May 25, 2004

Godzilla: Final Wars Website Updated!

godzilla.jpgSomeone just pointed out on the KFC boards that the official website for Godzilla Final Wars has been updated ... It's a bit early for the artwork to be actual shooting stills, so I'm banking that the backgrounds are actually high res artist's concept pictures, but they're pretty sweet. You also get a run-down of 12 of the reported 15 kaiju monsters that appear in the film. No english text on the site (other than the control bar) but you can read a choppy engrish translation of the summary here after perusing the actual site here.

In other Godzilla news Midnight Eye is currently running an interview with director Ryuhei Kitamura which both drops interesting tidbits - like long-time collaborator Tak Sakaguchi being employed as action director for Godzilla - while also generally confirming my overall opinion that the man is maddeningly undisciplined.

Posted by John Campea at May 25, 2004 04:49 PM


HEY.... Why do Minilla always play for the most godzilla movie then the other babies godzilla. So I wonder can GODZOOKY play in GODZILLA FINAL WARS and can KING KONG and KONGjr fight in that movie to, so GODZOOKY can finally meet the other mighty monster son name KONG jr. And KING KONG can meet one of the other mighty monster name KING SEESER. And I made a list of monster that can fight in GODZILLA FINAL WARS is SPACEGODZILLA,DESGHIDORAH,FLYING MOTHRA,GOROSAURUS,FIRE RODAN,DESTOROYAH,MECHA KING GHIDORAH(IF CAN),KING KONG and KONG jr, GODZOOKY,ANGUIRUS,new GIGAN,MANDA,ORGA,and HEDORAH. AND THE KING OF MONSTER...GODZILLA 2004


Posted by: michelle at June 14, 2004 01:55 PM

HEY.... Why do Minilla always play for the most godzilla movie then the other babies godzilla. So I wonder can GODZOOKY play in GODZILLA FINAL WARS and can KING KONG and KONGjr fight in that movie to, so GODZOOKY can finally meet the other mighty monster son name KONG jr. And KING KONG can meet one of the other mighty monster name KING SEESER. And I made a list of monster that can fight in GODZILLA FINAL WARS is SPACEGODZILLA,DESGHIDORAH,FLYING MOTHRA,GOROSAURUS,FIRE RODAN,DESTOROYAH,MECHA KING GHIDORAH(IF CAN),KING KONG and KONG jr, GODZOOKY,ANGUIRUS,new GIGAN,MANDA,ORGA,and HEDORAH. AND THE KING OF MONSTER...GODZILLA 2004


Posted by: Michelle Seymore at June 14, 2004 01:59 PM

is this godzilla going to be released in the theater or straight to video & are they going to make any more films in the future because godzilla is to popular to just be killed off by a monster he's beat so many times

Posted by: josh carver at July 30, 2004 02:17 PM

It's supposed to be getting a theatrical release here, but I'm betting it'll be very limited. And yeah, the producers are saying this is the end for Godzilla. They've said that before, but they seem to be pretty serious about it this time ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 30, 2004 11:55 PM

I wonder if they are going to make an other godzilla movie for real. I heard that Godzilla: Final Wars will be the last Godzilla movie for 10 years. That means that the next Godzilla movie after this one will be in 2015!

Posted by: Daniel Gonzalez at August 19, 2004 07:25 PM

This is the last movie for the decade[10 years].godzilla lives and one monster is monster x and mothra and mecha.godzilla.!!!

Posted by: corey at August 23, 2004 03:00 PM

have u guys herd that the american godzilla is coming out in final wars. I herd it in monster zero web site this is gong to be the best g movie yet

Posted by: edgar at August 27, 2004 01:17 PM

have u guys herd that the american godzilla is coming out in final wars. I herd it in monster zero web site this is gong to be the best g movie yet

Posted by: edgar at August 27, 2004 01:17 PM

Yeah, that's the word ... final fight will be man in suit Godzilla vs. CGI Godzilla which I think is pretty funny ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 27, 2004 03:37 PM

Whats up with geno being in GFW godzilla is just going to kick his ass.

Posted by: Travis Hyma at August 31, 2004 08:11 PM

anybody know when its coming out in the u.s or is it not coming out in the u.s

Posted by: Lukey Xiong at September 2, 2004 11:49 PM

how come on godzilla movies they hardly show king seasar?Godzill is great but the first mecha godzilla is even better.

