May 19, 2004

Around the World in 80 Days, The Village TV Spots and Arthur Trailer #2

Well, Bubba is still hard at work even though he's elsewhere in world...

Apparently, he's been chatting with a few important people that know more than we do as far as marketing goes and these "important people" sent him an email with a sick amount of video links in it..

And so here I am passing it off to you. Isn't that nice? There's a whole whackload of stuff in here for ya, check 'em out.. Although I'd recommend the Quicktime stuff because it's nice and sharp - and avoid the Realtime stuff, because it's blocky and gross and the software makes me feel like I'm spooning with the devil. On you go! Have a video circus. Invite your friends!

Around the World in 80 Days
Tv Spot 1: "Countdown"
Tv Spot 2: "Rock the World"
The Village
Tv Spot: "Year"
Arthur: Trailer #2

Posted by John Campea at May 19, 2004 01:11 PM


Is it just me that thinks M. Night Shyamalan is completely overrated?

I recently watched 'Unbreakable' based on a recommendation. The concept was intriguing (a realistic Superman movie) but the movie failed on every level. 'Unbreakable' is a lot of very serious talk about what is essentially a ridiculous premise. You wait through a lot of portentous scenes for some kind of payback that never occurs.

'The Village' looks like more of the same. Lots of waiting for something to come out of the woods. Who cares what's in the woods?

This guy has been living off "Sixth Sense" for way too long.

Posted by: Felix at May 19, 2004 04:48 PM

Well, here's the thing.. if you're waiting to see something come out of the woods, I'll tell you right now, that as a Shyamalan film, it likely won't happen.

M. Night's films aren't context or situation based, they are character based. I was actually shocked to see that we got a full open (entire)SCENE of an alien in 'Signs'.

M. Night creates tension within characters as the viewer relates to them, not just threatening the audience with "spooky music and the potential for sudden from-behind blood splatters." And no, you're not going to get Flashy dancy "pay-offs" with blindsided action or thrills. That's what (shudder) Jerry Bruckheimer's for. Shyamalan is certainly on the subtle side of things. Sure, it may not "do it" for you, but for a lot of people, they actually dig this "quiet disturbance" style of filming.

Posted by: Day-vuh at May 19, 2004 11:42 PM