April 23, 2004

Waiting to See Peter Jackson's Take on the Hobbit? Keep Waiting.

jackson.jpgI hate to say I told you so ... Well, no. That's not true. I've got no problem saying it at all. And I told you so. Fans hoping against hope that Peter Jackson would be filming the Hobbit following his take on King Kong despite not holding the rights are just going to have to keep on waiting, because Variety is reporting that Jackson and company are currently circling their next project and The Hobbit it aint.

In keeping with his long stated desire to make a small, largely effects free film following the grind of the Lord of the Rings flicks Jackson is looking at picking up the rights to "The Lovely Bones", a novel narrated by a 14 year old girl following her rape and murder. A surprising choice for those who know Jackson only from his work on Lord, but right in keeping with his lesser known work on the stellar Heavenly Creatures. Heavenly Creatures was a great little flick that gave Kate Winslet her start in feature films and I'm personally greatly looking forward to seeing what Jackson can do in a more intimate setting again ...

Posted by John Campea at April 23, 2004 05:47 PM


Hey, nice little blog u got here. I was thinking if we can link exchange? We run predominantly a Indian Movie Blog... You can check the link! :)

Posted by: Sushubh at May 2, 2004 04:24 PM

Dear Peter Jackson

I am a grate fun off your and off the lord of the rings. I hope some time in the next fow years you would make The Hobbit. Becouse the Hobbit is the starting point of the lord of the ring and also if you make The Hobbit you can be the man you bruited J.R.R Tolkien work the like on the big screan.

p.s: I would like to be in it.

Yours sincerly

RON James Gourley

Posted by: ron at June 3, 2004 05:10 AM

Dear Peter Jackson,
My family and I loved the Lord of the Rings films, even more than the books! That scenario never comes around that often. But I think you should make the movie of The Hobbit. I liked the story of The Hobbit better than the other books, so I think it would help the veiwers who have not read the books, understand the story better.


Posted by: Sam Horton at June 15, 2004 07:12 PM

Peter Jackson is an awesome director and i was hoping that he would make "The Hobbit" into a movie because lord of the rings is my favorite movie ever and out of the books "The Hobbit" was my favorite.I was also hoping i can find peter jackson's email adress so i can tell him how i love his work of lord of the rings and that he should make a movie about the book "The Odyessey" (i think i spelt it right...) and that the perfect actors to play Odyesseus would eith be Sean Bean or Viggo Mortensen.if anyone has any comments about my comment u can email me at [email protected] seeya later

Posted by: Dylan Tasco at July 16, 2004 01:57 AM

Dear Mr Peter Jackson,
My name is Marianne My friends call me Scarlet. I am an Actris and Model I also wite movies. I don,t Know if you will get this but I have a movie Idea you might be interested in. It is about another word it is a war and love story were like much war there is no wrong or right side. If you can write me.
Sarlet Rose

Posted by: Marianne at August 7, 2004 01:44 AM

Whoa. That's intense.

I won't say anything if you don't.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 7, 2004 02:21 AM

Dear Mr. Jackson
I was hoping that you would make the Hobbit so we ca understand Bilbo's story. I always dream that someday I could work with you on a movie because i need some advice on how to be a director, ( because i would like to be one when i grow up). Well i loved all your movies, and someday i am going to work with you on maybe a different movie.
thanks a lot
your friend
PS. i'm 11

Posted by: Arielle Soriano at August 19, 2004 05:56 PM

The friends!
I from Russia, therefore forgive me mine English.
I as well as you admire with activities Mr Peter Jackson.
LOTR it perhaps best from films created when or, and not film it and is simple life.

Posted by: SAlex at August 24, 2004 05:46 AM

Look, I think its a simple thing of completing the circle. The Lord of The Rings is only part of the whole picture. Peter Jackson and company (Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens) did a Amazing job of taking one of the most complex books ever writen and turned it into an fantastic script and then an amazing film.
Doing the Hobbit would be just as much of a challenge to them, but I think they can handle it. The thing we all have to remeber is that they spent about five years of there lives doing this, and it was not just them....all those other people. So it would be something they probably want to take a break from, while exploring other things about film that they love (take King Kong..I can't wait).
So what I guess I am saying is give it time, in my heart I feel they will take on this challenge...when is the big question. But I waited 20 years to see Lord of the Rings on the screen....The Hobbit will be worth waiting for.

Posted by: Wasfi Anabtawi at August 25, 2004 10:59 PM

my opinion is that you should film silmarillion because if you know how things started its easier to understand the movie and the relation shipsin the movie.