Posted by: Valentin Sanchez Jr. at September 18, 2004 10:59 PM

HEY G FANS did u no that godzilla lives if u want 2 no the story ill tell u and king ceaser is in it some 1 said hes never in it and the movie is coming to canda's movie theters its world wide!!!! well add me 2 ur msn and we will chat hope to see u!!!

Posted by: mark at September 19, 2004 02:56 PM

the big news is, godzilla is suppose to die. but when i read the sory line it said hat gojira could kill a monster with one punch. I dont under stand and is alangilas on his side

Posted by: Lavaugh at October 10, 2004 11:26 AM

I've read that Monster X will be the "american godzilla from the '98 movie.

Posted by: tony slaney at October 13, 2004 06:50 PM

Godzilla is coming back after this movie but in 5 or 10 years. Other new godzilla movies weren't making enough money so he'll be back.

Posted by: Timothy John Smith at October 14, 2004 05:43 PM

sweet i can't wait to this one, seen to godzilla's going at hope the fight good what would you think tony

Posted by: Lavaugh at October 24, 2004 04:53 PM

this movie will kick ass all of the monsters killing each other. Us godzilla will get its ass kick by the japan one. I would this movie 5 stars.

Posted by: Michael Yates at November 18, 2004 11:41 PM

I downloaded some clips and seeing these monsters now great not as cheap before like the ones in the 70s. Lavaugh godzilla of course fight good he will kick monsnster ass. o and lavaugh godzlla will never die duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Michael yates at November 18, 2004 11:46 PM

yates, i now he wont die but that one of the rumors i heared. i think they should have used the godzilla fromm 2000. that gozilla suit looked much cooler.

Posted by: lavaughn at November 25, 2004 11:30 PM

When is Godzilla: Final Wars going to come to theaters in Puerto Rico?

Posted by: Fernando Luis Ferrer Nieves at December 4, 2004 08:30 AM

I have enjoyed Godzilla films for quite some time now. I remember they would play a godzilla movie sometimes on Buffalo 29 T.v station at 2 pm saturdays. Godzilla is one of my guilty pleasure favorites. I hope they release "godzilla final wars" here in Canada. I don't think so though. So I'll be the import DVD when it comes out. My favorite godzilla movie of all time
"Godzilla vs The cosmic monster" A.K.A the first Godzilla vs Mecha-godzilla. The storyline was excellent (even though the execution of the aliens invaders was lacking) Mecha-godzilla is best portrayed as evil cyborg. In Godzilla against Mecha-Godzilla. Mecha-G now is a good robot named Kirya. That film was very good nonetheless. Worst Godzilla movie for me is the one with Minya vs Gabarah. Son of Godzilla or Godzilla's revenge. Godzilla 98 does not even count as a Godzilla movie (as a Generic monster movie it was O.k) My favorites Monsters are Godzilla of course King Gihidrah, Evil mecha-Godzilla, Destroyah, Rodan, Mothra, Mecha King Gihidrah, Orga ,King seesar, Gigan, Anguirus Space-Godzilla. Some of them are in the new movie at least. Godzilla final wars looks like it will rock. As for being the last... Godzilla Always comes back. Even if its 10-12 years from now. Would like to see Godzilla Vs Gamera. Long live the King of the monsters!

Posted by: Mega Godzilla fan at December 4, 2004 06:11 PM

ok so I don't really love Godzilla like a lot of you do. my brother does and I love my brother. so I was wondering does anyone have a clue when Godzilla's Final Wars will be released in the us. I would love to take my brother to see it. hes loved Godzilla since my father took him to Japan in 1976, when he was 4 (four).

Posted by: fans baby sis at December 6, 2004 02:05 PM

ok so I don't really love Godzilla like a lot of you do. my brother does and I love my brother. so I was wondering does anyone have a clue when Godzilla's Final Wars will be released in the us. I would love to take my brother to see it. hes loved Godzilla since my father took him to Japan in 1976, when he was 4 (four).

Posted by: Fans Baby Sis at December 6, 2004 02:06 PM

when is godzilla final wars coming to the U.S.? I hope it is soon.

Posted by: Joseph I. Moore at December 16, 2004 03:27 AM

I heard it comes out Dec. 24th but thats just what i read on an unrealiable site.And yea, this movie is going to ROCK!

