May 18, 2004

Got a Sec? Here's 10 minutes of the new Harry Potter.

I'm actually kinda liking this trend that seems to be building a wee bit. Studios releasing a chunk of their film to the Internet to wet the whistles of those who deem the trailer to not be enough. (Off hand, if you haven't seen it yet, the trailer for "HP and the Prisoner of Askaban" is right here.)

Either way, Warner Bros. has released 10 minutes of the new Potter film which, you can watch all by your wee little self: **Correction** as it seems, the data I got was all screwy and this is a 10 minute Behind the Scenes look at the New Harry Potter... still lots of clips n discussions in it though... as you were..***

Click here to see 10 Minutes of Harry Potter. Keep in mind, this sucker is 63 Megs big.

Go bananas.

Posted by John Campea at May 18, 2004 06:20 PM


hey! this is really cool! my friend found it, but it doesn't work on her computer... and I just found out that it doesn't on mine either! hopefully you'll be able to find a way so it WILL work for most! I hope... keep up the good work! This is an awesome website!

Posted by: Alyssa at May 19, 2004 10:55 AM


Hey there, well, it does in fact work, I've seen it working on mine.. -- I would upgrade to the newest version of the Quicktime Player
Click this to go to their download page.

And keep in mind, if you're on dial up, you'll be 93 by the time it's finished downloading.

Posted by: day-vuh at May 19, 2004 01:25 PM

It isn't 10 minutes of the actual film, just an ABC special about the new film with some scenes and interviews with actors...

Posted by: Jimbo "the love god" jones at May 28, 2004 11:40 AM

Hermione (Emma Thompson) is turning into a real hottie...Anyone got an ETA on when she turns 18??

Posted by: Jimbo "the love god" jones....again at May 28, 2004 11:42 AM

2 things. If you read the post, I already said it was a behind the scenes clip.. in bold even...

your second post is just really icky.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at May 28, 2004 12:17 PM

thanks but i have the answer now, Emma Watson will be 18 in: (this website has a countdown)

and this is what i think about everyday!

Posted by: Jimbo "the love god" jones...the one and only at July 4, 2004 11:42 AM