Posted by: marios at August 26, 2004 03:53 PM

Hi MR Peter jackson my name is Samira and I`m from afghanistan. Now I`m in Canada ,alberta,edmonton. And I like to be an actress.Could you help me about this like my father. Because I`m muslem.it is my first and last wish from you who i chooce like my father.Please.

Posted by: Samira at September 20, 2004 12:09 PM

Hi MR Peter jackson my name is Samira and I`m from afghanistan. Now I`m in Canada ,alberta,edmonton. And I like to be an actress.Could you help me about this like my father. Because I`m muslem.it is my first and last wish from you who i chooce like my father.Please.

Posted by: Samira at September 20, 2004 12:13 PM

In case you hadnt noticed, We are not associated or involved at all with any studio or any individual that can offer you any more than basic practical advice about becoming a "movie star"

Please people, stop putting posts here thinking that we are going to get you a part in a film.

We cant.

Posted by: Rodney at September 20, 2004 06:09 PM

dear Peter jackson,
My older brother an i have been great Lord of the Rings fans even before the movies came out (well, he was, anyway.) My brother has also been making short movies, usin me and his friends as actors since the 5th grade. His Birthday is coming up, and i was wondering if you could possibly email me back with a message for him. I think he would die of excitement if you did that for him.

P.S. his birthday is november 29, and he's turning 17. he's planning on going to filming school.

Posted by: Anne at September 25, 2004 12:14 PM

dear Peter jackson,
My older brother an i have been great Lord of the Rings fans even before the movies came out (well, he was, anyway.) My brother has also been making short movies, usin me and his friends as actors since the 5th grade. His Birthday is coming up, and i was wondering if you could possibly email me back with a message for him. I think he would die of excitement if you did that for him.

P.S. his birthday is november 29, and he's turning 17. he's planning on going to filming school.

Posted by: Anne at September 25, 2004 12:16 PM

I think that Peter should Make 'His Dark Materials trilagy' by philip pullman.

Posted by: David at October 11, 2004 02:09 PM

The Lord of the Rings has become an epic! However JRR Tolken isn't complete without the Hobbit! The only film I know of on that score is an animated film and not very good Please please consider doing the Hobbit as well and make the series complete!

Posted by: Delaine Hutchison at October 24, 2004 07:07 PM

The Lord of the Rings has become an epic! However JRR Tolken isn't complete without the Hobbit! The only film I know of on that score is an animated film and not very good Please please consider doing the Hobbit as well and make the series complete!

Posted by: Delaine Hutchison at October 24, 2004 07:08 PM

Huge fans of all the movies. But being a goldsmith I found the jewelry to be the least succesful detail. Any interest in seeing contemporary ritual jewels?

Posted by: Stephani Briggs at October 27, 2004 10:00 AM

Dear Peter Jackson,

I am writing to you this message because it is of great interest of people with dynamics like yourselves, who are in the cinema environment. My name is Reynaldo Aguilar. I have studied acting, here in the United States. I have written a system of 52 books on how to study Acting and Modeling. I have also written different types of movie scripts. Out of all my scripts there is one very significant, that I believe will interest you. This script is ideal for the public. This script is written to make a series of 10 or more movies. This movie is adventures. It is about 2 teenagers, a boy and girl who are approximately 17 years of age. This movie is to inform people (mostly kids), not to go in a bad direction in life but instead to influence them to go in a good direction in life. My purpose in writing this is so that we can work together in putting this project together. If you are interested please email me at [email protected]. I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Posted by: Reynaldo Aguilar at October 30, 2004 10:16 PM

To Peter Jackson
This may be totally pointless to write cause you probably never even see these messages. But, i have an awesome movie idea for you to film and you might like it too. i would totally buy the movie if it was made! I have read the book, and I would love to be in the movie. If you atually do read this, please e-mail me. I have dreams, but I can't make them come true on my own. Please help me become an actress!
([email protected])

Posted by: Danielle at November 7, 2004 02:40 PM

YOU ARE THE MAN! I love the movies and im watching one right now. I think you should try to follow up your "Lord of the Rings" films with the prelude the hobbit. If YOU actually read this i love your work and it's the best ever!

-Louis Nelson-

Posted by: Louis Nelson at November 10, 2004 09:12 AM

YOU ARE THE MAN! I love the movies and im watching one right now. I think you should try to follow up your "Lord of the Rings" films with the prelude the hobbit. If YOU actually read this i love your work and it's the best ever!

