May 28, 2004

First Films Announced for the 2004 Fantasia Festival!

fantasia.jpgFangoria has released a list of films confirmed to play at this year's Fantasia Festival and it's a good one if you're a fan of genre film ... French slasher flick Haute Tension, the Ginger Snaps prequel (Ginger Snaps Back), a trio of Godzilla flicks, A Tale of Two Sisters and a flurry of other films will be screening ... I've actually seen a good number of the films announced so far so believe me when I say this is a very strong lineup.

For those not in the know Fantasia is a genre film festival - with a strong slate of Asian films - held annually in Montreal. This year's fest will run from July 8th - 31st. It's worth the trip if you're able to go. Click here for the Fangoria article, complete with partial film list, and here for the official Fantasia site.

Posted by John Campea at May 28, 2004 12:48 PM


WOW! Too bad I live in Florida, otherwise I would definitely go.

Posted by: Tracy at June 2, 2004 04:46 PM

Still waiting on the festival's response to see when Solitary Fracture will be playing. I will post new info on the site as I get it..

Deniz Michael

Posted by: Deniz Michael at June 9, 2004 12:40 AM

Where can I get the schedule? When I go to the web site, it says that the schedule will be available soon. The 2003 schedule is still posted

Posted by: karrie at June 25, 2004 08:12 PM

Yeah, they're being brutally slow ... has a partial film listing (lots of good stuff from Japan) but I've been holding off on posting anything until there's an actual schedule to point people to ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 25, 2004 10:39 PM

How can you not post the schedule when the damn show starts in a couple weeks. Do they even know what they are doing?

Posted by: John at June 27, 2004 06:24 PM

On the main site (the link is in the main post, it says the full program will be online June 29th... Which is this coming Tuesday.

Posted by: Day-vuhl at June 27, 2004 06:29 PM

It's pretty common for film festivals not to announce their schedules until the last minute ... even the Toronto film festival only publishes their film list about a month before screenings start and that's the number two festival in the world. Programmers like to keep things flexible so they can add features at the last minute if something cool becomes available and they often try to get films that are just wrapping up and may or may not actually be ready, so they need to wait to the last minute so that they don't announce things too far ahead and then have them turn out to not be available. This has almost happened at Cannes with the last two Wong Kar Wai films ... they scheduled him and he kept editing until the last possible minute and both films ended up screening later than originally scheduled because of it. The late announcements are the price you pay to get international premieres ...

Posted by: Bubba at June 27, 2004 08:03 PM

Gosh I wish this was back in Toronto. I remember watching the longer Taiwanese cut of John Woo's The Killer at the Bloor Cinema and watching David Wu, his long time editor, doing high kicks for the audience.
Here's some interesting tid-bits that I came across in The National Post this past Saturday. The organizers are introducing a series for families and kids as well. Gosh, there's also going to be a tribute to the Shaw Brothers. Joy.
Lynne Margulies, Andy Kaufman's girlfriend, will host a special night title Confrontational Art: Andy Kaufman's Bizarre Journey into Wrestling.
Again. Damn. I wish this was back in Toronto.
Perhaps we should encourage Quebec to seperate from Canada once this election is all said and done? Then they'd have to come back!!!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at June 28, 2004 10:44 PM