April 01, 2004

Trailer for Oxide Pang's Tesseract Finally hits Online

Been waiting for this for a while ... a trailer for Oxide (The Eye, Bangkok Dangerous) Pang's The Tesseract has finally hit online. It's on the Japanese site for the film but all the dialog's in English and it shows you more than enough to say that the film is full of patented Pang Brother visuals ... The film is based on a novel by Alex Garland who also wrote 28 Days Later and The Beach and should be hitting DVD in North America sometime this summer. Check out the trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at April 1, 2004 12:49 PM


Dude i didnt think i was going to like this movie but my dad made me watch it.. man i loved it lol but i bet loads of people didnt run to go see it though did they lol i cried during the ending lol i have no idea why..
well maybe it was the fact that my brother is thai and he looks wildly like the kid that plays Wit and well maybe it got to me i dunno but it was awesome mark my words next time im tivo-ing it lol


Posted by: Ginger at July 31, 2005 05:44 PM

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