-Louis Nelson-

Posted by: Louis Nelson at November 10, 2004 09:12 AM

I love acting and i know everyone says this to you but if you even made me an extra in that movie i would be the happiet person on earth! Please consider my thoughts if youre reading. I'm 12 and I've read ALL the LOTR books and i own every movie and the trilogy. I'm your biggest fan!(i wonder how many people have said that before lol)

-Louis Nelson-

PS:Email me at [email protected]

That Is my real email-

Posted by: Louis Nelson at November 10, 2004 09:20 AM

the Dune Series needs to a Peter Jackson project. These wonderful books need a director with the scope and vision of Peter Jackson to come into their proper cinematic fruition. Peter Jacson: Please film the Dune Series!

Posted by: Mary Woods at November 13, 2004 08:44 PM

I read all the LOTR and the Hobbit. My favorite book is the Hobbit I think it compleats the series better and explains LOTR. You understand the books better having that back ground knowledge of the Hobbit.

Posted by: trinity at November 24, 2004 12:36 AM

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on the incredible Lord of the Rings movies. I'm usually a skepticand try to find the smallest flaws in a movie and point them out but it was incredibly difficult to find any flaws in your movies. I am an aspiring 16 year old director from Edmonton, Alberta. My lifelong dream is to become one of the most famous and skilled directors whose reputation is way up there with you, Michael Moore, and Spielberg. Fortunately, I go to a school where my options are limitless and I already direct my own minature movies. I have been working with graphic design for the past four years using programs such as BRYCE4/5, LIGHTWAVE, 3D MAX, MAYA 5, WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER 2, iMovie, FINAL CUT PRO, and many more. My problem is that I cannot decide what university to go to and what steps I should take to become what I want. I have the skill and talent, all I need is right direction to further my education. I would be incredibly grateful if you would send my an email with some advice.

Future Director,
Justin K.

Posted by: Justin at December 1, 2004 04:12 PM

I think a great movie that you can make next is the SILMARILLION. Judging by how much work LOTR took, it shouldn't be too difficult and you'd produce a pretty cool movie.

Posted by: Justin at December 1, 2004 04:15 PM

Dear Peter Jackson,

i am big fan of lord of the rings and has all gift dvd's of lord of the rings .

i wish some day you come to malta to do big movie like lord of the rings,because in malta they are crazy about the movie that you make.

i wish you luck for your new movies like the Hobbit and king kong i congratulate you on the incredible Lord of the Rings movies.


simon dagostino

Posted by: simon dagostino at December 21, 2004 04:52 PM

To Peter Jackson,
I have just written a movie script for you. Mr. Peter Jackson. But, as I am from India, i don't know where to submit. And i don't even have the money to submit it to an agent. But if you will help me i promise you that this will be the greatest movie you had ever made. The story is about the last Persian King Yazdezard. Please give reply to my email id only.

Posted by: mahernoz at December 30, 2004 08:22 AM

Dear mr.Peter Jackson, i write you because of a small thing. Well, maybe it is small for you but it is grat to me. I am a great fan of Lord of the Rings movies and books. In the movie i saw Gondor's tower guards, elite units. Theu have wings on the helmets. Please i beg you (like my people say "like a God") to answer me and tell me how much would cost the costume of that soldier(real costume, from the film.) and when i can ask for it. Please i am from Serbia&Montenegro.; I know it is a trademark and you think i will try to copy it, but it is for me only.Really. Answer me on a e-mail. Thanks a lot mr. Peter

Posted by: Marko at January 1, 2005 02:35 PM

Hi peter, my name as you can tell is sam from Birmingham in england. When i leave school this year i am planning to go on and do, drama, film studies and english. This is because when i am older i wish to become a director and direct the story i have been writing for the last two years. It is your work on lord of the rings, that has inspired me to do this. If you wish to reply to me, on any other information i need to know on, what other areas of further education i need to go to please email me at either : [email protected] or [email protected]. thanks! p.s. if possible please could you let me know when the hobbit is due to come out, if possible. cheers!

Posted by: Sam Hopkins at January 18, 2005 01:20 PM

Wow Peter,
Wel, first, my name is Elise, and I live in Holland. My biggest dream, film the hobbit, I always wanted to do that. But now you are going to make it, and I'm glad about that. I think that only you are the right men to do that. I want to wish you all the good shots and takes and actors and everything that you'll need.

Elise (15)

Posted by: Elise at January 23, 2005 08:37 AM

Dear Mr Jackson.

