May 02, 2004

Hey Look! The Trailer for Hero!

Well, if you haven't seen it in the theatre yet - The trailer for Hero is now online and in Quicktime format even.

Click This to See It.

Having seen the movie a number of times, I think they could've edged the trailer out a little bit more instead of having so many flashy text cards interrupting the whole thing.. Glad to see a couple "leaf" scene shots though. And of course, Mr. Taratino's name is the first thing flashed onto the screen - which I guess is excusable since he's the only reason it will be shown here.. My concern being people who don't know any better, seeing the trailer, will say: "What? Another one?" However, above everything else, I highly demand that you damn well better go and see this when it gets released.

Posted by John Campea at May 2, 2004 01:48 PM


Hmmm... the trailer makes it feel much more action-oriented than "Hero", which felt quite contemplative and methodical - though I'm sure there'll be plenty of melodrama. And Zhang Ziyi in that long, flowing dress... swoon...

Posted by: opus at May 2, 2004 09:30 PM

DOH! The above should've been on the post concerning "Shi Mian Mai Fu". That's what I get for not reading before I post.

Posted by: opus at May 2, 2004 09:31 PM

Well, looks pretty.. proof is in the viewing though, but last fare of films I was looking forward to based on their trailers turned out to be dross... Shawn of the Dead was massively underwhelming.

Not that im comparing Shawn of the Dead to Hero before anybody shouts at me!!! Fingers crossed Hero will be every bit as good as the trailer!!

Posted by: nix at May 4, 2004 06:32 AM

strange how long it actually takes you to get foreign films into your cinemas..

Posted by: yact at May 4, 2004 06:40 AM

hmm, you know, actually, it's the same with us, at least with the not-so-famous ones.. well, well..

Posted by: yact at May 4, 2004 06:44 AM

Speaking of Shawn of the Dead, does anyone know if this is going to get a North American release?

Posted by: G at May 4, 2004 09:12 AM

By the way, British diction rocks. I'm going to marry the first person I meet who successfully uses 'dross' in a sentence. Assuming they don't have a penis. And they have big boobs

Posted by: G at May 4, 2004 09:16 AM

Hero is every bit as good as it looks ... I must've seen it a good 10-15 times by now, and absolutely everybody I've shown it to was blown away. Better than Crouching Tiger on pretty much every level, I think, and I like Crouching Tiger an awful lot, too ... more 'Asian' in outlook, though, so it may not be as immediately accessible ...

And G - yes, Shaun of the Dead is coming over here. Not sure when the release will be, though ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 4, 2004 09:19 AM

Just saw this trailer and looks to absolutely rock - how long has this been out in Asia?

Posted by: Wicked at May 7, 2004 08:42 PM

Hero originally came out a couple years ago ... Miramax has been sitting on it for ages despite it being nominated for best foreign film two years ago ... Yimou's next film will be playing in Asian theaters before this one gets released here ...

Posted by: Bubba at May 7, 2004 09:41 PM

Finally we get to see a real kungfu film. on the big screen. lord knows how long i have actually waited for this movie to come out and how i have held off so long from buying the dvd in hopes that it will one day make it to the big screen. I am a big fan of martial arts movies and was totally absolutely disgusted but Tarantino's kill bill that ultimately had a hand in the late release of this movie. (I have never hated a movie so much in my life and worse yet is the dummies who kept pronouncing that pathetic ruminant excreta as some even remote significant cinema achievement. YEAH RIGHT... Any ways and THIS IS A BIG SCOOP, it turns out that Quentin Tarnatino himself write posts on his own movies praising himself and dissing other directors and moviemakers on a certain website devoted to his movies ( i think the he posts under the pseudonym VicVega or something like that

Why you ask do i post all this nonsense, well it seems that some fans from that website were actually expressing disappointment with Tarantino's kill bill that had stifled HERO'S release, and guess what happened a few months later, Tarantino decided to take the project under his wing and present it (knowing full well of the already established underground cult following of this movie and the fact that it is bound to do just as well or even better than Crouching tiger.

But thank goodness this kill bill shit has gone by
(quickly dismissed from atop the box office after one week by man on fire and J.Garners movie....

Goodriddance to bad cheesey ass shit now bring on the pure stuff

Posted by: OnlytheRed at May 11, 2004 10:07 PM

I heard the same thing too (about Q. Tarantino
posting with a pseudonym on that website. His handle is toothpickivicvega

Posted by: iheardthattood at May 12, 2004 04:34 AM

Lot's of bollocks!

Posted by: viewer at September 25, 2004 07:32 AM