilitating them after the terrible ending to Rocky V, I'm all over it. I love these films. Ok, they're probably best referred to as 'movies'. Screw you. Running up the steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art was one of the greatest moments in my life.

Posted by: Hardcore Joel at May 15, 2004 01:22 PM

Think the Rocky franchise had been done and dusted, with no where else for the story to go. Sly is too old to be a boxer (He would make George Foremans comeback look credible). I personally think that Rocky V wasnt a great film, but it wasn't that bad and that should be the end to it! Well done MGM for not cashing in on a potentially crap film just to make money! Rocky the musical, whats that all about!? That would certainly be a Rocky Horror Show! (hehehe did you see what I did then?!)

Posted by: David Terry at May 17, 2004 05:26 AM

Further proof that people from The Island are far more clever than anyone else!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at May 17, 2004 06:16 PM

Oh but imagine a Rocky movie with Matrix-style special effects. Wouldn't ya just love it?

But, yes, a Rocky musical would be absolutely priceless! Imagine how great it would be, even better if they played it straight lol

Posted by: Luke S at May 17, 2004 08:42 PM

Did I note a tad of sarcasm then KungFu!? Coz we Brits aint as fick as we look hehehehe. Matrix Rocky that would be great. Wonder if it would help him defend himself!? That bullet time would be a great asset to a boxer and being able to bend over backwards, Rocky would be undeafetable.

Posted by: David Terry at May 18, 2004 03:13 AM

The first ROCKY movie was (and is) good -- a movie with a heart. The rest we could live without. (ROCKY IV was the real low point.)

ROCKY the Musical? It could work (seriously)...
Proposed songs (not so seriously):

"Don't Let The Bell Ring Down On Me"

"If I Only Had A Brain (Left In My Skull After That last Punch)"

"I Feel Pretty (Standing Next To My Boyfriend's Bloody Mess Of A Face)"

"Everybody Hurts"

"Baby Hit Me One More Time"

I don't have Mr. Stallone's ear, but I'd give him the respectful advice: "There's something to be said for growing old gracefully."

-A.R. Yngve

Posted by: A.R. Yngve at May 20, 2004 07:22 AM

hey rocky 4 was the best out and im sure that he will make a rocky 6 because rocky movies are the best plz make a rocky 6 movie. from your biggest rocky fan bob bobby

Posted by: bob at June 6, 2004 02:48 AM

Ok we all know that rocky movies are the best and im really dieing to see a rocky 6 because i just love rocky movies my favourite was rock6 4 i hope that sylvestor plays the rocky role and not some one else if there is a rocky 6. from your pal sam dickdikison

Posted by: sam at June 6, 2004 02:51 AM


Posted by: RoCkY at June 6, 2004 02:53 AM

Recognizing that humans seem to have a fundamental need to feel superior to at least someone, I'd like to give a big shout out to bob, sam, and RoCkY. Thanks guys

Posted by: G at June 6, 2004 03:10 AM

Hey people how are you all ROCKY RULES
rocky six will come out because everyone loves rocky and if he makes another sequal he will make alota money and he will make his fans extremly happy. from your pal sam dickdickson

Posted by: sam at June 12, 2004 09:28 AM

Iam the biggest rocky fan known to man. It would be fantastic if there was a rocky six

Posted by: Justin at June 25, 2004 03:43 PM

From all the investigating I've done into this matter, it looks like it might happen in the end.For those anxious fans like me though....dont be suprised if Stallone either kills Rocky off at the end of this one. Its been said that this will "Deffinatley" be the last one either way.. :-(

Posted by: Mike at July 1, 2004 09:50 AM

Although Rocky I & II were my personal favorites, all of the Rocky's were great! I just don't understand why key characters have to die all the time to achieve emotion, the first two had the most emotionally driving force without the need to kill anyone off. Mickey's gone, Apollo's gone, enough is enough. Don't kill off Adrian or Rocky, even Paulie for that matter, we don't need more deaths to make it more "memorable". Besides, it's the fairy tale story and happy endings (when done well) which when you get caught up in seem as though they could be true which makes the series so great and memorable.

Posted by: mike hunt at March 2, 2005 12:16 PM

I think that rocky numbers one through five were amasing and if Stallone wants to make another movie than let him. You can't just tell a person your too old so stop doing what you love!! But i do think that the musical idea is a bit... challenging .I don't think you can make a musical out of a movie like ROCKY. It would just be ...
i don't know what it would be, but it would be weird. But the only ad thing about making another rocky movie is that with all the modern day technology the movie would look so.. modern! I like the old effect that the other movies had.

Posted by: michelle at April 16, 2005 11:03 AM

come on guys the rocky films are the best films ever made need rocky6

Posted by: simon davis at June 1, 2005 05:36 PM

Maybe it's just me, But I assumed that Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) would have carried on the Rocky tradition through his on scree/off screen Son, Especially after he made the comment to him in Rocky V about how he feels as though he's re-born through him...If done right, Rocky's son could give Rocky a whole new Life and at least 5 more films! I for one, would not be upset by that, as far as I'm concerned I'd love to see a new Rocky movie every 3 years or so up until Sly is visibly old as hell and it finally make's sense to "kill him off" in Rocky X or something. To the guy that posted this thread about it being a "poinless law suit"..In this particular case, Sly has every right to fight for his on-screen Legacy with the Rocky series, Rocky will make a ton of money no matter how many films Sly has made prior that stunk at the box office, Because quite frankly Rocky is a movement, I'm 37 years old, and my 18 year old and his friends are "Up" on Rocky and Love it just as much as I do! So in closing I say please keep Rocky Movies coming, I don't care what the hell the plot is, I'm a blind loyalist to this, Rocky VI?! I'm waiting...Patiently.

Posted by: Bryan Adams at August 7, 2005 06:43 PM

I think there should be another rocky movie. That saga inspired me to stand up to other people. Sylvester Stallone is my all time favorite actor. And I support him 100%.

I dont think there should be a rocky musical.

Posted by: Alex Shuty at September 22, 2005 08:37 PM