Hi, My name is john and born in whakatane New Zealand. After seeing the sucess of the lord of the rings set. I was happy that an average class kiwi has made it high up in the hollywood film industry. If you don't mind me asking you i was wandering if u could do a movie about the New Zealand Battalion that went to war with the Australians. As i have had some idea's about a movie it's just that i don't have much resources to go on. if you are interested you can e-mail me at [email protected]. Once again thank you for your time.

Posted by: John at January 24, 2005 11:21 PM

Why is everyone writing to Peter Jackson he probably does not even know that this blog exsist.

Posted by: Patrick at January 30, 2005 10:42 PM

dear pete
i just want 2 say that i enjoyd lord of the rings trilogy.it was the best dam films i have ever seen. it was unbelievbly done.& i dont think there'll evr b a better film than the trilogy.i hope to follow in your footsteps and become the greatest director after u. i have written a script hoping to sell it soon but no luck yet. the name is "return of an angel" gothic theme really good. i knw this is one in a million shot& u probly not reading this letter but f u do pleeeeeeeeeez write back. i really need u to look over my script f u can.

Posted by: totto at February 20, 2005 09:39 AM

Could someone please help!? For over a month and a half I have been trying to order the slip case for the three director's cutt (4)dvd sets of Lord of the Rings! I have been run around in circles to the piont it seems as if they intentionally are avoiding my request for the slip case.
I am furious!!! I spent over $150.00 dollars on Peter Jackson's work because I believe it is some of the most amazing story telling I've ever seen. Now, because I do not have a credit card I am unable to order my slipcase! (what a ripp-off!) (Is this the way a fan should be treated!?)
Could you please tell me how do I contact someone,( even if it is Peter Jackson himself), to request that they send me a slipcase to put my dvd sets in.
Thank you,.. Sincerely, Carl

Posted by: carl at March 4, 2005 05:14 PM

Dear Mr. Peter Jackson,

I loved your work on "The Lord Of The Rings". I really love how you directed it. But now, I am sort of disappointed that your not moving on to do "The Hobbit". After all, it is the starting point of LOTR, and I know that lots of fans are itching to see it. I'm sure "The Lovely Bones" will not be a bad movie, but personally, I would rather see "The Hobbit" than a movie about rape and murder. But that's just me. Nevertheless, I remain a loyal (and excellent) fan to all your LOTR movies and I sincerely hope you will move on to "The Hobbit" sometime soon.

Thank you, and cheers!
from sam

Posted by: sam at March 6, 2005 10:05 AM

If you want to get a head's up on a good war movie like Alexander or Troy, the Chinese have a 2000 year old story called Three Kindoms. It has been translated to English only recently (around 10-15 years ago), and is over 1800 pages long. China has been making these books as series on TV for years, and should be taken up as a project to be done as a series of movies in English (would need at least three movies). As the books are not widely known in the Western world, they would make a great film. (think like the recent film Hero, from China, only on a battles on a more grand and intellectual scale than that film). I can only think that Mr Jackson would be the only Western director that is able to show the complexities of this book properly on the big screen.

Posted by: aarachul the left hand at March 7, 2005 01:38 PM

My Boyfriend loves the all of the lord of the rings movie ... Please send me an autograph for his birthday mr. jackson he would die

Posted by: Ashley Willoughby at March 10, 2005 08:47 PM

Dear Mr Peter Jackson.
how u r. i hope u r in good sprits. i loved all the three movies. The Return of the King was the best. after watching that movie i dont think there is any movie as good or even close to it.
however, i have a comlain.
Why di u stop........?
i would like to see another LOTR. Please make one more...or many...

Posted by: Raman at April 1, 2005 01:44 AM

Dear Mr Peter Jackson.
how u r. i hope u r in good sprits. i loved all the three movies. The Return of the King was the best. after watching that movie i dont think there is any movie as good or even close to it.
however, i have a comlain.
Why did u stop........?
i would like to see another LOTR. Please make one more...or many...

Posted by: Raman at April 1, 2005 01:44 AM

When I heard that you were planning to make a remake of King Kong. I wondered why so I instantly bought the DVD version of the fantastic King Kong from1922. After a while I could see two ways how to do it. And the best part! I truly want to give you a chance to see the movie from my point of view. Please e-mail me and I give you the bonestructure of my version. It will change the way of storytelling.
Best regards David

Posted by: David Krantz at April 1, 2005 04:40 AM

Dear Peter Jackson,

I have just finished a script for "The Hobbit" and would like you to take a look at it. It can be read online at your's and anyone else's leisure. It took a year to write and was a great challenge. Here's the link......


