May 03, 2004

Call Him Linda

wachowski.jpgFile this under 'So Strange It Must Be True' ... remember those rumblings a while back that Larry Wachowski's wife was divorcing him because he liked to cross dress? If you're like me you wrote that off as a bitter woman trying to stir up negative press to help score some of the millions of dollars the notoriously press-shy Wachowski made off of the Matrix films. Well, turns out there's more to it than that ... Over the weekend the Chicago Sun-Times broke the story that Larry is currently prepping for a sex-change operation and will be known as Linda. The story has since been picked up all over the internet with people speculating that future editions of The Matrix films will have the 'Wachowski Brothers' credits altered to read simply 'The Wachowskis' ...

Posted by John Campea at May 3, 2004 07:04 AM


Oh God no!!!! Let it not be! Neo really was a woman all this time.

Posted by: Rob at May 4, 2004 11:45 AM