April 14, 2004

Some Details on Harry Potter 4 ...

potter.jpgSciFi.com is reporting that the fourth Harry Potter film will be released November 18th, 2005. The fourth Potter installment is being helmed by Mike Newell, who seems a bit of an odd choice. In the industry pretty much forever Newell's filmography ranges from the largely ignored Mona Lisa Smile to Donnie Brasco and Four Weddings & A Funeral. Though there are some solid titles on his resume the only thing that would indicate an inclination towards more youth-fantasy oriented fare are a couple episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Of course I also thought Alfonso Cuaron was a surprising choice to do number three, and based on what little footage I've seen so far I'm more than ready to say that three will easily be the best of the Potter films thus far.

Now for the uninitiated book four is where the Potter books suddenly explode in length meaning there is going to have to be a good bit of trimming to make it into a single manageable film and word is the trimming has already begun ... Apparently Richard Griffiths (aka Vernon Dursley) has already been told that his services will not be required for the fourth film as the Dursley family will not be appearing at all - a major break from the format of the books which all begin and end with Harry at his aunt and uncle's house. Unhappy about the move Griffiths apparently went to Potter author JK Rowling and asked her to persuade Newell to put him back in and Rowling declined.

Posted by John Campea at April 14, 2004 06:28 PM


I don't know...personally I wish they'd quit while they are ahead.

1) The kids who play the 3 main characters are getting older. No, 15 isn't old by any stretch, but Rupert Grint is going to be 16 soon. By looking at the ABC TV promos for the 1st movie, he looks likes he's aged about 10 years. I've met bassists in choir who didn't have that deep a voice...

2) I seriously don't think one can do justice to the phonebook sized 4th and 5th books. I can't imagine the details of the 4th book passing with a PG. I also don't know how they plan to fit the whole book into anything under 3 hours. CoS was far shorter, but still it took 2:45....and even that felted like a rush job to cover highlights of the book.

Or...just go the anime route. For some reason, I can see Miyazaki dealing with Harry Potter with some interesting results...

Posted by: David Poe at April 15, 2004 01:26 AM

Hadn't even considered anime, but you're right ... Miyazaki would do very cool stuff with this ...

Posted by: Bubba at April 16, 2004 07:50 AM

I think you should keep the three main people who play harry, ron and hermoine for as long as possible because you can use all of our new technology to make them look younger and change their voice a little, otherwise i think you will mess up the movies, personally.

Posted by: timothy at May 13, 2004 02:10 PM

I don't really see the big deal concerning the kids being too old for the parts, they were in the first place and most of us knew that. The books have to be mutilated to be adapted to film, sooo what's yet another issue that has to be overlooked?
The films are quite entertaining, most of the actors are very talented ... even as a fanatical HP fan I'm pleased with the cast staying the way it is. I can get past the voices cracking & Draco being a head taller that Harry.

Does anyone know if they are any plans to release uncut versions of the films on DVD? The current editions are so cheesy compared to the LOTR sets.


Posted by: Anna at May 18, 2004 04:02 PM

I personally like the cast that stands at present. I am not sure if the audiences around the world will accept the movies if diffrent actors/actresses play the young roles. I think it would be great to watch them grow up in the series/saga, but I guess that is up to the actors/actresses and the people behind the whole shebang. Just keep up the good work Dan, Rupert, and Emma! We love all of you and you are all brillant at what you do!

Posted by: Anna Banana at August 11, 2004 01:45 AM

If you ask me, (which I don't think you will) they should make a movie every year so that the actors/actress won't be that old. I know I know that it take's forever but how hard could it be?

Posted by: Chelsea Van Dyke at September 25, 2004 01:54 AM

i am personally a die hard hp fan i have been waiting for this 4th installment since i saw the 3rd but i really don't think i would be able to enjoy the movies if it were anyone else playing these roles and besides as they get older they just get hotter and that appeals to all these teenage girls there audience is aging too remember

Posted by: sandra at April 12, 2005 10:34 AM

any one of u now ADDRESS of HERMOINE GRANGER or her E-MAIL ID.

Posted by: kiran at June 19, 2005 11:11 AM

Daniel , Emma and Rupert really done a fantastic job in acting I would like to have their email address so that I can still give them some comments.

Posted by: Malvin Seow at August 23, 2005 04:32 AM