Posted by: Douglas at April 1, 2005 04:45 AM

Dear Peter
I am 16 years old and I love your movies of the Lord of the Rings. My Nephew Darren,who is ten, loves them also. My mom made a cloak for Darren and I to play in my woods with, there not as good as the ones on the movies but there fun to pay with. Please e-mail me back at [email protected]

Your best fan.

Posted by: Ruben at April 2, 2005 12:03 PM

please i would love to own the Gondorean armor. I tryed to make my own but it looked bad.e-mail me bake please.Ruben

Posted by: Ruben at April 2, 2005 12:14 PM

dear Peter Jackson,
I'm french, I am 17 and I love The Lord of the Ring (the film and the book), I am writting the scenarii and the story board ofThe Hobbit and my dream is make this film, the Hobbit... It's why I write you, but I think you are don't interesting by me. Bye and thank you for this fantastic film.

Posted by: burat at April 6, 2005 09:30 AM

Dear Mr. Jackson.
We are two guys from Norway, but we have nice hair, We are not very tall, wear stupid hobbitish clothes an have very big hairy feet. We alos look kinda sexy.We have done plenty of acting before, and "the Hobbit" sounds like an exciting project.

TAKE CONTACT! www.acidleafcompany.tk or www.monsterfluen.tk

(or we'll take contact with you.)

Frode and Sondre

Posted by: Sondre og Frode at April 8, 2005 05:09 PM

Dear Mr. Jackson.
We are two goodlooking guys from Norway, but we have nice hair, We are not very tall and wear stupid hobbitish clothes. We have done plenty of acting before, and "the Hobbit" sounds like an exciting project.


Frode and Sondre

Posted by: Sondre og Frode at April 8, 2005 05:12 PM

Dear Mr. Jackson,
I'm sure you hear this every second of every minute of every day but The Lord of the Rings series was simply mind blowing(well maybe not exactly those words but the same meaning). Any way i'm sure you also hear suggestion for new movies but as one reader of fanatsy to another i'm sure you might agree that this would be a good idea, I am suggesting that you should read the series Mermory,Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams. It is something that I think can even rival The lord of the Rings series but again that was stunning.

Posted by: Endre Balint at April 9, 2005 09:24 PM

THE FUTURE is an interesting prospect for me. I am a currrent student in MULTIMEDIA studies at a university in Australia. Film is an area I am interested in. There is a one in ten billion chance that Peter Jackson or close associates will read this but I thought I might as well try! I would love to be part of any of your filming projects just so I can gain experience and see how the professionals work. (You have no idea how much influence or change you could impact with just one person)

Posted by: Brad at April 10, 2005 07:28 AM

Dear Peter Jacson,
Hope you would be able to produce the whole set of Tolkien's work cause you had done well not just in the character developtment part but in changing the whole book of Lord of The Rings into a live moving movie..........I hope you will do so for the sake of those who does not understand the book and for those fans out there who just love your films and movies.......

Posted by: Aaron Leon at April 18, 2005 09:18 AM

Hi, Pete,
My name is Rose and I am well, trying to write the 4th book of the Lord of the Rings, pretty cool huh? But I have hard decisions with it though,LOL, Ilove the way you made the movies!
I cried at the end of the return of the king, I was crying because it was so good and that it ended, my mom suggested that I should write the sequal! And so I am , or at least trying to. I have so many ideas! I love to draw and everyone in my grade thinks that I am the best one in 7th grade, I'm only 13. I also loves John Howe's and Allen Lee's artwork, they are my favorite artists for LOTRs!
Can you write back?
Sincerly yours,
Rosie(or Rose)Paoletti

Posted by: Rose Paoletti at April 20, 2005 11:03 PM

Hi, Pete,
My name is Rose and I am ,well, trying to write the 4th book of the Lord of the Rings, pretty cool huh? But I have hard decisions with it though,LOL, Ilove the way you made the movies!
I cried at the end of the return of the king, I was crying because it was so good and that it ended, my mom suggested that I should write the sequal! And so I am , or at least trying to. I have so many ideas! I love to draw and everyone in my grade thinks that I am the best one in 7th grade, I'm only 13. I also loves John Howe's and Allen Lee's artwork, they are my favorite artists for LOTRs!
Can you write back?
Sincerly yours,
Rosie(or Rose)Paoletti

Posted by: Rose Paoletti at April 20, 2005 11:04 PM

Hi, Pete,
My name is Rose and I am well, trying to write the 4th book of the Lord of the Rings, pretty cool huh? But I have hard decisions with it though,LOL, Ilove the way you made the movies!
I cried at the end of the return of the king, I was crying because it was so good and that it ended, my mom suggested that I should write the sequal! And so I am , or at least trying to. I have so many ideas! I love to draw and everyone in my grade thinks that I am the best one in 7th grade, I'm only 13. I also loves John Howe's and Allen Lee's artwork, they are my favorite artists for LOTRs!
Can you write back?
Sincerly yours,
Rosie(or Rose)Paoletti
P.S. I am in Ohio, but I was born in Illinios near Chicago.