Posted by: Another fan at December 19, 2004 08:35 PM

This movie is going to be the ultimate of all Godzilla movies. I've been a Godzilla fan for years and can remember some of the silly G-movies they made long ago but they've gotten better as the years have passed. A battle between Gamera and Godzilla would be cool to see. It would be great to see all the old monsters again in one big brawl. Can't wait for it to come out in the U.S.

Posted by: Richard N. Lopez at December 20, 2004 01:18 PM

Godzilla verus. American Godzilla. And, from Tokyo Stomp. Which is a fourm and Godzilla Fan website they relevel a lot of information, that and MonsterZero as well.

The most of the monsters are the ones that where in the Showa Age. 54-74.. Its not the first time Godzilla, the King of the Monsters took his break. At one time they where gonna stop the series after Destroy all Monsters.

Monster X is not going to be "GINO" Monster X is by himself. I just want to see the -- Gigan..

Can anyone say, 2 hours and five minutes for this film. I hope the music comproser from Godzilla,Mothra, King Ghidorah (GMK) Is on it.

Save the best for last!

Posted by: Markjin at December 22, 2004 05:28 PM

I can't wait to this movies speacial efects i can tell there going to be great.

Posted by: lavaughn at December 23, 2004 03:06 PM

Anyone heard yet about American release for Final Wars? Heard a Godzilla IMAX movie is in the works....but you know how rumors are. Sounds like Fianl Wars is an "either you love it or hate it" movie. I've seen the reviews; personally, I think it seems kinda fun. Can't wait to see it...esp to see American G get cut in two. Take that, Tatoposaurus!

Posted by: JY at December 25, 2004 09:17 PM

yo gfw may not come to the u.s alot of studios are trying to get it here but they may not if u want to c clips got these websites to hear the whole story www. and

Posted by: TYLER at January 16, 2005 10:23 PM

when's the release of godzilla final wars.

Posted by: nick at January 23, 2005 10:57 PM

Hey I Own All The Old Godzilla Movies And This Will Be Godzilla's Last Fight For A Long Time...
But Legends Never Die!Long Live The Bad Green One...

Posted by: Garrett "G" at January 30, 2005 04:57 PM

The American cgi (iguana) version of godzilla is supposed to fight the suit weilding japanese classic. and its gonna be a short battle. The special effects in this movie look great, but idk if having every monster fight each other is the best plot. Id rather see an ending movie parallel to the first. Just godzilla vs tokyo.

Posted by: Wes at January 31, 2005 09:11 PM

Godsilla vs tokoy that would suck so bad, he would rule the world like bush rule's now. i thin k the final wars should be all the godzilla fighting each other, that would be the best godzilla film ever, i rute for the godzilla of 2000

Posted by: lavaughn at February 5, 2005 01:11 AM

This is gonna be the last Godzilla movie for 10 years. My sources for this are absoloutly sure of it. The Godzilla movies aren't getting enough publicity and aren't making enough money, even in Japan. So this is a desperation movie to get some final cash before a long break. I'm not excited because I've been a fan since about 3 tears old. There is a video game themed after the movie called Godzilla "Save the Earth". It has monsters like SpaceGadzilla, 90's Gadzilla, Godzilla 2000, and MechaGodzilla. If you want it, buy it at Wal Mart because it's only $20.

Posted by: Ben at February 9, 2005 04:42 PM


Posted by: shane at February 11, 2005 10:26 PM

Well shane out of the 36 websites and my 2 source in Tokyo tell me that its coming to the U.S. in early September-december. and the tell me that toho has already planed the next "G" film for to 2008-2009 but that's all i got nothin eles. sorry but, on a web site it said the next film might be Godzilla Metal Fushion, a story when the very first godzilla die's and then 100 years later yes in the future, nuclear monster start appear all over the world" like FW. they use DNA from gozilla bones" just like godzilla X mechaG" to breed a super cyborg godzilla but turns bad after killing all the monsters and destroyes almost the world before captureing godzilla and sneding him into space. and then that where the Godzilla story is suppose to end the big G alsleep floating through space never to be awanked, unless bye another kind. this might sound" way out there but its what ive been reading about i think if it true that would rock.