Posted by: Rose Paoletti at April 20, 2005 11:07 PM

Dear Mr. Jackson,

I am 24 and know nothing about the internet and I've never even heard of a "blog," but my educated guess tells me it must be a direct link to your private email account so that's the explanation I'm going with.

I am writing to you in response to the fact that even though you never gave any indication that you were even interested in directing a movie based on "The Hobbit," you have decided not to do it. I cannot understand why someone with as many horror and suspense/thriller movies as you have under your belt would not be interested in making a movie that is comparitively a kiddy story.

I'd also like to share with you all of my writing and acting talents that you've never seen the likes of. Even though you write your own screenplays, I'm sure you'd consider directing my screenplay or 6 page fan-fics. I'd like to sell my talents and ideas to you online so that I can become rich and famous because I know the first place you look for people to work in your movies is internet movie posts.

I hope my letter has convinced you that you have to make this movie. And if you do make it, I want my name in the credits, even though only about 2% of all Americans actually stay for the credits, and half of those people only stay for the little hidden scenes at the end.

Justin (last name withheld)

P.S. Please write me back with all the spare time you have.

Posted by: Justin at April 21, 2005 09:36 PM

Dear Mr. Jackson,

I am 24 and know nothing about the internet and I've never even heard of a "blog," but my educated guess tells me it must be a direct link to your private email account so that's the explanation I'm going with.

I am writing to you in response to the fact that even though you never gave any indication that you were even interested in directing a movie based on "The Hobbit," you have decided not to do it. I cannot understand why someone with as many horror and suspense/thriller movies as you have under your belt would not be interested in making a movie that is comparitively a kiddy story.

I'd also like to share with you all of my writing and acting talents that you've never seen the likes of. Even though you write your own screenplays, I'm sure you'd consider directing my screenplay or 6 page fan-fics. I'd like to sell my talents and ideas to you online so that I can become rich and famous because I know the first place you look for people to work in your movies is internet movie posts.

I hope my letter has convinced you that you have to make this movie. And if you do make it, I want my name in the credits, even though only about 2% of all Americans actually stay for the credits, and half of those people only stay for the little hidden scenes at the end.

Justin (last name withheld)

P.S. I decided to post my letter again so that everyone who read it the first time has to scroll down more in order to read the next post.

Posted by: Justin at April 21, 2005 09:39 PM

Dear Peter Jackson,

Hello, my name is Nick and I love your work. I am looking for 1.6 years now your e-mail adress but I didn't find it so I thought of saying what I want here: I would realy, realy, realy like to play as an actor in The Hobbit. Please, I have been wanting this for a long time now, say yes.I am 12 years old and I am 1.82 m tall and I am a good archer. Please let me act in The Hobbit.
Thank you
You're huge fan,

Posted by: Nicolas Agathos at April 23, 2005 11:30 AM

Oh, good grief.

Posted by: Justin at April 23, 2005 11:43 AM

Dear Peter Jackson,

Hello (again), my name is Nick and you haven't replyed. I am very conserned, please accept me as an actor. I speak very good english and I have been looking for an answer and for an e-mail addres for years. Please.
You're huge fan,

P.S.: You do not have to pay me.

Posted by: Nicolas Agathos at April 24, 2005 12:00 PM


OK, apparently my little sacastic post a while back didn't get through to the right people, so let me spell it out to you folks in the most polite way I know how. A blog is NOT, I repeat, IS NOT a way to directly contact directors, or any celebrity for that matter, in order to harass them into hiring you for a movie, especially a movie they're not even making.

Posting on a blog (internet shorthand for web-log; log being defined as a journal, not a long, round piece of wood) makes your "letter" visable only to the hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of average people sitting at home on their computers who are interested in that particular subject; in this case, movies.

Even if Peter Jackson, or George Lucas, or (insert name of favorite deified director here) happened to take time out of his busy day of making movies to check this website, and happened to read your post, the odds that he would actually decide to spontaneously hire some stranger off of the internet whom he has neither seen nor even heard of, and who doesn't belong to any Hollywood actors' union, are infinitesimal.

I reiterate, this site is for movie lovers to express their opinions on movie-related issues and news and to learn more about films, directors, and/or actors in which/whom they're interested. It is not for shameless self-promotion, or letters to famous people telling them what they "must" and "must not" do.

As a side note to Nick, "You're huge fan" is a statement that refers to the person in question as a large appliance used for moving air, not a statement of admiration of said person. Also, to the rest of you, I have one word that could make your post not only easier to read, but also a little more appealing to all the A-list directors looking to blindly cast you in their blockbuster movies: "punctuation."

Hopefully, I have made my point clear and can move onto more rewarding posts. Thank you.

Posted by: Justin at April 25, 2005 11:01 AM

HA HA HA HA HA!!! take that bitches!!!!!!

Posted by: Brandon at April 25, 2005 11:29 AM

I know but PLEASE could you contact Peter Jackson for me or could you give me his e-mail addres?I've been wanting this for years...

Posted by: Nicolas Agathos at April 29, 2005 04:18 AM

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 29, 2005 07:17 AM


Posted by: Justin at April 29, 2005 09:14 AM


Posted by: Nicolas Agathos at April 29, 2005 10:20 AM


Posted by: Nicolas Agathos at April 29, 2005 10:23 AM

OK, I've tried being subtle, I've tried being direct, and I've tried being polite. So far nothing has gotten through to you, Nick. Seeing as how I am not the only one sick of seeing ignorant people post on these topics, I'm taking it upon myself to speak for all the regular posters out there who would have posted themselves had this topic not been already littered by unrelated, self-promoting posts.

We do not have Peter Jackson's personal email account. I hope for Jackson's sake that no one outside of his close friends and family have it. Even if one of us did have it, we would not give it to you because that would be an invasion of privacy.

Though I cannot speak for Jackson himself, if he's anything like any other leader of a geek-fueled franchise (ex. Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, etc.), he probably gets sick of having total strangers sell themselves to him in the hopes of being a part of the next big geek project. If you would like to have a chance at being in one of Peter Jackson's future projects, I suggest you take acting classes, get involved in school and community theatre, audition for plays and commercials, get an agent and head shots, look for work in independant films, look for work as extras in professional films, earn your SAG (Screen Actor's Guild) card, and THEN look for auditions for Peter Jackson's newest project and audition, and audition, and audition until you either get part, or a restraining order.

In closing, I would like to share a story with you. I'm not sure about how much of this story is true, but whether or not it is, the point is still valid. Almost 28 years ago a very young boy from Scotland went to see a little low-budget sci-fi movie called "Star Wars." Over the next six years he also saw its two sequels. This boy was so impressed by the "laser-sword" fights in the movies that he wanted to learn how do it himself. He trained for years, studied various swordfighting and martial arts techniques, earned blackbelts, participated in competitions and won medals. He was recognized for his talents and began a career as a stunt double. Around 1996 or '97, when he heard that George Lucas was planning on making another Star Wars movie, he auditioned for a part, and when Lucas saw him his first reaction was "That's the guy" (paraphrased - I have no idea what he actually said). The stunt man had been chosen for the role he had wanted all his life, the Sith Lord in a new Star Wars movie. The part was Darth Maul, the actor was Ray Park.

The moral of the story is: if you're a big fan of a director or a movie series and you'd like to be in the next production, being a fan is not nearly good enough. Nothing comes from nothing. Work hard to acheive your goal and you may get out what you put in. If you don't get into another story from Middle Earth, you may get into something else you're passionate about. But you can't just harass directors for a role. That's how Marcus Chong's character Tank got written out of the Matrix sequels.

Posted by: Justin at May 2, 2005 12:41 PM

PETER JACKSON is the innovative thinker to make the amaze film .

sir this is vasu from india i have wonderful story
this is also the hisotrical story if u make this story as a film it should get 15 academy awards.

i wil send the story later.

Posted by: vasu at May 5, 2005 10:56 AM

OK sir, but I have been trying for many years now and I do not know how to get an agent...Please tell me.I know I wasn't supposed to do this but ther is no other way that I know...

Posted by: Nick Agathos at May 12, 2005 02:15 PM

Just like to thank PJ and team for making the re-reading of the trilogy more enjoyable. Kind regards, Paul>.................