Posted by: lavaughn at February 20, 2005 12:27 AM

I was at hollywood when godzilla got his star,it wasn't much but i did get to see the big guy himself it's gonna be sad to see him go. ive been a G fan 4 a long time now this has never been a bigger impact... i also seen the new monster and old, godzilla and rodan and gigan looked the best of the best.

Posted by: Richard lopez at February 27, 2005 02:04 PM

does anyone know when GFW will be out on DVD in the U.S.

Posted by: Deano at February 27, 2005 06:37 PM

i found out some info about GFW but not about when the movie comes out sorry im looking high and low and trying my hardest an idea is to check all the godzill sites you know mabey we'll find some answers.....hopefully,godzilla is still strong we will find answers soon i know we will

Posted by: Richard lopez at March 1, 2005 07:56 PM


Posted by: Richard lopez at March 1, 2005 08:03 PM

you can all ready buy GFW dvd in english subtiltels
, but only on the internet.

Posted by: lavaughn at March 5, 2005 11:46 AM

I'm a big fan of Godzilla.Do you think there will be an American version of Final Wars.Does anybody know a real good website to buy all of Godzillas movies. If so let me know and thank you

Posted by: Michael Medrano at March 11, 2005 02:04 PM

where can u buy godzilla final wars at on the internet. please tell me!

Posted by: David S. at March 26, 2005 10:37 PM

i cant wait for gfw to cum out its going to be a great action movie. godzilla is the best, but the new and improved monsters look cool.

Posted by: Lily Sanchez at March 28, 2005 12:56 PM

After some deep searching in the net. Gino (US Zilla) is in the movie and will be the "Godzilla" to die. Monster X is a black boney-looking space monster that turns into a super evil looking Kaiser Ghidorah. Have you guys seen the new monster suits right? 'specailly the new Gigan(it scares me man-and thats not easy)

Posted by: Adam B. at March 28, 2005 03:32 PM
check these out to see Gigan Gino and Monster X/Kaiser Ghidorah

Posted by: Adam B. at March 28, 2005 03:50 PM

gigan new look kick some seires ass, i think the new gigan look is the best of all the GFW suits, kick ass.

Posted by: lavaughn at April 2, 2005 07:25 PM

i found out that the GFW dvd is coming out in 7/8/05 if you dont beleave go to the GFW website

Posted by: lavaughn at April 2, 2005 08:57 PM

Is The DVD availible in US, And If so where?

Posted by: Evan at April 28, 2005 01:38 PM

Even though this is Godzillas last movie for a long time he will still live in every godzilla fans heart.

Posted by: Nick .A at May 7, 2005 01:15 PM

the GFW dvd will come out in america in 7/8/05. most likely bestbuy and other stories like that

Posted by: lavaughn at May 7, 2005 07:01 PM

bet boi july 7th can't wait fo it aw man the fights gon be so reel.

Posted by: joker_317 at May 15, 2005 09:30 PM

think the next godzilla movie should be godzilla vs the past godzilla. that should be the next movie in ten years.

Posted by: lavaughn at June 12, 2005 06:39 PM

other than the releases this weekend at the new york asian film festival and los angeles in july, has anyone heard of other final wars release dates in the states for this summer?

Posted by: d at June 13, 2005 09:01 AM

ha michel yates i think i now you, and if this movies was made bu me Lavaughn charles VanBrocklin, the real godzilla we'll kill himself saving the planet from the giant meteor. thats the most powerful godzilla has every been.
so Micel yates what do you say

Posted by: Lavaughn at June 30, 2005 06:58 AM

ha michel yates i think i now you, well i new that godzilla wouldn't die

Posted by: Lavaughn at June 30, 2005 03:34 PM

does anyone now what the mechaodzilla on top of the website of rodansroast are

Posted by: Lavaughn at August 12, 2005 04:32 PM

ive been hoping for king ceasar's return to Godzilla and so this movie will be one that i will most certainly see when it gets here in South Carolina to movies or tape or dvd or whatever it will first come out on. i would however would like to know when it will get here in South Carolina so can any of you fellow fans tell me when it will get here in South Carolina.

Posted by: Rodan at August 27, 2005 06:30 PM

Godzilla Final Wars comes on DVD in December! I wish Baragon was in this movie. But it still looks sweet as Hell!

Posted by: ALAN HUNDLEY at October 13, 2005 06:50 PM