Posted by: Paul McDonald at May 21, 2005 08:52 AM

Dear peter jackson,
congradulations on the new project "the lovely bones" it's a great book and i'm sure you can do wonders on screen with it. I was just wondering if the cast has already been made who is in it? are there still auditions being held? if so where? you know all that good stuff...hope to get the fyi...

thank you

Posted by: shana at May 29, 2005 09:21 PM

I give up...Have a nice, sheltered life, ignorant geeks. I'm moving on to more rewarding posts.

Posted by: Justin at June 16, 2005 11:52 AM

When and how did this start?

John never said anything like "Submit you opinions and questions to Peter Jackson!"

Posted by: Joseph Simmons at June 16, 2005 12:04 PM

Hi Peter.

I was wondering when and where can you audition for 'The Lovely Bones'. Do you need an agent to audition for the role of Suzie? I don't have one because I don't know where you get them. I live in a really small community. If you get this please email me back I've been looking everywhere for a site with something about 'The Lovely Bones' on it.
I don't even know whether this site is really sending these to you or not. Thanks anyway.

Later. Madeline.

Posted by: Maddie McD at June 20, 2005 09:21 PM

Dear Mr Peter Jackson,

My name is Tessa obviously and I have read the Lovely Bones far before it was famous. I am sort of asking the same question as madeline here, as I wish to audition for the role of Suzie as well. I take my acting and singing career vey seriously, especially for a 13 year old. This may never reach you but I would love it so much if you could at least give me a chance. I know you may ask an already famous girl to play your role, like teh girl who plays Violet off The Unfortunate Events, but you won't believe how important this is to me. This may not count much, but I am head of Preforming Art n my school, just so you know I'm not pathetic or anything.

see ya,

Tessa Ralston

Posted by: Tessa Ralston at July 8, 2005 12:21 AM

I have a don please write me

Posted by: Franca at July 25, 2005 02:25 PM

I have a don please write me

Posted by: Franca at July 25, 2005 02:26 PM

I have a don please write me

Posted by: Franca at July 25, 2005 02:28 PM

Dear Peter Jackson,
I don't know whether or not you'll actually get this message, but it's definitely worth a try!
I'm a 16 year old girl living in Britain and I recently found out about your forthcoming project: The Lovely Bones. It said on the IMDb that it might be being filmed in Britain so it led me to wonder if you might be holding open auditions here as well.
I don't have an agent but I do have some experience of acting. If you are holding auditions for this film, I would be incredibly grateful if you could email me details at [email protected].
Thanks, Leah.

Posted by: Leah at July 27, 2005 11:19 AM

To the person who made this blog:
We are sorry that people like Nick saw these movies and were so touched by it that they feel they need to be apart of it. If Peter Jackson is reading your blogs he should be touched that he was able to leave this kind of an impact on so many people.Peter should be proud of these movies , his accomplishments , and the many fans he has accumilated because of LOTR. So in closing , try not to be such an a--. And Peter Jackson ,if you are reading this ,give people like Nick at least a friendly hello.

Posted by: David at October 1, 2005 06:37 PM

Dear Mr. Jackson

I am thrilled to hear that you have taken up the challenge of producing the HALO movie!

I have some information - this concerns the audio.
I am a science fan, therefore I find fault with the degree of many sci-fi movies. The most common and worst mistake they all make is sound in space! For instance, you can hear the laser beams or what ever they are, being fired from the dog fights between the flying things in Star Wars (I know this is old, but I stand by my point)
There is no sound outside the atmosphere of any planet, sound consists of vibrations between particles. Empty space is exactly that, 'EMPTY SPACE'. Sound can't travel through nothing. Artificial Atmospheres are fine (like on a spaceship, or on Halo).

For example, you won't notice a granade going off behind you when your doing a space walk, you'll only notice it when you're killed by the shrapnell that hits you in the back!

So please make sure not to make this common mistake! It will make the movie more 'realistic' than it would otherwise have been!

A fan

Posted by: Bernard at October 14, 2005 04:37 AM

alricht dicko. fancy hiring me. don't look like a hobbit but i've got great big jugs. maybe next movie you will forget about the hobbits and think about the poor unfortunate lesbians with oversized juggulars.....always thought you were a sicko.....permed hair AND DROPPING BALLS........NOT LONG NOW SON...I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE....LOVE...BIG JUGS...LIFE.....CANCER...,.,..DEATH

Posted by: ursula doherty at October 15, 2005 05:45 PM


Posted by: ANNA at November 13, 2005 05:36 PM